Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 385 Want to marry a daughter-in-law, He Jincheng will be a matchmaker

Chapter 385 Want to marry a daughter-in-law, He Jincheng should be a matchmaker
The family went home happily.

Tingting took out the things she bought today and showed them to her grandparents and grandparents.

"Grandpa, look, this is the tickle scratcher I bought for you, it's very useful!"

"Grandma, here is the sewing box I bought for you, so that you don't have to stick the needle in the cloth!"

Tingting introduced the things she bought very seriously.

"Hahaha, our Tingting is so good, she will buy things for the elders!"

The old people are very happy. At their age, a little filial piety from the younger generation will make them feel very relieved, let alone Tingting who is only so old.

The whole family was laughed at by Xiao Tingting, but He Jincheng found his brother-in-law Ye Chunlin sitting beside him, smiling very forcedly.

I wondered what happened to this guy, could it be that he was in trouble at work?

"Chun Lin, go out and smoke a cigarette with me!"

He Jincheng called Ye Chunlin out.

Ye Chunlin has been doing Wenwan business with Gao Ziqiang and the Luo brothers. From what He Jincheng knows, the Wenwan business is getting better and better now, so there should be nothing wrong.

After being called out by He Jincheng, Ye Chunlin was still a little discouraged, lit a cigarette, and then lay down on the railing and smoked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

My little brother-in-law used to be a jerk like me, but fortunately, he has performed well in the past two years, and his work is also very quick. The business of Shanbaozhai is basically entrusted to him, and he does a good job .

He Jincheng planned to hand over all these to him in the future, and even share the shares with him.

"No, just a little depressed!"

Ye Chunlin said with a wry smile.

"Why are you depressed? I know very well that Shanbaozhai's monthly profit is not a small amount!"

He Jincheng really couldn't think of anything else that could make him feel depressed besides worrying about money.

"It's not about business. Shanbaozhai is booming now, and it's about to open a fifth branch soon. Good job!"

Ye Chunlin shook his head, smoked another cigarette vigorously, and sighed deeply.

"What's the matter? We brothers, are you still hiding it?"

He Jincheng asked suspiciously.

"No, I'm just a little embarrassed to speak..."

Ye Chunlin rarely blushed and said.

He Jincheng suddenly thought of something and wanted to laugh.

"Is your kid Sichun?"

"What is spring, I am twenty this year, okay, I should have gotten married long ago in the village, brother-in-law, what you said is not accurate!"

Ye Chunlin immediately became anxious and said hastily.

"Oh, yes, yes, it's not Sichun, but I want to marry a wife, okay! Tell me, which girl you like, and my brother-in-law will find you a matchmaker. Our family's current conditions, I'm not afraid that she won't agree!"

He Jincheng smiled and said, what is the difference between this and Sichun?

"It's because I don't like anyone. You see, I walk around the shop every day. The shop is full of old men. When will I find a wife?"

Ye Chunlin said a little dejectedly.

"That's it? That's all you have to do, kid!"

He Jincheng was a little speechless, daring to be affectionate is just such a small thing, he thought it was some girl he fell in love with, and she despised him.

"What do you mean by this? This is my lifelong event, okay, brother-in-law, you have to help me, at least introduce two of them! Let me tell you, my dad urged me two days ago, Let me get married quickly!"

Ye Chunlin said with some displeasure.

"It's easy to handle. Many beauties in the clothing store are still single. I can introduce you, but whether you can succeed or not depends on your own ability. I have told you in advance that you can't mess around. If you want to marry a daughter-in-law, just pursue it honestly, if she doesn't want it, you can't mess around!"

He Jincheng said.

"Really, great, you are my brother-in-law, thank you brother-in-law!"

Ye Chunlin immediately became energetic and said excitedly.

"Nonsense, what if I'm not your brother-in-law? You work honestly, and I'll let you know when the time comes!"

He Jincheng was speechless, he kissed his brother-in-law, but his brother-in-law was still so clueless.

"Haha, I was wrong, I was wrong, I made a slip of the tongue, brother-in-law, I'm waiting for your news, remember to introduce me to a beautiful girl!"

Ye Chunlin said with a smile.

"Don't worry, don't you believe my brother-in-law?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and began to think about which girl to introduce to his brother-in-law.

The next day, He Jincheng was going to visit four clothing stores in Nandu. It was going to be a holiday soon, but the clothing stores could not be closed. This is the peak season for sales around the Chinese New Year. Double the salary, and the employees are very willing to come to work, especially those locals.

After turning around, He Jincheng came to the store that was originally opened.

This store is near Qiangu Street. The original store manager was Zhu Lanlan, but some time ago He Jincheng asked Zhu Lanlan to be responsible for training the store manager and shopping guide, so now there is a new store manager.

Coincidentally, He Jincheng happened to meet Zhu Lanlan in the shop today.

It turned out that Zhu Lanlan had returned from Chaoyang two days ago, and she had completed her training tasks a year ago, so she came to the clothing store where she had stayed for a year to catch up with her former colleagues.

"Mr. He, why are you free today!"

Seeing He Jincheng approaching, Zhu Lanlan hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Why, I am the boss, can't I come to the store to have a look?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"No way, this store belongs to you, you can come whenever you want, Mr. He, you know that's not what I meant!"

Zhu Lanlan quickly explained.

"Haha, just kidding with you, don't be nervous! How is it, the training work is going well!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and said with a smile.

"It was a bit difficult at the beginning, but it's much better now. Our company benefits are so good, and everyone has worked hard. At present, the shops in Chaoyang can operate normally. I believe there will be results soon!"

Zhu Lanlan nodded. When she said this, she was quite confident.

At the beginning, she also went to Chaoyang with apprehension, thinking that it might be difficult.

But with the development of the work, when I got busy, I didn't have time to be nervous and worried, and I quickly devoted myself to work.

Seeing the staffing of each store slowly completed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in her heart, and at the same time increased a lot of confidence in herself. After this trip for a month, after returning, her whole temperament qualitative change.

(End of this chapter)

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