Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 38 Talking about workers, there are bad people among the masses

Chapter 38 Talking about workers, there are bad people among the masses
The two sides discussed for half an hour and signed the agreement of intent. Zhang Junwu immediately called the workshop director Lin Fucheng and asked him to call all the employees to the auditorium immediately.

As soon as the workers heard that they were paid, they rushed over immediately.

In less than 10 minutes, all the people arrived.

There were only more than 30 people who came to ask for salary before, but the actual number of employees in the winery is 52 people, including a workshop director, ten winemakers, and the rest are basically filling, packaging, transportation and so on. There are maintenance people and so on.

When He Jincheng, Xiao Jingran, and Zhang Junwu entered the auditorium, everyone stood up in unison, with expressions of excitement on their faces.

The factory owed wages for three months. Everyone has a family. During this period of time, it is almost impossible to uncover the pot. Today, I finally saw some hope.

"Director Zhang, you can't fool us this time. We saw that you have treated us well all these years and didn't make a big deal of it. If you still fool us today, we won't trust you anymore! "

An older brewer named Zhao Changzhu, who has a good prestige among the workers, is also speaking as an employee representative at the moment.

"Old Zhao, am I Zhang Junwu like that? You also know that the winery is not doing well right now. I've been thinking about selling it. Today I finally found a suitable buyer. I'm not going to bring him here. I’m here to solve the wage problem for everyone!”

Zhang Junwu said with a wry smile.

Zhao Fucheng sized up He Jincheng and Xiao Jingran, with some uncertainty in his eyes.

"Don't worry, everyone, we came here today with cash to ensure that everyone can get their wages!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

At this moment, there was a burst of applause in the auditorium.

If you come with cash, you can get some salary no matter what.

With this guarantee, everyone was much more at ease, and listened carefully to some explanations and arrangements made by Zhang Junwu and He Jincheng.

Some people were dissatisfied when they heard that they could only get half of their salary.

"I owe us three months' wages, why only pay half of it? I don't agree, either pay them all, or don't even think about starting work!"

Several young lads stood up and shouted loudly.

Some people were motivated by them, but they also disagreed with this plan.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, turned his head and chatted with Zhang Junwu for a few words, understood the situation, and suddenly understood.

It seems that the purpose of these young people who took the lead in provoking troubles is not so simple.

"Okay, what's your name? How much does the factory owe you?"

He Jincheng pointed to the young man who took the lead, and asked with a smile.

"What do you care about my name? Anyway, we won't start work if we don't pay the full salary!"

The young man said with a sneer, very domineering.

"That's right, if you don't pay and don't start work, whoever dares to start work is against us!"

Several other young people also clamored.

Everyone was a little helpless. In fact, most people were willing to accept He Jincheng's plan to pay half of the arrears of wages first.

However, there are also people who, for some unknown purpose, have been spreading rumors among the crowd that work cannot be started, saying that once work starts, there is no way to negotiate with the winery.

This led some people to strongly support this view.

The employees of the winery basically all know each other. Some people disagree, and others can't say anything.

"I don't know your name, how can I pay you?"

He Jincheng smiled.

"Anyone of you here who wants to settle their wages should report their names. I promise to pay your wages in full, but there is one thing I need to explain in advance, that is, when the wages are settled, you and the winery's employees The relationship will also end here, and, for these people, our winery will never hire, including those who are directly related to these people!"

As soon as these words came out, the auditorium immediately boiled.

"Why, this is our winery, you can't do this!"

"Yeah, we've been working here for more than ten years, and you told us to leave with just one word, how can there be such a reason!"

"Damn capitalist, if you dare to do this, we will sue you!"

Many people shouted, especially those young people who took the lead in provoking trouble.

"You have been working for more than ten years. The winery is definitely your home? Now that the winery has encountered difficulties and has not paid wages for three months, you immediately forced the director Zhang to sell the winery. Is this how you treat your family? Is it?"

He Jincheng slapped the table and scolded angrily.

At this moment, the auditorium became much quieter.

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but who doesn't want to make more money? Don't you know that the winery has been in a state of loss two years ago, and the manager Zhang is struggling to support it. It's not for everyone's consideration, the winery If it goes bankrupt, all of you will be laid off and unemployed, and it will not be a matter of three months' salary!"

"And, in the past three months, don't you know how much value the winery has made?"

Having said that, He Jincheng paused, glanced at the crowd, and then continued.

"Those who want to settle their wages and leave, sign over there, and we will settle it for you today! Those who want to stay and work, come here to receive half of the wages. Wait for the various handover procedures of our winery After the processing is completed, in the second month of returning to work, we will make up the other half of everyone's salary, and of course there will be a new month's salary!"

"No! I don't agree. You owe money. Why do you act like we did something wrong? Don't try to change the concept here!"

The young man jumped out again and shouted.

"Switching concepts secretly? It seems that this little brother really knows a lot, but why don't you say your name, and I won't eat you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

People who can say such things are definitely not farmers. He Jincheng can be sure that this young man is definitely doing it on purpose.

"His name is Hu Baoguo, and he only came to work in the factory three months ago!"

"That's right, there are a few people he brought, all of whom came together at that time!"

"Hey, that's not right. Three months ago, the factory couldn't pay wages. Who would come to work here!"

"Yes, Hu Baoguo, are you here for work? Why do I feel that you are here to make trouble!"

"He's here to make trouble. Now think about it, this kid was present for all the troubles in the factory during this period!"

Everyone looked at Hu Baoguo one after another, and began to have some doubts about him.

An employee who has just joined the company not long ago is not the one who suffers the most, but the one who clamors is even worse.

He Jincheng saw at a glance that this kid was wrong. According to today's words, he just likes to follow the rhythm, and his purpose is not pure. There are bad people among the people!

(End of this chapter)

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