Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 384 Recruiting talents, Yan Datou agrees to join

Chapter 384 Recruiting talents, Yan Datou agrees to join
Therefore, He Jincheng casually talked about some design concepts mentioned in fashion magazines before, and Yan Datou was taken aback, and he admired and worshiped He Jincheng even more.

"Boss He, you are really a genius in our clothing industry. I have read a foreign clothing magazine before, and the clothes on it are completely different from our domestic ones. It’s better than ours, look at us, most people wear the same color and style, without any vigor and vigor at all!”

I really didn't see that Yan Datou, who was five big and three thick, with a big belly, was surprisingly able to say such a thing.

The dress of Chinese people nowadays is indeed relatively conservative.

But He Jincheng doesn't feel that the moon abroad is rounder than that in China.

It is true that in terms of modern clothing, because foreign countries industrialized earlier than us, and their capital accumulation far exceeds that of our current country, so in this area, China is temporarily behind.

But China's 5000-year inheritance, in terms of traditional clothing, is definitely not comparable to those former barbarians abroad.

However, with the development of the times, many traditional costumes are indeed not very suitable for wearing, and modern costumes have not developed much because of the conservativeness of the Chinese people.

Of course, all this is only temporary.

Before long, the current backwardness will cease to exist.

"In fact, these things have a strong subjective initiative. You think those clothes are advanced, but some people think that our traditional clothes are more sensible. Although we are currently selling modern clothes, such as cheongsams and gowns, In the future, we will definitely make some modifications and upgrades before selling them. In the future, our traditional costumes may not be the mainstream, but they will definitely not disappear, and will only get better and better!"

He Jincheng said seriously.

This is the same as Chinese medicine. Although Western medicine occupies the mainstream, Chinese people have long been inseparable from Chinese medicine in their daily lives.

Eating porridge to warm the stomach, nourish the liver to nourish blood, red dates to nourish the skin, goji berry to preserve health, etc., all of which have the shadow of traditional Chinese medicine.

Even, to a certain extent, the influence of Chinese medicine far exceeds that of Western medicine for Chinese people.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Yan Datou fell into a brief thought.

After a long time, he nodded heavily.

"Boss He, you are right. Although we are pursuing reform, we must not forget our roots. What Boss He said today will never be forgotten in my life!"

Yan Datou nodded vigorously.

"Boss Yan, I have an idea, I don't know what your opinion is!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Boss He, you said, as long as we can do what we can, we will do it!"

When his idol has something to do, Yan Datou of course does his best to do it.

"It's like this. I appreciate your ability. Are you interested in working with me? Not only can I provide you with a generous salary, but I can also give you a lot of design ideas!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yan Datou was startled at first, and then became ecstatic.

When the long drought meets the rain, the night of the bridal chamber is filled with candles, and when the gold list is named, it is the three great blessings in life.

Besides, what could be happier than being recognized by someone you admire?
He Jincheng wants Yan Datou to follow him, this is a kind of recognition for him!

"Boss He, you mean, you want me to do it with you? Is this true?"

Yan Datou was so excited that he rubbed his hands and said.

"Yes, I can give you 100% of the shares of a factory. This share can enjoy the dividends of our company. For example, if our annual profit is 20 million, then your dividend is 200% [-]. Last year, our company achieved a profit of [-] yuan with a large amount of investment, which was basically the contribution of the first factory. This year, our profit can at least be doubled tenfold, which is [-] million yuan!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"No, no, as long as Boss He is willing to have me, I will close the shop today and follow you!"

Yan Datou quickly shook his head and said eagerly.

"Hahaha, let's just say that, shares are still required. Of course, there must be certain conditions, otherwise my shares can't be given for nothing, right?"

He Jincheng laughed heartily and was in a good mood.

Now He Jincheng of the He Group owns 80.00% of the shares, and then wholly invests in its industries. He Jincheng of Qingmeng Clothing also holds 20.00% of the holdings. Holding 90.00% of the shares, Zhou Qingyuan [-]%.

After all, the company has only been established for a year now, and for the time being, only He Jinshan and Zhou Qingyuan have been allocated shares.

To He Jinshan, of course, because he is He Jincheng's eldest brother. To Zhou Qingyuan, it is because Zhou Qingyuan worked hard and contributed a lot to the development of the factory. He Jincheng felt a little sorry for giving him nothing.

In the future, He Jincheng is planning to split shares for some managers or employees with long working experience. This is what I will talk about in the future. At least the income of the group needs to be accumulated!

"I listen to Boss He's arrangement!"

Yan Datou nodded repeatedly.

"This clothing store of yours doesn't need to be closed. After all, there are still several employees. I think their working ability is quite good. Even if you use this store to invest in shares, I will give you a share of He's. With 200% of the shares in the factory, your clothing store can also be changed into our Qingmeng clothing, and at the same time, you also enjoy the treatment of the deputy director level, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, how about it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, of course there is no problem. I have opened this store for several months, but I haven't actually made much money. The main reason is that I am too slow in making clothes. If I can work with Boss He, I will definitely make a fortune!"

Yan Datou nodded repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that this store of yours can make as much money as you have for ten years in one year!"

He Jincheng smiled and said, "Don't call me Boss He and Boss He in the future, just call me by my name, or you can call me Mr. He, otherwise it will seem too old-fashioned!"

"Okay, Mr. He, I understand!"

Yan Datou originally wanted to call He Jincheng Brother He, but when he thought that He Jincheng didn't seem to be as old as himself, it was not appropriate to call him that way, so he could just call him Mr. He.

"Well, you can report to our first factory tomorrow, and I will be there then, let's talk about your work in detail!"

He Jincheng nodded in satisfaction.

I didn't expect to meet such a talented person when I went out for a walk, the key was my little fanboy.

In the future, at the garment factory, I can save myself another distraction!
(End of this chapter)

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