Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 387: Two people have a blind date, thanks to He Jincheng

Chapter 387 Both of them have a blind date, thanks to He Jincheng
"You boy, can you be reliable? Look at you, if I really get you to work in a clothing store, I don't know what troubles I can cause!"

He Jincheng's old face darkened, and he said in a deep voice.

"Hey, brother-in-law, I'm just kidding, don't be angry, don't worry, I've reformed myself a long time ago, of course I won't mess around, I promise I'm really dating someone!"

Ye Chunlin promised.

"I made an appointment for you to meet at the Peace Hotel tomorrow. You should bring a bouquet of flowers when you arrive, and remember to behave well. If they are not interested in you, you are not allowed to pester them!"

He Jincheng instructed.

"Don't worry my brother-in-law, I'll go and clean up myself, I have to make a good impression on other lesbians!"

Ye Chunlin ran away excitedly.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, took a sip from his teacup.

"What's the matter, Chunlin is so happy?"

Ye Qingmeng just put Er Bao to sleep, when she came out, she saw Ye Chunlin running out yelling, and asked with a puzzled face.

He Jincheng briefly talked about introducing a partner to Ye Chunlin, and Ye Qingmeng was also a little dumbfounded.

"Chun Lin, you finally want to find someone. To tell you the truth, some time ago, my parents asked me why Chun Lin didn't find a date, and wanted me to help introduce him!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"That's just right, if this kid performs well tomorrow, I think it's still possible!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"I hope, my parents want to hug their grandchildren too!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded and said.

The next day, there was a man in a suit and tie holding a bouquet of roses at the entrance of the Peace Hotel.

With this appearance, there is no one else except Ye Chunlin.

Today he was well dressed and attended. The suit and leather shoes alone cost him more than 300 yuan. The roses in his hand were also carefully selected.

On weekdays, Ye Chunlin has been working in Shanbaozhai, and his whole image is sloppy.

Dressed up like this today, he still looks good, like a rich young master.

"Why haven't you come yet!"

Ye Chunlin walked back and forth, and there were only 3 minutes left before the agreed time, but in the end, he still hadn't waited for his blind date, and he was very anxious.

At this moment, a hand patted his shoulder from behind.

"Hello comrade, you are Ye Chunlin!"

Ye Chunlin was startled, and quickly jumped aside, patted his chest, and then he regained his composure to look around, and was immediately stunned.

Today Zhu Lanlan wore a black coat with a white turtleneck sweater inside, looking very neat.

"You are Zhu Lanlan?"

Ye Chunlin said with some embarrassment.

"Yes, Mr. He introduced me, you flower..."

Zhu Lanlan smiled and pointed to the flowers in Ye Chunlin's hand.

Only then did Ye Chunlin realize it, and quickly handed it over.

"Hi, I'm Ye Chunlin, this flower is for you, I hope you like it!"

It's rare that Ye Chunlin behaved so coyly towards a girl.

"Thank you, I love it!"

Seeing Ye Chunlin's cowardice, Zhu Lanlan was a little surprised.

She found out Ye Chunlin's identity. He is the boss's brother-in-law, so he must be a rich man. She didn't expect to be so shy, no wonder she couldn't find a match.

"Hey, as long as you like it, by the way, I booked a box at the Peace Hotel, let's go in and chat while eating!"

Ye Chunlin smiled and invited.

"Okay, I have never eaten in such a high-end restaurant!"

Zhu Lanlan was also polite, and nodded with a smile.

Walking into the restaurant, Ye Chunlin felt relieved a little, not so nervous anymore.

"Waiter, we have booked a box, my surname is Ye!"

As soon as he came in, Ye Chunlin said directly.

"Mr. Ye, right? You are in Room 520, please follow me!"

The waiter had a good attitude and led Ye Chunlin and Zhu Lanlan to Box 520 very politely.

After sitting down, the two had nothing to say. After a long silence, Ye Chunlin mustered up the courage to speak.

"Comrade Zhu Lanlan, do you know why I booked box 520?"

Ye Chunlin said with a smile.

"520? Why?"

Zhu Lanlan asked suspiciously, apparently really didn't know.

"That's what... what does that mean? I heard from my brother-in-law that this number is more romantic!"

Ye Chunlin scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"Romantic? I don't think so, but the flowers you sent are quite romantic!"

Zhu Lanlan laughed.

"Oh, yes, by the way, the food here is pretty good. I've eaten here twice before. See what you want to eat."

Ye Chunlin was a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the topic again.

"I'm fine, I haven't eaten anyway, I heard that eating here costs at least 200 yuan a meal, and now Mr. He's salary for me is already very good, but I still can't afford it! "

Zhu Lanlan took a look at the menu, and sure enough, the price on it was outrageously expensive. If she was herself, she wouldn't come here to eat.

"It's okay, I think you also know my situation, this little money is nothing. I heard from my brother-in-law that you are mainly doing employee training now, right?"

Ye Chunlin asked.

"Yeah, I haven't been doing it for a long time, thanks to Mr. He's encouragement, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to persist until now!"

Zhu Lanlan said.

"That's right, my brother-in-law is a capable person, and I used to be an idiot. Later, under the guidance of my brother-in-law, I did something serious and made a little money!"

Ye Chunlin nodded.

Sometimes he was a little suspicious, is He Jincheng his brother-in-law?Why did he suddenly seem to be a different person, with a completely different style of doing things, and more importantly, his vision seems to be several layers higher than others.

In just over a year, he first built a medicinal material factory in the village and led the villagers to plant medicinal materials, making the villagers rich. Then he went to Nandu to open a medical center, open an antique shop, buy a factory and build a factory. , and now it has become a group, and I don't know how far it will develop in the future.

Ye Chunlin's following He Jincheng naturally has many benefits.

Just relying on the Shanbaozhai brand, the profits he gets are quite considerable.

"You are really lucky to be Mr. He's younger brother. Unlike me, I grew up in the village, and now my family still relies on me to work here to make money. Well, I have a younger brother who is eighteen this year. Tomorrow I'm about to take the college entrance examination, and if I can get into university, it will be much easier for me!"

A faint smile appeared on Zhu Lanlan's face, and Ye Chunlin looked a little dazed.

From this moment on, Ye Chunlin was sure that he really fell in love with the girl in front of him, no matter what, he must take her down!

(End of this chapter)

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