Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 373 Time flies, autumn and winter come in a blink of an eye

Chapter 373 Time flies, autumn and winter come in a blink of an eye
"It's just a few clowns, it's nothing, but it's not good for such people to always come to trouble, I'll let you find a bodyguard tomorrow!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, looked at Ye Qingmeng and said.

"What kind of bodyguard do you want? It seems that I am so special, so forget it! Let's go, let's go to the food festival to have barbecue!"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head, what's the matter with a bodyguard when she goes to school, it's not good for others to see it.

He Jincheng didn't say anything more, but he made up his mind to find a bodyguard for Ye Qingmeng, and it would be good to take care of him secretly, after all, these days, there are everyone.

The south gate of Nandu Normal University is a food festival.

In the past two years, with the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, many workers had to be laid off. The state encouraged individuals to return to work, and many people started a small stall business, pushing a tricycle and selling some snacks.

The four of them found a barbecue stall and ordered some barbecue.

A kebab of mutton costs only [-] cents, beef kebabs are a bit more expensive, but only [-] cents, other vegetarian dishes are even cheaper, and you can get a skewer of grilled leeks for [-] cents.

It's unbelievable 20 years from now.

Many people come here to eat barbecue, basically order two skewers of beef and mutton skewers, and most of them order vegetarian dishes.

He Jincheng was very generous. He directly ordered one hundred mutton skewers, one hundred beef skewers, and other vegetarian dishes for everyone to eat.

"Oh, I ordered too much, Brother He, are you a local rich man!"

Wang Juan said with a smile.

Hundreds of strings are required, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

"Haha, since we're here to eat, let's eat as much as we can. Once we eat this thing, we can't stop eating it!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud.

In the future, masturbation will be one of the people's favorite entertainment activities.

It is not difficult to eat hundreds of strings for a meal.

The owner of the barbecue stall was very happy. The two hundred strings of beef and mutton skewers cost 50 yuan. After removing the cost, he could earn more than a dozen yuan.

Compared with working in a factory, this is definitely a lot of money.

Several people are familiar with each other, chatting while eating, and ordered some beer, eating very happily.

After dinner, He Jincheng sent Wang Juan and Liu Yan back to school, and then drove Ye Qingmeng home.

The family members had eaten, He Qingsong and Ye Shanhe were playing chess in the living room, while Guo Lan and Wang Huixin were sitting on the sofa, knitting sweaters and chatting.

Tingting was sitting on the side watching TV. Although she couldn't understand what was on the TV, she was focused and serious.

Poor Er Bao was lying on the stroller, being looked after by the nanny, but he was quite obedient.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law are still in the factory and have not come back. They know that they are not capable enough, so they often stay in the factory to study.

Whenever he sees such a warm picture at home, He Jincheng's heart is full of happiness.

If possible, he would like to live such a happy and ordinary life forever.

"Stinky boy, come here, what should I do next?"

When Ye Shanhe saw He Jincheng came back, he yelled for him to come and help him.

There is a big gap between his chess level and He Qingsong's. Basically, he can lose nine out of ten games, and He Qingsong is the one who won the game, so he often calls He Jincheng to help him.

"Okay, let me see where you two old men have come!"

He Jincheng walked over with a smile, and the two sides fought again.

Time flies, autumn and winter come in a blink of an eye.

In Nandu in December, it has started to snow.

The last snow at the end of 1983 came as expected, and with it came the good news of the completion of the new factory.

He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng and some managers from the old factory to the new factory to cut the ribbon.

All the equipment was shipped to the new factory that day, and trial production began immediately.

Zhou Qingyuan served as the director of the new factory. After all, the factory had just been built and needed an experienced factory manager to lead the team, otherwise it would be difficult to manage.

As for the recruitment of workers, it is relatively simple.

Because of the treatment in the old factory, everyone is watching. As soon as the He Group released the recruitment announcement, many people flocked here, wanting to work in the new factory.

The new factory purchased 200 sewing machines, plus warehouse, transportation, and security positions, it can provide almost [-] positions.

This is only the first step, and more equipment will be purchased in the future, and the production capacity of He's Garment Factory has also more than doubled.

He Jincheng named the new factory He's No. [-] Factory, and the old factory as No. [-] Factory.

Zhou Qingyuan was transferred to the second factory as the factory director, and the first factory was short of a deputy factory director.

He Jincheng took advantage of this opportunity to let Zhou Qingyuan take over, and Du Fei was the warehouse supervisor who was vacated.

Du Feicheng and Lu have followed him a long time ago. They are dedicated to their responsibilities and are also very capable. Of course, He Jincheng can't treat them badly.

Brother-in-law Ye Chunlin was also transferred to the second factory by He Jincheng as the deputy director.

As for Gao Ziqiang, the business of Shanbaozhai he is in charge of is getting better and better. There are already three shops in Nandu, and they are simply too busy.

A large part of the initial investment in the clothing factory came from Shanbaozhai, so He Jincheng did not move except Ye Chunlin, especially the two brothers Luo Gang and Luo Yong. The purchasing manager of Shanbaozhai has made a lot of contributions.

In the clothing market in Nandu, the four Qingmeng clothing stores can basically cover it, and it would be inappropriate to open more.

However, with the completion of the new factory, there will definitely be excess production capacity, so He Jincheng's next step is to open up the market.

There is still one and a half months until the Chinese New Year.

He Jincheng is planning to open up the Chaoyang City market next door within one and a half months.

The main reason was that Zhao Qianlan didn't do it. It seemed that because Li Xiangqian had been promoted in the army, Zhao Qianlan could join the army, so she took Nini to go with Li Xiangqian.

After more than a year of development, Qianlan Tailor Shop has occupied more than [-]% of Chaoyang's market.

He Jincheng negotiated with Zhao Qianlan to take over the three stores for 30 yuan. In the past, only simple decoration was needed before opening.

However, even though he was an acquaintance, He Jincheng still wanted to take someone to have a look.

So, on December 12th, He Jincheng took his newly recruited secretary, Wang Qianqian, to Chaoyang City.

Ye Qingmeng introduced Wang Qianqian as the secretary, because the two are alumni. Wang Qianqian was three years earlier than Ye Qingmeng and just graduated this year. She originally wanted to be a teacher when she came out, but as the domestic economy has become more and more relaxed over the past few years , Wang Qianqian also wanted to go to sea to do business like others.

So she gave up her stable teaching career, and through Ye Qingmeng's introduction, she came to work in the He Group and worked as a secretary for He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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