Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 372 Who is looking for death, He Jincheng teaches the dude a lesson

Chapter 372 Who is looking for death, He Jincheng teaches the dude a lesson
"Tell me the number, okay, how about this one?"

He Jincheng stretched out three fingers.

"3000 yuan? Hehe, no problem!"

Zhang Weinan said with a chuckle, thinking that sure enough, people die for money and birds die for food, not to mention just giving up a woman.

3000 yuan is definitely a huge sum in this era, but to Zhang Weinan, it is just a small amount of money.


He Jincheng shook his head.

"What do you mean? You want thirty thousand?"

Zhang Weinan's face darkened slightly. To him, 3 yuan was a lot of money. Although he could take it out, he needed to get it through his factory manager's father.

"Okay, [-] is fine, but I need to raise it, and I'll collect it for you in three days, how about it?"

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng still shook his head.

"What the hell do you mean? 30? That's too much to talk about!"

Zhang Weinan was a little unhappy, 30, you frankly treat yourself as a bank, you want as much as you want?
"It seems that your IQ is not enough. I mean, I will count to three and disappear before my eyes. Otherwise, don't leave!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"You're courting death! Who told me that about your courage!"

Zhang Weinan's face darkened instantly.

Let yourself disappear, few people in Nandu dare to talk to yourself like that!


He Jincheng didn't care about Zhang Weinan's reaction at all, and spoke slowly.

"Hmph, it looks like I won't give you some flair today. You don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has, do you?"

Zhang Weinan has already decided to make a move. Seeing her husband being trampled under his feet like a waste, I believe Ye Qingmeng will be very disappointed in his husband!


He Jincheng still spoke slowly.

"Looking for death! Give it to me, first break his hand!"

Zhang Weinan snorted coldly, and the younger brother beside him immediately walked towards He Jincheng.

"Three! It seems that you are really looking for death!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, patted Ye Qingmeng on the shoulder, and motioned them to lean aside.

Wang Juan and Liu Yan pulled Ye Qingmeng aside.

"Jincheng, be careful, don't hit hard!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some worry.

She was not worried about He Jincheng's consolation, but mainly because she was afraid that He Jincheng would hit too hard and break the person. What if he called the police and arrested He Jincheng!

"It's okay Qingmeng, people like Zhang Weinan should be taught a lesson, otherwise he will come to harass you in the future!"

Liu Yan said.

"That's right, Brother He, beat him so hard that it's best if his mother doesn't even know him!"

Wang Juan waved her fist to cheer He Jincheng.

Zhang Weinan's face turned green with anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Hit me, beat me to death, I will be responsible for anything that happens!"

The two younger brothers nodded, with cruel expressions on their faces.

They usually do things like cutting off people's hands and feet. Every time, Zhang Weinan takes care of the aftermath, and they have always lived in peace.

It seems that today I can move my muscles and bones again!

"Boy, you can't blame us for looking for death!"

One of them sneered, and punched He Jincheng in the face suddenly.

He Jincheng's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand to block the punch, and at the same time turned his palm over to hold the man's wrist, and then just twisted it, and with a click, the man's arm was directly dislocated.Then he kicked the man in the stomach, kicked him several meters away, and rolled three times on the ground before stopping.


When he was lying on the ground, the man felt the pain and screamed.

The pupils of the other person shrank slightly, so it couldn't be seen that He Jincheng was definitely a practitioner, so he immediately took out a butterfly knife from his waist.

"Boy, it's because you don't know what's good and what's wrong. Don't blame me for being cruel!"

As a result, before the man finished speaking, he felt his jaw hit by something, and the lower row of teeth hit the upper row of teeth heavily, and only heard the sound of cracking and cracking, and a mouthful of teeth was broken abruptly. He took seven or eight, and tears flowed out of him in an instant due to the pain.

"There's so much nonsense about fighting, which TV did you watch it on? Get out!"

He Jincheng raised his leg again and kicked this little brother away.

Instantly killing the two of them, He Jincheng seemed to have done the most ordinary thing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Weinan showed a look of horror on his face.

Ma De, I really hit the iron plate today!

"Brother, I think I must have misunderstood just now. I'm leaving now. Don't do anything, okay?"

Zhang Weinan said as he stepped back slowly.

"I gave you a chance just now, but you don't cherish it. Isn't it too late to talk about it now?"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Zhang Weinan turned his head and ran, but just two steps away, his calf was hit by something, his legs immediately went limp, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

He Jincheng walked forward slowly and stepped on Zhang Weinan's arm with a calm expression on his face.

"Did you just say that one of my hands was crippled?"

"No, no, big brother, I was wrong, don't hit me, I promise I won't harass Qingmeng again... No, I won't harass my sister-in-law again, just let me go!"

This Zhang Weinan was obviously a bullying master, seeing that he fell into the hands of He Jincheng, he was so frightened that he cried.

"Looking at how cowardly you are, you dare to come out to harass beautiful women. To be honest, I feel inferior even if I talk to you!"

He Jincheng shook his head with a look of contempt on his face.

"That's right, big brother, you're an expert, I'm just a dude, you're beating me up to lower your status, I'm leaving right now, just let me go this time, I really don't want to Don't dare!"

Zhang Weinan cried and begged for mercy.

"That can't be done. No matter what, I have to leave some souvenirs for you. Don't use your hand again in a month!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, and without waiting for Zhang Weinan to speak, he exerted force on his feet.

Hearing a click, Zhang Weinan immediately screamed, and a piercing pain came from his arm.

"You can choose to call the police, as long as you think those people can do something about me!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, then turned and left.

Zhang Weinan gritted his teeth, sucked in the pain, looked at He Jincheng and the others who were gradually leaving, his eyes were full of resentment.

"He Jincheng, I will never let you go!"

He roared crazily in his heart, but he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that He Jincheng would hear it, and he would turn around and clean himself up again.

"Brother He, you are so handsome. That Zhang Weinan used to be so arrogant, but in the end you took care of him all of a sudden. I admire you so much!"

Wang Juan said excitedly, her face was full of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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