Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 390 The antique industry, the development direction of Shanbaozhai

Chapter 390 The antique industry, the development direction of Shanbaozhai
"How about brother-in-law, I didn't lie to you, Zhu Lanlan is still a very good girl, if you can really marry her, it will be your luck."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

It can be seen without guessing that the situation of Ye Chunlin's blind date with Zhu Lanlan today is very optimistic.

"Don't tell me, I was tempted when I first saw Zhu Lanlan. Brother-in-law, I'm here to assure you that I've always had my eyes on Zhu Lanlan in this life. If you have other thoughts in the future, you can just deal with me." , I promise I won’t dare to say a single word of complaint.”

Ye Chunlin held up three fingers and swore.

"What's the use of telling me? They haven't agreed yet, let's see if you can."

He Jincheng gave Ye Chunlin a blank look, and said very bluntly.

"Judging from Zhu Lanlan's reaction, I guess it's almost the same. But brother-in-law, why do you always send him on business trips? He runs around every day like this, so what should I do?"

Ye Chunlin expressed his dissatisfaction.

At a glance, the Chinese New Year is coming soon.

Zhu Lanlan must be going back to her hometown for the New Year. She can't run to other people's homes to find them during the New Year.

"Zhu Lanlan has this ability, why don't I give him this opportunity? Don't worry, these are temporary, as long as he has enough experience, I will definitely transfer him back."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"You boy, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Zhu Lanlan is not the kind of person who is willing to be ordinary, and he certainly doesn't like to live only by his significant other. You also have to give him a certain amount of independent space."

He still knows a little about Zhu Lanlan and He Jincheng, otherwise he wouldn't have given her such a heavy burden.

"Indeed, I always feel that Zhu Lanlan has a charm that attracts me, maybe it's what you mean, brother-in-law."

Ye Chunlin nodded half-understood.

"You boy, it's better to finish the work at hand first, don't think that Zhu Lanlan will become a strong woman one day, and you will still act like a fool all day long."

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile.

"Yeah, our foreign business is getting bigger and bigger now, I don't think it can be limited to just a few stores, or we will also open a few branches in other cities?"

Now Shanbaozhai only has three branches in Nandu, including the main store on Qiangu Street.

People watched Qingmeng clothing store open one store after another, and even opened a store in Chaoyang City next door.

Xiao Huang saw this in his eyes and kept it in his heart. To be honest, he was really jealous.

I am now managing the business of the antique shop, and the daily turnover is not bad.

So he felt that if he opened more branches, the antique shop would definitely be able to make a lot of money.

"It's not necessary. Every city has its own channels in the antique industry. Even if you do better, you go to the next city to open a branch. Let's not talk about it, what will happen to your business when you get there, but those What do you think the antique shop owners who have been robbed of the market by you will think?"

He Jincheng said earnestly.

"They can think whatever they want, and they can do better than us if they have the ability."

Ye Chunlin didn't quite understand.

In his opinion, in business, making money is the kingly way. If what you do is not as good as mine, then you deserve to have no business.

"You think it's that simple. If your business is really good, people's first thought is not to go and buy your antique shop, but how to make your business boom. The point of view is driven out. When all the local antique dealers come to take pictures for you, how long do you think you can stay there? This is the reason why the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake."

"Of course, if your dragon is big enough, you can completely ignore this rule. You don't have enough qualifications yet."

He Jincheng wasn't attacking Ye Chunlin either, he was just stating a fact.

This kind of thing is common whether it is now or in the future.

"I understand my brother-in-law, I will do my best in a down-to-earth manner, so what should be our next development direction?"

Ye Chunlin nodded, already thinking about it in his heart.

Since you can't make money by opening branches, what should you do next?

"My suggestion is that you can form a team that specializes in collecting antiques in the countryside. Each team can have two people. If the harvest is better, you can have a few more teams and let them go to the countryside to collect those good things from the people. "

He Jincheng thought about it and said some ideas he had a long time ago.

"Is it possible to collect things?"

Ye Chunlin frowned, he didn't feel well.

"Of course it works. Now people have a lot of good things in their hands. If you don't accept them, it's very likely that others will accept them. Now that we're here, we have to be more conscientious when we do this. I must be If you want such a sentence, you can’t fool those old people and children.”

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Of course, we always seek truth from facts for the elderly and children, and we won't cheat them. But brother-in-law, I have a question. No matter how much we collect, we can't sell it, so what can we do?"

Ye Chunlin nodded and continued to ask.

"It's very simple. In fact, you don't need to buy many things in the store. After you release the news, some colleagues will even take the initiative to contact you to buy. Especially some common things, such as copper coins and the like, There is a certain price standard in this market, you just need to sell according to this standard.”

"However, I have another suggestion, that is, after you collect the items, wait at least half a year to check the market and decide whether to sell them."

He Jincheng proposed a deadline of one and a half years.

"If you talk too much in half a year, the cost of capital occupation for this half year is not small."

Ye Chunlin is also a person who went to overnight school, so he still has some basic financial knowledge about capital income and expenditure.

According to what Ye Chunlin said, keep things in your hands and sell them after half a year. If you collect more than a dozen a day and hundreds a month, the amount in the diary is definitely not a small amount.

"Believe me, I'm not wrong. Our country's economy is developing faster and faster. When everyone has money, they will start to increase some consumption in this area. At that time, the price will only get higher and higher."

He Jincheng said with a smile, with great certainty in his tone.

"Good brother-in-law, you are also a person with a big structure. I listen to you, so let's do it this way. I will make an appointment with Lao Gao tomorrow to explain this matter clearly. When I start work next year, I will start immediately. do it."

Ye Chunlin nodded vigorously and said.

(End of this chapter)

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