Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 378 A Big Fight, Really Healed You

Chapter 378 A Big Fight, Really Healed You
"Wang Zhanjun, why have you forgotten the truth that soldiers never tire of deceit? It seems that you are really not suitable to stay in the army. You should go back early and change jobs, and go with your old boy!"

Li Xiangqian didn't give any face to him, he won the punch, took advantage of it, and said all kinds of humiliating words in his mouth.

"Bastard, I misjudged you, slightly...!"

Wang Zhanjun was so furious that he hiccupped again, which made his old face turn red.

"Hmph, with your flaws, which unit would use you? I think you'd better go home and farm. You can use all your strength. At least you won't starve to death!"

Li Xiangqian was unforgiving, and continued to sarcastically.

"you wanna die!"

Wang Zhanjun was so angry that his whole body exploded.

Then the two fought together. When these two were young, they were both top-notch masters in the army.

After fighting for a full fifty rounds, both of them reached their limit, but Li Xiangqian still took advantage of the opportunity and punched.

Wang Zhanjun didn't hold back anymore, and also punched Li Xiangqian in the chest.

Both of them had no intention of avoiding it, but one hit the other in the chest.

There were two muffled bangs, and both of them took a few steps back before spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

"Li Xiangqian, do you really ignore brotherhood like this?"

Wang Zhanjun gritted his teeth and said.

"Wang Zhanjun, you are already half a useless person, what use is there? Let's retire honorably before your illness breaks out!"

Li Xiangqian said with a smile, wiping the blood from his mouth.

" bastard, I...poof..."

Wang Zhanjun was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and passed out in the end.

Li Xiangqian was startled for a moment, with a wry smile on his face.

This time, Wang Zhanjun was really offended and died. What should we do now?
"Wang Zhanjun, what's the matter, are you okay!"

Everyone fainted, Li Xiangqian didn't dare to provoke him anymore, the most important thing is to save people first.After pinching the person, Li Xiangqian shook him again and Wang Zhanjun finally woke him up.

"Li Xiangqian, you bastard!"

The first thing Wang Zhanjun said when he woke up was to point at Li Xiangqian's nose and curse.

Today, I can be regarded as being pissed off by Li Xiangqian.

Why did I blindly make such a friend before, but I still confide in him.

"Wang Zhanjun Wang Zhanjun, don't worry, listen to me."

Li Xiangqian smiled wryly.

"What did you say that I, Lao Wang, don't have a friend like you. From now on, you will take your Yangguan Road, and I will take my single-plank bridge. Let's break off friendship and justice."

Wang Zhanjun still looked angry, wishing he could stand up and leave now.

"Wang Zhanjun listened to me before, do you really think I'm that kind of ungrateful person?"

Li Xiangqian quickly explained.

He also knew that what he did today was unethical, but there was nothing he could do.

If he didn't do this, then Wang Zhanjun might be forced to leave the army because of this reform.

"You said you told me clearly what's going on? Why do you treat me like this? Are we still brothers? "

Wang Zhanjun said angrily.

"I think you don't seem to be hiccupping much now."

Li Qiang said with a smile.

Wang Zhanjun was slightly shocked, with a look of surprise on his face.

Yes, if my chest had been blocked before, I would hiccup from time to time.

Every time I want to hiccup, I will force myself to suppress it, and I will only hiccup when I can't hold it anymore.

But after Li Xiangqian's tossing, his chest seemed to be less stuffy, and he didn't have the urge to hiccup again.

"Don't tell me, it seems to be the case. Is my hiccup problem gone?"

Wang Zhanjun couldn't believe it. He quickly got up and jumped up and down a few times, and found that his body was much lighter than before.

I don't even have the urge to hiccup at all.

"Look, do you think you want to buy me a good meal today?"

Li Xiangqian was also very happy to see Wang Zhanjun like this, and said with a smile.

"You kid did it on purpose just now. Are you treating me?"

Old Wang still couldn't believe it, so he asked.

"Otherwise, I'm crazy, and I'm so deliberately angry at you. Our brothers have been friends for decades, how could I make trouble, and now is your most difficult time. If I don't help you, who will help you?"

Li Qiang said with a smile.

"Oh, my good brother, my good brother, you just need to tell me earlier, who would have thought that hiccups, a minor ailment, can be cured with just one hiccup."

Wang Zhanjun patted Li Xiangqian's shoulder vigorously, and said happily.

"This method was also taught to me by others. I can't let you know in advance. If you are on guard, how can I make you angry. Once you can't really get angry, then this method will not work. I also hold it The mentality of trying it out, I didn’t expect it to cure you.”

Li Xiangqian also looked at Wang Zhanjun nodding in surprise.

"You kid is really hurtful, but this method is really wonderful. Who gave it to you? I have written down this favor. When the time comes, I must invite that expert to dinner."

The hiccup problem is gone, and I can continue to stay with the army.

For someone like him who has been in the army for more than ten years, leaving the army is like cutting off his heart.

My biggest problem right now is that my big brother has seriously affected my work and daily image.

My superior leader also made it clear before that if I can't solve this problem, then I will probably be optimized and reformed.

"I think it's okay to invite me to dinner. You'd better treat me. That person is really a miracle doctor. Didn't I tell you before that your younger siblings and nieces were sick? Healed. But, that miraculous doctor looks very young, as if he was only in his early twenties."

Li Xiangqian said with a smile that he was also extremely grateful to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng not only saved the lives of his wife and daughter, but this time he also saved his best comrade-in-arms.

I don't even know what to give in return for this great kindness.

"Such a talent, why don't you invite him to our side? You also know that many of our brothers reluctantly quit because of some injuries and couldn't continue. If any expert came to our side, he would definitely be able to Keep more brothers."

Wang Zhanjun said quickly with his eyes wide open.

"Oh, why don't I want to, but people also have their own family members, and it's impossible for their friends to pull him over."

Li Qiang smiled wryly and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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