Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 380 Annual General Meeting, Prolonged Applause

Chapter 380 Annual General Meeting, Prolonged Applause
You must know that whether it is a shopping guide or a store manager, in fact, the whole day's work is busy in the store, and sometimes they may work overtime, which is very hard.

But after becoming the leader of the training team, Zhu Lanlan obviously found that the essence of what she had to do every day had changed a lot.

To use an example to briefly describe it, what was originally physical work has now become mental work.

This not only improved Zhu Lanlan's income, but also greatly improved her status.

And Zhu Lanlan has gradually become the middle-level backbone of the He Group.

The weather is getting colder.

The winter in the southern capital is basically around minus six degrees to one degree.

Say it's cold or not, say it's warm or not.

People gradually put on winter clothes, mostly military coats or felt hats.

The He Group has prepared some new winter styles early on.

Especially the introduction of the down jacket, because of its advantages of lightness, lightness and warmth, it immediately became the new favorite of the rich in the city.

The garment factory was busy again, basically working three shifts every day.

The workers work very hard, but because the wages given by the garment factory are relatively high, especially for night shift workers, there will be additional subsidies, so none of them said it was hard work, they just wanted to do more work and earn more money. It's time to have a good year.

There is less than half a month before the Chinese New Year. Whether it is a new factory or an old factory, they are all working overtime and working hard.

The Spring Festival is the peak season for sales. It is necessary to ensure inventory and produce enough volume before the beginning of the year. Otherwise, a lot of losses may be incurred during the Spring Festival.

On this day, He Jincheng came to the new factory in a Jiefang truck.

Came here with He Jincheng, and all the employees of the old factory.

Because today, He Jincheng is going to hold an annual summary meeting.

"Have you heard? Our boss seems to be giving us awards today. It is said that some people have a lot of bonuses."

"I've heard that, didn't you see the truck coming here? What do you think is on it? It's all money."

"My God, a truckload of money, our boss must have made too much money."

"Then what's the matter? That's our boss's ability. Let's see which factory in Nandu has higher wages for workers than us? It's good that our boss makes money, so he will give us more bonuses. "

The auditorium of the new factory is already full of people.

Everyone was whispering to each other, telling some gossip that they didn't know where they heard it.

There was a lot of discussion, saying everything, but no one complained that the company treated them badly or anything.

"Comrades, everyone, please be quiet. Today we are going to take a look at the annual summary meeting of our garment factory. For this meeting, we will first give you a brief introduction to our performance this year, and then we will introduce the performance of each department. The leader of the company came to the stage to make a summary report. The third item is that Mr. He will give some speeches. The last is the link of giving out bonuses, as you have heard from the so-called gossip.”

Xiao Zhou walked up to the stage, picked up the microphone, and said with a smile.

All of a sudden, the whole newsroom was boiling, and I didn't expect that there would really be a bonus.

To be honest, everyone's usual monthly salary is already much higher than that of their peers.

If the bonus is paid at the end of the year, even if it is ten or eight yuan, it will be a good thing.

"Okay, everyone, don't get excited. We have to go through the process one by one. I think there are almost enough people here now. Then our annual summary meeting will officially begin."

As Xiao Zhou's voice fell, there was a warm applause in the lecture hall.

"For the first item of the conference, Secretary Wang will introduce some new systems. Welcome!"

After Xiao Zhou finished speaking, he applauded first, and everyone followed suit.

He Jincheng's secretary Wang Qianqian, wearing a red down jacket, walked onto the stage with a smile.

"Hi everyone, I am Wang Qianqian, secretary of Mr. He. I believe many of you have met me. The reason why I let me talk about the first item of the conference is to make some institutional norms for everyone. Because our company is also It has just developed, and at the beginning of its establishment, many systems, positions, names, etc. are very imperfect. As the saying goes, there is no rule, so here I will introduce some key systems to you. I hope everyone We will be able to strictly abide by it in the future.”

Wang Qianqian is full of aura. Although she looks pure and beautiful, it is really easy for people to listen to her words.

The part before his introduction is basically some revisions and specifications of the company's various systems.

Including leave system, attendance system, company articles of association, company structure and so on.

"Our garment factory is currently under the He Group. After discussion by the management, we will establish Qingmeng Clothing as a subsidiary to directly manage the garment factory after the year. Qingmu Clothing is directly under the group headquarters."

"The existing department positions will also be further improved. Among them, the chairman and general manager of the group will continue to be held by Mr. He Jincheng. My humble Wang Qianqian will serve as the general manager of the administrative department of the group. The factory manager Xiao Zhou will also serve as the general manager of Qingmeng Garment and the second garment factory. Factory director. Factory director He Jinshan serves as the deputy general manager of Qingmeng Clothing and the factory director of the first clothing factory..."

After announcing the appointments of all the positions, Wang Qianqian's speech came to an end.

Ordinary employees are not particularly concerned about these matters. They just heard Wang Qianqian say that the company will expand management positions and there will be more management positions, and the vacant management positions will be selected from the company's old employees first, and everyone can actively apply for them.

This made everyone excited.

After all, if you can be a leader, who wants to be an employee?

"Mr. Wang said very well just now. I hope everyone will sign up enthusiastically. The next thing is our company's annual report and future planning. I would like to invite our respected chairman Mr. He Jincheng to speak."

There was another burst of warm applause from the audience.

He Jincheng's reputation in the company is unquestionable. The most fundamental reason is that He Jincheng treats his employees generously.

Salary and benefits far exceed those of peers, who wouldn't love such a boss?

He Jincheng walked onto the stage with a smile, holding the microphone, and first took a look at the people who recently bowed deeply to this kind of person.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone. It is you who have made the current He Group."

Immediately, He Jincheng bowed to everyone again.

"Secondly, I need to say sorry to everyone, because at the beginning of the company's establishment, I did not spend a lot of energy on the company, which caused various problems in the company and brought a lot of inconvenience to everyone. I hope Everyone forgive me."

Immediately afterwards, He Jincheng bowed to everyone for the third time.

"I need to thank everyone again, because everyone has enough trust in me and enough tolerance to allow me to have this time to correct my mistakes. The brilliant achievements of the group today are inseparable from each of you."

Three sentences and three bows directly filled the lecture hall with prolonged and warm applause.

(End of this chapter)

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