Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 371 Arrogant dandy, get off now Chapter 1

Chapter 371 Arrogant dandy, get off now and forgive you

When Liao Yong and others left, the old lady's illness was basically cured, and she even walked out of the clinic by herself.

Dong Hao and several other doctors urgently asked He Jincheng for advice. From He Jincheng, the three of them learned a lot of treatment methods that they had never heard of before.

"Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and you should not limit yourself to the field you are good at. Only by learning from others' strengths can you learn from each other's strengths and improve your medical skills, especially Chinese medicine is very particular about sects. The so-called Jingfang School, Vulcan School, etc., actually have their own advantages , Each has its own shortcomings, as modern Chinese medicine practitioners, we should pay more attention to this situation, and treat these factions with an attitude of examining and learning, and there must be a reason for threesomes to learn from me, so I don’t need to tell you any more!”

He Jincheng smiled and made some conclusions.

Dong Hao and the others have benefited a lot. Three doctors who have studied medicine for half their lives are so respectful to a young man in his early twenties. This is a great spectacle!
He Jincheng was also in a good mood after spending a day in the clinic.

Seeing that it was almost time for Ye Qingmeng to leave work, He Jincheng drove to Nandu Normal University to pick up Ye Qingmeng.

When they arrived at the school gate, Ye Qingmeng hadn't come out, so He Jincheng waited outside for a while.

After a while, Ye Qingmeng and Wang Juan Liu Yan walked out talking and laughing.

Since what happened at the hot pot restaurant last time, the relationship between the three has been particularly good.

So they are basically inseparable at school.

"Qingmeng, brother He will pick you up today, why don't we go have a barbecue together. Recently, a barbecue restaurant opened in the snack street. It seems to be from the north. The taste is very authentic, but it's very popular!"

Wang Juan said with a smile while holding Ye Qingmeng's arm.

"I'm going to ask my husband, but I think he should be fine!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's great. After a day of class, I can finally relax. I'll have some beer later!"

Liu Yan was also very happy, and then dragged the two of them to eat quickly.

As soon as they walked to the school, they were crying, but they were stopped by some boys.

"Qingmeng, what a coincidence, where are you going, let's go together?"

The leading boy had a flattering smile on his face.

"Zhang Weinan, I've told you what you are doing. Qing Meng is already married, so don't pester Qing Meng anymore, okay?"

Wang Juan stood up and stood in front of Ye Qingmeng, and said with a displeased face.

"Wang Juan, don't worry about your business, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise, I will make your garment factory close down with just one word, believe it or not?"

The boy named Zhang Weinan said coldly.

This piece of Weinan is the son of the director of the No. [-] garment factory in Nandu. Wang Juan's family also has a garment factory, but it's not a big factory. It's just a small workshop established by Wang Juan's father and several people. Garment factories certainly cannot be compared.

"Zhang Weinan, don't use your father as a fake tiger. Now the age is different, and the country encourages the development of the individual economy. Why are you so arrogant!"

Wang Juan said sharply without backing down.

"Hehe, then you can try it, but today I'm here to invite Qing Meng, and it has nothing to do with you, if you are sensible, get out of here, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Zhang Weinan said with a sneer.

"Zhang Weinan, I advise you not to mess around, Qingmeng's husband has a bad temper, so be careful not to get angry!"

Liu Yan also stood up and protected Ye Qingmeng behind her.

"Hehe, you are really two annoying women, pull them away from me, don't disturb my date with Qingmeng!"

Zhang Weinan waved his hand and asked the two younger brothers to do it.

"Stop, Zhang Weinan, I've told you what the hell you're going to do. I'm not interested in you at all. If you keep harassing me, I'm going to call the police!"

Ye Qingmeng hurriedly shouted, his face was full of anger.

"Qingmeng, don't you understand what I mean? You are married, but I don't mind. As long as you are nice to me, I will help you settle with your husband. Is there any man better than me? Is it? In this world, only I can be worthy of you!"

Zhang Weinan said with a sincere face, and he didn't feel that what he said was embarrassing at all.

"Zhang Weinan, for the sake of my classmates, I don't blame you, but if you continue like this and let my husband know, you will definitely be unlucky. I don't want my husband to beat someone, so I didn't tell He, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, I will tell my husband!"

Ye Qingmeng said in a deep voice.

"Qingmeng, you should tell Brother He to let Brother He come over and teach this kid a lesson!"

"That's right, this guy is really disgusting, you shouldn't give him face!"

Wang Juan and Liu Yan said one after another.

"Hahaha, Qingmeng, it seems that you still don't know me well enough. My dad is the director of the No. [-] Garment Factory, and I will inherit this position in the future. Do you know that in the entire Southern Metropolis, except for the one that just developed this year? Besides He's Garment Factory, our Garment Factory is the strongest! You promise to be with me, and you will be the wife of the factory manager in the future!"

Zhang Weinan laughed out loud, and then said.

"The factory director's wife? My wife is already here, why wait until the future?"

A slightly sarcastic laugh suddenly came from behind.

Zhang Weinan frowned, turned around and looked over, and saw He Jincheng standing not far away with his hands in his pockets, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Who are you, dare to meddle in my business?"

Zhang Weinan was very displeased.

"You harassed my wife, do you think it has something to do with me? Get out now, I can spare you once!"

He Jincheng walked directly to Ye Qingmeng's side and took Ye Qingmeng's jade hand.

"Honey, you're here, I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to hit someone, so as not to cause trouble, so I didn't tell you!"

Ye Qingmeng lowered her head, like a child who has done something wrong.

"Silly girl, of course I know what you're thinking, but it's better to tell me about this kind of thing in the future. What if my wife is bullied?"

He Jincheng rubbed Ye Qingmeng's head and said.

Seeing the two people flirting and cursing in front of him, Zhang Weinan, who was ignored, was about to explode in anger.

"Brother He, this Zhang Weinan, relying on himself as the son of the director of the No. [-] Garment Factory, came over to harass Qing Meng several times. You must take good care of him today!"

Pointing at Zhang Weinan, Wang Juan said angrily, and Liu Yan on the side also nodded repeatedly.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out that you are Qing Meng's husband. Tell me how much you can divorce Qing Meng. As long as you open the door, this young master can afford it!"

Zhang Weinan sneered and said, in his opinion, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved with money.

And he happened to be rich.

(End of this chapter)

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