Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 379 Store Manager Training, Zhu Lanlan's Growth Notes

Chapter 379 Store Manager Training, Zhu Lanlan's Growth Notes
"Hey, that's really a pity. If he could come, how many of our brothers would not have to leave so early, how many elites!"

Wang Zhanjun looked regretful.

He has been in the army for more than ten years and has seen too many partings, even life and death.

Many of them had to choose to retire because of injuries.

If a genius doctor like He Jincheng can be on the side of the army, it will definitely be a great thing for them.

"Hahaha, don't think about it, it's a big deal if something like this happens in the future, let's just send it there and let someone treat it. That brother is still very good!"

Li Xiangqian laughed.

"That's right, thank you for today, come to my house tonight, let's have a drink!"

Wang Zhanjun nodded.

Naturally, He Jincheng didn't know about the matter here.

The six stores in Chaoyang have been listed, and it can be said that the He Group has taken another big step forward.

However, with more and more industries, He Jincheng also found that some problems became more and more obvious, that is, the problem of talents.

In fact, there are already signs of this kind of thing in Nandu, but He Jincheng has never paid attention to it. Now that he has opened six more shops, this problem has become more obvious.

Fortunately, the shopping guide said that if they are trained in product knowledge and basic shopping guide skills, they can basically go to work, and if they improve the service and add the advantages of the product, they will basically not worry about selling.

Basic employees are easy to deal with, but managers can't be so casual.

The most urgent need is the store manager.

A store manager not only needs to manage the store's employees, but also needs to be responsible for daily inventory, order placement, harvesting, unloading, etc. The store manager needs to understand the things that the entire store needs to do, even if he doesn't have to do it himself.

Otherwise, an unmanaged clothing store would be in chaos within three days.

As for hiring some experienced store managers, it is basically impossible.

There are not so many privately owned clothing stores on the market now, and they are basically state-owned clothing stores.

The store managers of these stores are used to living a stable life, so how could they do their best.

And He Jincheng has been worrying about how to solve this problem recently.

After much deliberation, He Jincheng only thought of cultivating such a method by himself.

So he called a store manager from Nandu over.

Zhu Lanlan was the first shopping guide He Jincheng recruited, and now he is the manager of the best-selling store in Nandu.

Because of Zhu Lanlan's outstanding appearance, good ability, and willingness to endure hardships and stand hard work, He Jincheng has always been willing to give him some opportunities.

This time, Zhu Lanlan was called here because he wanted him to go to Chaoyang to do staff training.

After hearing these arrangements of He Jincheng, Zhu Lanlan showed hesitation on his face.

"Boss, I have been working for almost a year, but I am not educated. It is not easy to be a store manager. How can I have the qualifications to train others?"

Zhu Lanlan was obviously flattered, and felt that his education level was not high enough to hold this position.

"Zhu Lanlan, don't underestimate yourself. As long as you can do things, education is not a problem. I just want to ask you, do you want to be the manager of a clothing store for the rest of your life?"

He Jincheng looked at Zhu Lanlan with a smile and said.


For a while, Zhu Lanlan didn't know how to answer He Jincheng's question.

"Julanlan's domestic economy is getting better and better now, and the consumption level in the future will definitely be much higher than it is now. Your monthly salary can be more than 100. If you can do this well, I think your salary At the very least, it can be doubled or even more. This is an opportunity I am giving you, and you need to fight for it yourself. Think about it, if you can really bring up all the six stores on the Chaoyang side, then you He is the hero of our company, do you think I might treat you badly?"

He Jincheng said.

Zhu Lanlan thought for a while, then nodded.

He Jincheng is not a person who can only draw big cakes.

When He Jincheng recruited him at first, he was just a little girl who couldn't do anything and came to work in the city.

In less than a year, Zhu Lanlan's whole person has changed. Not only has her income increased, but her temperament, tone of voice, and demeanor have all improved a lot.

Every time I go back to the village, the neighbors see that I have brought a lot of things, and that brother is so envious that he becomes jealous.

"I don't want to tell you any more. Anyway, our company will definitely be a bigger and bigger store in the future. It will never be an important part for us. If you want to have a higher level in our company You should do more things to prove your own ability.”

"Educational level is actually not important, not to mention that you are also starting to go to night university now? With your hard work, I think at least your level will not be much worse than ordinary people."

He Jincheng was really optimistic about Zhu Lanlan, so he persuaded him earnestly.

"I understand, boss, thank you for your cultivation, I am willing to go to Chaoyang, and I will definitely do a good job in this matter."

In the end, Zhu Lanlan made up her mind and agreed to go to Chaoyang District for staff training.

He Jincheng lost two more old shopping guides, and paid them part of the bonus to let them go to Chaoyang with Zhu Lanlan.

And their task is to train all the shopping guides of the six stores to be qualified to work within one month, and train a acting store manager from them.

And He Jincheng promised them some incentive policies.

As long as the store managers they train pass the company's inspection, their salaries can not only be increased, but they will also receive an additional bonus at the end of the year.

With these incentives, Zhu Lanlan and the others are naturally full of energy.

After a month like this, the six stores in Chaoyang opened smoothly, and gradually got on the right track.

Although the store manager of the six stores is not particularly outstanding, he has basically qualified as a store manager.

Regarding this point, He Jincheng is not particularly anxious. After all, talents need to be cultivated. Since there is no way to find ready-made talents, time can only be the best teacher.

As for Zhu Lanlan, because he did a good job in training, He Jincheng specially set up a position to train the head of the tribe for her, and asked him to be responsible for the shopping guide of the clothing store and the training of related personnel of the store manager.

From a front-line shopping guide to a grassroots manager, and then transferred to a training staff, Zhu Lanlan couldn't even imagine that she could change her identity three times within a year.

(End of this chapter)

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