Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 376 Ask for medical advice, He Jincheng gives medicine as parting farewell

Chapter 376 Ask for medical advice, He Jincheng gives medicine as parting farewell
He Jincheng rested in the hotel for a while, feeling that he was almost done, so he called Zhao Qianlan.

Zhao Qianlan said that they left at three o'clock in the afternoon, He Jincheng looked at the time, and said to help them move, Zhao Qianlan did not refuse, and told He Jincheng the address.

After leaving the hotel, he took a car and soon arrived at Zhao Qianlan's residence.

This is a courtyard house that Zhao Qianlan rented.

After entering, I found that many things had been packed and piled up in the yard.

The two little soldiers were still helping to tidy up, moving out the things that needed to be taken away from the room one by one.

"Sister Zhao, Brother Li, here I come!"

He Jincheng yelled and helped move things together.

"Oh, Jincheng, don't be so busy, come and have a cup of tea, our side is about to be cleaned up!"

Zhao Qianlan pulled He Jincheng and refused to let him work.

"What's the matter, next time we meet again, I don't know when, so let me help you do some work!"

He Jincheng smiled and continued to help move things.

By noon, all the things to be moved were finally finished.

Zhao Qianlan cooked the kitchen herself and made a simple meal.

After the two little soldiers finished their meal, they left to call a car.

"Jincheng, I heard from Qianlan that you are a doctor?"

Li Xiangqian sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am a Chinese doctor, and I also opened a clinic in Nandu!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

"How about your medical skills?"

Li Xiangqian asked with great interest. He is a straight-forward person, and the intention of speaking can be clearly seen by others. Obviously, Li Xiangqian's question is not targeted.

"It's hard for me to say, I can only say it's okay!"

He Jincheng smiled wryly and said, I can't say that I am a genius doctor, there is no one in the world who can't cure diseases without me!

"Oh, it just so happens that I have a friend who is not feeling well. It's not a serious problem, but he always hiccups. I don't know if you have a good solution to this situation?"

Li Xiangqian asked tentatively.

He Jincheng knew that this friend of Li Xiangqian's identity must not be simple, maybe he was Li Xiangqian's superior, or someone with a higher position.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng did not jump to conclusions, and after thinking about it, he asked about the situation.

"I don't know how long this friend of yours, Brother Li, has hiccupped, how will he react when he hiccups, and what is his current state?"

"For a while, I have hiccups occasionally, but basically it will be fine for an hour, but my friend's hiccups are a bit serious, and it has lasted for at least half a month. It will come from time to time, in some Occasionally, the impact is very bad!"

Li Xiang said with a wry smile.

He Jincheng thought, it must have a bad influence.

Li Xiangqian should be a lieutenant colonel now, and he is still in the special forces, so the gold content of this rank is even higher.

His friends will definitely not be worse than him, or even higher.

When such a character appears, it must be very serious, but you hiccup from time to time, what kind of talk is that!
"Do you have a breath? Or do you feel tightness in your chest when you hiccup or not? Is there any other reaction?"

He Jincheng asked carefully.

"I can't tell. I remember it was a martial arts competition. My friend went to the competition on a whim and got injured. The injury was not serious. After two days of hanging water, this kind of hiccup appeared!"

Li Xiangqian said.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and made some decisions in his heart.

It was different from the hiccup I treated myself before.

The old man last time was caused by stomach qi rising up and the function of the stomach was damaged. It only needs to reconcile the stomach qi and restore the normal function of the stomach to solve this problem very well.

This friend of Li Xiangqian obviously wasn’t the cause of his stomach qi. Nine times out of ten it was due to an injury, and there was congestion in his chest, which didn’t affect his normal life, but caused his stomach qi to rise in disguise, resulting in intermittent hiccups.

"Brother Li, this disease is easy to cure. You don't need to take medicine. After you see your friend, follow what I said, and he will be cured!"

He Jincheng smiled.

"Really? Tell me!"

Li Xiangqian said quickly.

As the chief of the special forces, his friend's position is very important. If something like hiccups affects the development of the entire force, it will not be worth the loss.

I have also invited many doctors to treat it before, but the results have no effect.

He didn't expect that He Jincheng would have a cure just by hearing what he said, and what he said was so sure, which made Li Xiangqian overjoyed.

"Of course you do..."

He Jincheng carefully explained the treatment method for Li Xiangqian.

After hearing He Jincheng's method, Li Xiangqian was a little stunned, and some couldn't believe it.

"Is this really possible?"

It's not that Li Xiangqian doesn't believe in He Jincheng, the main reason is that he really does what He Jincheng does, and if it's self-defeating, it will cause big trouble!

"Of course, the medicine is guaranteed to cure the disease!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly.

"Okay, then I really did as you said!"

Li Qiang patted his thigh forward and made this decision.

"Don't worry, I still have some confidence in this!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, very confident.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two little soldiers who left drove up a bright truck and moved everything up there.

Zhao Qianlanini and Li Xiangqian were sitting in a car, preparing to leave.

"Jincheng, goodbye, next time we have a chance, we will go to Nandu to find you!"

Zhao Qianlan smiled and waved at He Jincheng.

"Goodbye Uncle He, I will miss you!"

Nini also waved goodbye to He Jincheng.

"Brother He, let's drink again next time. Drinking with you is very enjoyable!"

Li Xiangqian laughed.

"Goodbye, remember to call me!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and came to the side of the car.

"By the way, Brother Li, I have a bottle of pills here. I'm running out of time. I only made six pills. Take one pill for skin trauma, which can quickly stop bleeding and relieve pain. For serious injuries, take two pills, and you can be safe for three days. , if you encounter a particularly serious injury, take three pills, and you will be safe for at least twelve hours!"

He Jincheng solemnly handed over the medicine bottle to Li Xiangqian.

Li Xiangqian was startled, and his face became serious.

After a day of contact, he knew that He Jincheng was not a person who would make such jokes.

In other words, the effect of this bottle of pills is very likely to be as effective as he said.

"Okay, I will remember, thank you Jincheng!"

Li Xiangqian nodded solemnly, took the medicine bottle, and carefully put it away.

After years of struggling with life and death, he knew what these pills meant.

(End of this chapter)

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