Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 386 Is there a partner?straight-forward matching

Chapter 386 Is there a partner?straight-forward matching
He Jincheng was very satisfied with this change in Zhu Lanlan.

Many things will be very difficult before you do them, but after you overcome these difficulties and look back, everything will not be the same as before, and the whole person will be greatly enlightened and improved.

Zhu Lanlan obviously benefited a lot from this job change.

To be honest, she is extremely grateful and admired for He Jincheng, and the changes today are all due to He Jincheng's trust in her.

"That's good. Next, our group will continue to expand, not just in a few nearby cities. We want to reach the whole province, and even the whole country. Your vision should be higher, don't be limited to the present, especially in every place. The customs and customs are different, and the style of the store manager and shopping guide will also change. You have to learn and summarize these slowly, but I believe that you will definitely be a particularly excellent professional store manager in the future!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Professional store manager, this word does not exist in this era, He Jincheng borrowed the word from the future.

To put it simply, it is a person who specializes in being a store manager. When a new store is about to open, the professional store manager will bring his own team to guide and train, and wait until the store can operate on its own, and then change to another location.

He Jincheng is going to train Zhu Lanlan in this direction.

"Thank you Mr. He for your cultivation, I will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Zhu Lanlan said seriously.

If she didn't do this training, she would never feel the gap between herself and He Jincheng.

This vision and pattern are not on the same level at all.

"Well, by the way, do you have a date now?"

Suddenly, He Jincheng changed the subject and stopped Zhu Lanlan from asking.

"Mr. He, what did you say?"

Zhu Lanlan didn't react for a while.

"You heard me right, I'm just asking if you have a partner. If not, I'm going to introduce you to someone. How about it? This is a private matter. If you don't want to, you can refuse. It has half the impact!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"I...I haven't talked to someone yet."

Zhu Lanlan's pretty face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and said in embarrassment.

Girls in this era are still relatively conservative in thinking, and He Jincheng's words are too straightforward, and they have to introduce someone when they come up.

"That's great, uh, I didn't mean that, I mean that's just right, my brother-in-law is my wife's younger brother, he's grown up now, and I want to find someone, but usually, I can't get in touch with girls, He asked me to introduce a beautiful woman to him yesterday, and I immediately thought of you, and I happened to meet you again today, so I wanted to ask your opinion!"

He Jincheng looked at Zhu Lanlan, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this girl was very suitable for Ye Chunlin.

It would be a good thing if he dared to break through and fight hard, especially if he was kind-hearted, if he could really get along with Ye Chunlin. At least with Zhu Lanlan's character, he would definitely be able to handle that kid Ye Chunlin.

"I... Mr. He, you are so sudden, I don't know what to say!"

Zhu Lanlan said shyly, very nervous.

To be honest, if you really fall in love with Mr. He's brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about your job in the future.

However, Zhu Lanlan didn't think so much.

"Just give me face, you guys meet first, if it's not suitable, just tell me, I promise that kid will never pester you in the future, how about it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"This... that's fine!"

Zhu Lanlan lowered her head and whispered.

"That's great, I want to thank you, otherwise my brother-in-law would annoy me to death all day long. By the way, this is a photo of my brother-in-law. This person was a bit of a mess before, but now he is much better, and he can be regarded as able to endure hardships and stand hard work. Now that you are in the antique business, you don’t have to worry about income, this is his photo, whether he looks good or not, you can judge for yourself!”

He Jincheng gave a brief introduction to his brother-in-law, and took out a photo to Zhu Lanlan.

Zhu Lanlan took a look at the photo, and her face became even redder.

Ye Qingmeng's appearance was the most beautiful among beauties, and as Ye Qingmeng's younger brother, Ye Chunlin's appearance would not be too bad, and he was even a little handsome, just like those little fresh meat idols in the future.

Doing business with He Jincheng for the past year has been a bit of a hardship, unlike those little fresh meats in the future.

"By the way, do you have a photo? Give me one too, and I'll show it to that kid. I'm sure I'll fall in love with you right away!"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"I haven't taken a picture yet..."

Zhu Lanlan was too ashamed to speak.

"That's just right. I'll take you to take a few photos. There is a photo studio nearby. Lan Lan, don't blame me for being anxious. If I don't introduce it to my brother-in-law, he will go crazy!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

Having said all this, Zhu Lanlan had no reason to refuse, and followed He Jincheng to the photo studio to take several photos.

He Jincheng asked the boss to wash it hastily.

Nowadays, developing photos is basically waiting for a roll of film to be used up before developing them together. After all, there are not many people who can afford to take photos in this era.

But He Jincheng is rich, as long as the money is in place, the photos will naturally be taken quickly.

After waiting for more than an hour, He Jincheng got the photos, picked the one he thought was the best, and gave the rest to Zhu Lanlan.

"How about this, Lan Lan, I will help my brother-in-law make an appointment with you. At ten o'clock tomorrow, at the gate of the Peace Theater, you will see a person holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing a hat. This is my brother-in-law. It looks a little different, don't be mistaken! You can take a book as a token, and when the time comes, you two will meet and see if you feel it!"

He Jincheng took the photo, made an appointment with Zhu Lanlan on the time and how to meet, and then left.

When he got home and told Ye Chunlin about this, the kid almost picked He Jincheng up without being excited.

"Brother-in-law, you still love me. I'll go to the barber shop to tidy up now. By the way, is that girl pretty?"

Ye Chunlin was very excited.

"Look for yourself! Let me warn you again, this girl is an excellent employee of our company, and her family is also from a rural area. If you dare to bully her, be careful, I will turn my face and deny her!"

He Jincheng gave Ye Chunlin the photo of Zhu Lanlan and warned again.

"Hey, don't worry, how can I bully others! Hey, my brother-in-law, you have such a good eye, this girl is too handsome, otherwise, you can transfer me to your The clothing store is ready to go to work, why are there so many beauties!"

As soon as Ye Chunlin saw the photo, he immediately called out and said in a beating tone.

(End of this chapter)

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