Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 377 To provoke the old king, Li made an appointment with the forward troops

Chapter 377 To provoke the old king, Li made an appointment with the forward troops
After bidding farewell to Li Xiangqian and his wife, He Jincheng sincerely wished them peace and happiness in the future. After standing in place for a long time, he turned and left.

Next, we will continue to work on the clothing store.

In the afternoon, Wang Qianqian made an appointment with several landlords to discuss the price. When it was time to make a decision and spend money, He Jincheng naturally needed to follow.

The negotiation was smoother than expected. He Jincheng added [-] to [-] yuan to the original amount, and the landlords readily agreed.

He Jincheng didn't write any ink, and paid the money immediately after completing the formalities.

For the six shops, He Jincheng spent a total of less than 20 yuan.

Next is the decoration design.

For the clothing store opened later, He Jincheng planned to operate according to uniform standards, so that customers would know that they had come to Qingmeng clothing store as soon as they came in.

This is what makes a brand.

It is roughly estimated that the decoration will cost about [-] yuan, and it will be able to open in about half a month.

He Jincheng planned to wait for all the stores to be renovated before the six stores opened at the same time.

Before that, He Jincheng still needs to recruit some people.

A store needs a store manager and three to five shopping guides in order to maintain basic operations.

Even the distribution of logistics needs to be in place, so another transportation line needs to be opened up.

He Jincheng discussed this matter with Cheng Lu that night. Cheng Lu could contact his former comrades-in-arms to help, and He Jincheng readily agreed. At least from Cheng Lu Du Fei, He Jincheng saw Those who are serious and responsible, hard-working, and can be friends with Cheng Lu will certainly not be bad.

After a week of busy work, the work here is basically done, just waiting for the decoration to be completed, and the clothing store can be officially opened.

Taking advantage of this time, He Jincheng stayed with his wife and children all the time, spending a peaceful and wonderful time.

When He Jinshan became the deputy factory director, he was in a hurry at the beginning. After all, he was still an illiterate a few months ago. Who would have thought that he would become the deputy factory director of a garment factory with 400 to [-] people in a blink of an eye!
On the other hand, Li Xiangqian returned to the team, and he couldn't settle down with his wife and daughter, so he went straight to work.

Recently, the army has to carry out streamlining reforms, and it is really busy.

On this day, Li Xiangqian was reviewing reform materials in his room when someone knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hey, Lao Li, are you busy?"

The person who came was a tall and thick man with a firm face, obviously he was also a soldier of steel.

From the point of view of military rank, this man is a lieutenant colonel like Li Xiangqian.

"Hehe, Lao Wang, you are here, wait for me, I have finished approving these documents, and I have something very important to ask you!"

Li Xiangqian looked up at the other party, smiled and beckoned him to sit down, and then hurriedly continued to review the documents.

"All right, all right, you're a busy person right now, so I'll have a cup of tea first! Slightly..."

This old Wang chuckled, sat down and just poured himself a glass of water, then his body trembled, and a muffled hiccup sound came out from his mouth.

This made Pharaoh frowned slightly, and his face was full of sorrow.

Li Xiangqian heard the voice, shook his head slightly, and continued to review the documents without saying anything.

After 15 minutes, Li Xiangqian put down his pen.

"You've got it right, huh...why, what can I do for you? I have an appointment with a doctor this afternoon!"

Old Wang hiccupped again, and said with a wry smile.

"That's it for you. What kind of doctor are you seeing? I called you here today. I just want to practice with you before you retire, and see if your bones are still as hard as when you were young over the years!"

Li Xiangqian laughed.

"You kid, are you trying to anger me on purpose? Alright, since you want to be beaten, I'll give you that, okay..."

Hearing what Li Xiangqian said, Lao Wang's face immediately sank.

He is currently doing his best to reform the team. In his current situation, there is a great possibility that he will be dismissed.

Lao Wang has been in the army for so many years, needless to say the feelings in it, he finally got to his current position, but he was dismissed because of hiccups, and if this matter was revealed, he would lose his face.

But there is no way, the hiccups have been going on for a month, and I have consulted countless doctors, both Chinese and Western medicine, but there is nothing I can do.

This is Lao Wang's biggest heart disease.

Li Xiangqian was his old friend, and even a good brother who was in trouble with him. He thought he could ask for some comfort from his good brother, but he didn't expect such a joke, which immediately made him choked up.

"Hahaha, let's go then, I've agreed on the training hall, today it's just the two of us!"

Li Xiangqian laughed heartily, and dragged Lao Wang to the training hall.

After the two of them changed their clothes, they stood on the ring and looked at Old Wang.

"Li Xiangqian, you little bastard, I will definitely beat you up today!"

Lao Wang is rightly annoyed, his good brother even came to amuse himself, it's really annoying.

"Convincing me? Old Wang, you're overthinking, and you still want to frighten me with just your three-legged feline kung fu?"

Li Xiang looked provocative in his clothes, standing on the stage.

"Good boy, did you forget who blocked the bullet for you back then? Now you dare to talk to me like that. If I don't beat you until you can't stand up today, I don't want Wang Zhanjun!"

Lao Wang was furious, jumped onto the ring, and put on an appearance of starting a fight.

"Come on, I'll give you three tricks first!"

Li Xiangqian put one hand behind his back, and hooked Wang Zhanjun with the other.

"You still dare to underestimate me? You kid is really convulsed today! Do I need you to let me go?"

Wang Zhanjun said in a deep voice.

"The one who agreed to let you do three tricks is three tricks!"

Li Xiangqian said with a smile, standing still.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and shoot!"

Wang Zhanjun said bitterly, he was really angry, he understood this Li Xiangqian today, he is really not a thing, the tea has gone cold before the old man left.

However, facing Wang Zhanjun's clamor, Li Xiangqian just shook his head and remained silent.

"Made, are you still fighting?"

Wang Zhanjun immediately withdrew his hand and roared angrily.

At this moment, Li moved forward, punching Wang Zhanjun's face like a thunderbolt.

"Damn, you're playing tricks, aren't you?"

Wang Zhanjun was furious. He backed up as much as possible while raising his arms to resist.

There was almost no difference in strength between the two, but Li Xiangqian made a sudden attack and caught Wang Zhanjun by surprise.

This punch was so powerful that it shook Wang Zhanjun's arms slightly sore, which made Wang Zhanjun even more angry, and felt that the air he exhaled from his nostrils was hot.

(End of this chapter)

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