Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 381 Annuity system, don't be an exploitative capitalist

Chapter 381 Annuity system, don't be an exploitative capitalist
"Next, I will talk about something that everyone is most interested in, and that is everyone's treatment!"

He Jincheng stretched out his hands and pressed twice, and the lecture hall immediately fell silent.

Everyone knows that Mr. Zhao spends a lot of money. When it comes to remuneration, he must give everyone a salary increase!
"First of all, the salaries of regular employees of all groups will be increased by 20.00%!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire lecture hall suddenly boiled.

All employees of the company have participated in literacy classes, and they can understand basic characters and arithmetic. The salary has been increased by 20.00%, which is a lot of increase!
Now, the wages of the grassroots employees of the He Group are within fifty to one hundred.

Generally speaking, the wages of warehouses, cleaning, security, and logistics departments are about 100 to [-]. In the workshop, because it is a piece-by-piece system, more work pays more. As long as you are willing to endure hardship, It is also common to earn [-] yuan a month.

With an increase of 20.00%, everyone's salary will be in the range of [-] to [-].

This salary level is [-]% to [-]% higher than that of the peers.

"Mr. He is so grand!"

"Long live President He!"

Everyone shouted that they can hide a dozen or 20 yuan a month, which is definitely not a small income for ordinary working families.

At this moment, they just feel that they are not too happy to be able to work under the He Group.

Everyone was so excited that they even shouted Long Live.

"Don't get excited, everyone. This is just the beginning. Our salary will only get higher and higher in the future. Don't worry, I can't guarantee anything else. What I can guarantee is that everyone's income will be more than [-]% higher than that of the peers. !"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"The next thing is some benefits! Our group has developed for a year, and I have also found many shortcomings. For example, some old employees have reached [-], but they are still working to support their families. I don't want to see this, but If they don’t work, they won’t make any money, and I can’t bear to fire these old employees, so after my discussion with the management, starting this year, we will implement an annuity system!”

He Jincheng threw out the welfare policy of the annuity system.

However, this concept is completely new to everyone, and they have never heard of it before. How can they understand it?

"The so-called annuity system is to store the corresponding annuity for everyone every month according to the length of service of everyone. At the end of each year, the annuity of last year will be stored. Ten yuan per person is tentatively set for the first year, 20 yuan for the second year, and 30 yuan for the third year. [-] yuan, and so on, until everyone reaches [-] and retires."

"Of course, this amount will be adjusted every year. It will only increase and not decrease. Everyone needs to pay attention to that this money is an additional expense of the group. You don't need to pay extra. As long as you can work in the company for five years Years, even if it is time to leave, the money can be taken by the employees according to the process!"

"If you work in the group until you retire, then when you retire, the money will become everyone's pension!"

"The account we store these funds in is an annuity fund, which will be managed by the group in a unified manner, and the details will be announced every year, so that everything is fair and transparent!"

After some explanations, everyone understood what this annuity was.

It is nothing more than some benefits given by the company for the pension of employees after retirement.

"Mr. He, can I ask a question?"

An older employee raised his hand and said submissively.

"Of course, just ask!"

He Jincheng nodded.

Although this policy does not require employees to pay, it is not so easy to understand, and it is normal to have problems.

"I'm 59 this year, and I'll be [-] in half a year, so I can only receive an annuity for one year!"

the employee asked cautiously.

"Don't worry about this. We have also considered this issue. For employees who reach retirement age within five years, the company will give a one-time subsidy of 3000 to [-] yuan. To be honest, I want to give you more, but there is no way , the company also needs to make money, it is impossible to send all the money to everyone, I hope everyone understands!"

He Jincheng had thought of this a long time ago, so he said without hesitation.

He has also calculated that there will be less than [-] workers who will reach retirement age in the next five years, and the money can still be used.

"Great, Mr. He, you are such a good boss! I didn't expect old men like us who can't do any work to have a pension!"

Some old employees were so excited that they were about to cry.

A subsidy of 3000 to [-] yuan is definitely a lot of money for them.

"Follow He Zonggan, absolutely right!"

"I've decided. From now on, I'll follow Mr. He until I retire!"

Everyone is also very happy. It is great to be able to get salary every month and still have money after retirement!
Seeing everyone's reaction, He Jincheng also nodded with a smile.

The domestic pension insurance system was officially implemented in October 1986. It is only 10, and He Jincheng can't do it if he wants to pay the employees, so he first introduced the annuity system, which can be regarded as making up for this vacancy.

When the old-age pension system is officially implemented in the future, the increase in the annuity can be slightly reduced, and the insurance can be paid in full according to the salary, so as to ensure that every employee who retires from He's can have a good economic foundation to retire.

In doing this, He Jincheng not only has the intention of letting the employees follow him wholeheartedly, but also has the benevolence of a doctor. He is a businessman, but he is also a doctor. He will never be a capitalist who exploits employees and squeezes them. .

"In addition, starting from this year, we will select advanced employees. Since we did not make corresponding standards last year, we will first follow the usual performance appraisal. There will be ten people in the workshop and three people in other departments. Each person will have A reward of 300 yuan, and at the same time, there are limited opportunities to be promoted. We will announce the advanced list for everyone next week. We will do this every year, and there will be more and more places, and the rewards will be higher and higher. The selection criteria will be given to everyone as soon as possible, and I hope everyone actively participates!"

He Jincheng also made a more important decision. In this era, many workers sometimes don't even care about the standard of treatment, but care more about advanced awards.

If you can judge an advanced person, it doesn't matter where it was judged, and you can take the trophy home, it will be a matter of face.

Sure enough, as soon as this decision was made, it aroused bursts of warm applause again.

Those employees who performed well in various departments began to gear up one by one, eager to try.

(End of this chapter)

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