Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 374 Go to Chaoyang, see Zhao Lan's family again

Chapter 374 Heading to Chaoyang, Goodbye to Zhao Qianlan's Family

Actually, He Jincheng didn't need a secretary.

After the factory stabilized, he only visited the factory every now and then.

But Ye Qingmeng was very insistent, saying that Wang Qianqian was very capable, but because she was too young, she couldn't be given a higher position all at once, so she simply worked as a secretary next to He Jincheng, and changed posts after a while.

My wife personally ordered, He Jincheng dared not obey, so Wang Qianqian was left behind.

As far as this Wang Qianqian is concerned, she is not considered top-notch in terms of appearance and figure. I want to train her.

There are not many high-achieving students in the factory now, only Wang Qianqian is a college student.

The college students of this era are all real talents. If they are trained well, they will definitely be able to make a lot of contributions to the group in the future.

Instead of driving, the two took the train to Chaoyang City.

I plan to travel for half a month, so I also brought a lot of salutes.

"Mr. He, besides handing over with Qianlan Tailor, do we plan to open two more branches this time?"

After sitting down, Wang Qianqian began to discuss work with He Jincheng.

"What are your thoughts?"

He Jincheng didn't express his thoughts immediately, but asked.

"I think it can be opened! I've done some research, and the population of Chaoyang City is much larger than that of our Nandu City. Our Nandu City has a permanent population of 50, and Chaoyang City has about 70 people, but there are only three shops. There is definitely no way to cover the entire market, and I think we need to open at least two more stores."

Wang Qianqian is very serious in her work, and has already done some relevant investigations before the business trip.

"Well, that's right, that's what I mean too. Moreover, we not only need to open these shops, but also buy them as much as possible. It doesn't matter if we spend a little more money. If we really don't want to sell them, we Make long-term leases as much as possible, five years, ten years, or even 20 years!"

He Jincheng said with a smile that he appreciated Wang Qianqian's work very much.

"Ah, that will require a lot of investment. I have learned that basically a shop costs 100 to [-] yuan if you want to buy it. If you want to rent it, you only need [-] yuan a month. Why? Do you still have to think about it again?"

Wang Qianqian was a little surprised, she didn't expect He Jincheng to have the idea of ​​buying a store directly.

This will take up a lot of money, and Wang Qianqian thinks it is not appropriate.

"For the four stores in Nandu, I've sent people to contact them for purchase. All the branches we open in the future will be done according to the purchase standard. If they can't buy them, they will sign a long-term lease contract! Qianqian, your attention must be paid. In the long run, our country's economy has shown signs of taking off. Next, the people will get richer and the corresponding prices will get higher and higher. Housing prices are the most important thing, so it should be sooner rather than later! "

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Wang Qianqian deserved to be a genuine college student, and she understood after being dialed in by He Jincheng.

She has also studied economics and knows what inflation is.

"I understand Mr. He, then we have to do it as soon as possible!"

Wang Qianqian laughed.

Three hours later, the two got off at Chaoyang Railway Station.

Outside the station, Zhao Qianlan was already waiting for them.

"Miss Zhao!"

He Jincheng waved at Zhao Qianlan and shouted loudly.

He still vaguely remembered the scene when he came to Chaoyang City and met Zhao Qianlan and Nini for the first time.

It has only been more than a year, and both of them have changed a lot.

"Jincheng, this way!"

Zhao Qianlan was also very happy. She has always been grateful to He Jincheng, a great benefactor.

If it wasn't for He Jincheng, I might have come to a dead end a year ago, so I wouldn't have achieved what I have achieved now.

"It's been a hard journey, get in the car first, and I'll take you to dinner!"

Zhao Qianlan said with a smile, and invited He Jincheng and Wang Qianqian to the car.

"Sister Zhao, I heard that brother Li has been promoted, congratulations!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Don't laugh at me, it's okay to be promoted, but we, mother and daughter, can be with you, Brother Li!"

Zhao Qianlan said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhao, are you willing to part with the industry in Chaoyang City?"

Wang Qianqian couldn't help asking.

Now Qianlan Tailor Shop occupies more than 30% of the market in Chaoyang City, and can make at least [-] yuan in profit every month. In the end, it sold [-] yuan to He Jincheng. This business is a loss. of.

"I've earned enough. I'm not a qualified businessman. I only do business to make ends meet. Now Lao Li has gone a step further. The army has divided houses and doesn't need to perform missions outside. It's much more stable. I don't have to I will stay in Chaoyang to do business again, and as you know, as a family member, coming to do business is always a little bit bad."

Zhao Qianlan smiled faintly, very calm and calm.

"Besides, I was able to make so much money because I relied on the capital that Jincheng gave me back then, and also cured Nini's illness. In fact, this Qianlan tailor shop, strictly speaking, belongs to Jincheng! I took 30 Wan left, already took a big advantage!"

Hearing what Zhao Qianlan said, Wang Qianqian's eyes flashed with surprise.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Qianlan Tailor Shop was invested by Mr. He.

"Sister Zhao, let's stop talking about these outsiders. By the way, what about Nini, why didn't you see her?"

He Jincheng waved his hand, saying these things are actually meaningless.

"She and Lao Li are waiting at the restaurant. We're leaving after handing over to you today!"

Zhao Qianlan said.

"Are you in such a hurry?"

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, thinking about reminiscing about the past with Zhao Qianlan.

"Lao Li was in a hurry and only asked for one day off. After all, he just got promoted, so he needs to do it himself!"

While the few people were talking, they came to a restaurant of moderate grade.

Zhao Qianlan asked the driver to park the car at the door, and walked inside with He Jincheng and Wang Qianqian.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, He Jincheng saw Nini being hugged by a man with a firm face.

"Uncle He!"

As soon as Nini saw He Jincheng, she immediately jumped off the man and ran towards He Jincheng with her arms open.

"Hey, Nini, long time no see, you've grown so tall!"

He Jincheng hugged Nini with a smile, and rubbed Nini's little head.

"Uncle He, I miss you so much!"

Nini is still very close to He Jincheng. She still remembers that when she got sick, she felt extremely uncomfortable every day. It was Uncle He who cured her, so she had a deep impression on He Jincheng. Sick good uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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