Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 382 The sales department, the factory is finally on holiday

Chapter 382 The sales department, the factory is finally on holiday

"The specific advanced selection will be preached by Mr. Zhou. As long as you work hard enough, everyone will have a chance!"

He Jincheng finally made a summary of this advanced selection.

He Jincheng didn't continue until the discussion of the crowd had subsided a bit.

"This year, we made a lot of investments, made a lot of money, and also took on a lot of debts. The debt ratio was even as high as 20% at one point, but these were not problems. With the joint efforts of everyone, We still made a profit for the whole year, and after calculation, our He Group’s operating income last year after deducting various costs and management fees still achieved a profit of [-] yuan.”

"20 is really not much for our group with nearly 500 people, but I believe that in the new year, our performance will show exponential growth. Our initial goal is 200 million profits. Everyone thinks we can Can you do it?"

He Jincheng looked at everyone.


There were loud shouts in the auditorium.

"Yes, I also believe that we can do it! However, 200 million is only our basic goal. Here, I set a challenge goal for everyone, 300 million, and the ultimate goal, 500 million."

"Complete the basic goal, all employees, at this time next year, can get double the year-end bonus, that is, two months' salary! Completing the challenge goal, three times the year-end bonus, completing the ultimate goal, five times the year-end bonus!"

He Jincheng said loudly.

For a moment, everyone's faces turned red with excitement.

Now everyone has a salary of thirteen at the end of the year.

According to an ordinary employee, 50 yuan per month, the 650th salary is [-] yuan, and the [-]th salary is [-] yuan.

But this year, the boss just said that the wage adjustment will be raised by 20.00%, and by the end of that year, there will be at least 60 yuan more!

Crazy, really crazy!

All the employees cheered happily.

No matter how much I say, money gives people the greatest sense of happiness.

"In order to achieve this goal, the equipment of our second factory needs to be upgraded, and the employees must continue to be trained. The vacant workshops of the second factory need to advance the production line as soon as possible to ensure our production capacity! At the same time, we will establish a dedicated sales team to For the development of markets in surrounding cities, we are only doing our own directly-operated stores for the time being, and my goal is to open at least [-] stores in [-] cities this year!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This goal is not light, but He Jincheng is full of confidence.

At least, there are already ten shops now, and the turnover of each shop is very impressive.

"To build a sales team, you need talents. So, I hope that everyone will not be shy. As long as you think you can do it, you can submit your own competition letter. We will conduct unified interviews and training. Please believe me, the position of sales, It will definitely be the most lucrative position in our company!"

Next, He Jincheng talked about some plans, basically some general plans, to give the employees blood, encourage them to work hard and so on.

Of course, He Jincheng is not just talking empty words. All these things said at the conference will be fulfilled one by one in the future.

This annual conference lasted for a whole day before it ended, but no one felt tired. Instead, they were full of energy and high in fighting spirit.

They seem to have seen their own future, and they are full of confidence.

After get off work, many people gathered to discuss today's meeting.

Maqiu used to be a gangster, but because he injured someone in a fight, he went in and squatted for two years.

After he came out, he couldn’t find a job. It happened that He’s Garment Factory was recruiting workers, so he came to the interview with the attitude of giving it a try, because he had experience on sewing machines, and He Jincheng didn’t pay much attention to the background of the employees, so He went to work in the factory.

Maqiu is very honest now because of the lesson of being imprisoned for fighting before. Because of his active work and high efficiency, he also got the advanced individual of the factory this time, and received a reward of 300 yuan.

This made Ma Qiu even start to re-examine his own life.

"Qiuzi, you are eloquent. I think you can try a sales position. Haven't you heard that you have opened up a market, but you get a commission, and the commission is quite a lot. According to what our boss said, if you make 1 500 yuan in performance, then you can get [-] yuan in commission, which is equivalent to our five-month work in the workshop!"

Someone persuaded Maqiu to compete for a sales position.

In fact, Ma Qiu was also hesitating whether he was suitable for this position.

But he is very clear that this may be an opportunity for him, if he misses it, he may never meet it.

So, three days later, Maqiu successfully competed for the job and became the first batch of sales team of the He Group.

Because the sales team is too important, He Jincheng personally served as the general manager of the sales department, trained them, and led the team to develop the market.

Because the end of the year is approaching, the sales department has just been established. After He Jincheng distributed some sales skills materials that he had summarized, the whole group began to have a holiday.

Everything needs to wait until after the new year comes back before proceeding.

Maqiu works in the city, and his old mother lives in the country. When he returned home this time, Maqiu bought a lot of things, causing the neighbors to stare at him. They all said that Maqiu had grown up, made money, and knew how to honor his mother. .

All these things made Maqiu cherish his current job even more. When he was free at home during the Chinese New Year, he would carefully read the materials He Jincheng gave him.

And the first thing He Jincheng did after the holiday was to go to the clinic and spend a day there.

For him, sitting in the clinic to see a doctor is like an entertainment activity, which can make him relax wholeheartedly.

On New Year's Eve, He Jincheng was the only one in the clinic.

After seeing the last patient, Ye Qingmeng came with Tingting in her arms.

"Hey, my good girl, do you miss your father?"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting with a smile, pinched her little face, and asked questions with a smile.

"I think, Dad, Mom told you to buy New Year's goods with us!"

Tingting was one year older, she spoke more and more clearly, and she became very sensible, which made He Jincheng laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, okay, let's go buy new year's goods, what does my family Tingting want to buy? Dad will buy it for you!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Tingting wants to eat candy, but her mother won't let her eat it, saying it will hurt her teeth!"

Tingting hugged He Jincheng and said aggrievedly.

"I remember that Tingting ate too much candy some time ago, she had tooth decay, right?"

He Jincheng asked in a low voice.

"Yes, the tooth hurts!"

Tingting nodded.

"That means Mom is right. Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth. Let's go buy something else, okay? Dad knows there are so many delicious ones!"

He Jincheng said.

"Okay, okay, as long as it is bought by Dad, Tingting will like it!"

Tingting clapped her hands happily and said.

(End of this chapter)

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