Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 391 Year-end benefits, the layout should be enlarged by one point

Chapter 391 Year-end benefits, the layout should be enlarged

The end of the year is approaching.

The uninterrupted sound of firecrackers filled the whole city.

The smell of fireworks in the air makes everything seem so real.

He Jincheng walked on the street, breathing greedily the slightly pungent smell of firecrackers, enjoying it in his heart.

Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in future cities for the sake of environmental protection.

Wanting to smell like this is a luxury for city dwellers.

Without smartphones, without Internet, it seems that the whole world has become calm.

The children are not playing the king, but running around and playing around.

They'll fight over a few sheets of paper.

In order to be more courageous than anyone else, he would hold firecrackers and put them in his hands.

People's laughter at this time is so sincere.

Although the sound of firecrackers was everywhere in the city, it gave He Jincheng an unusual sense of tranquility.

Everything is so beautiful.

If possible, He Jincheng would like to live like this for the rest of his life.

It's a pity that although he doesn't expect to be rich and powerful, the wheels of history keep rolling, and most of the time he can't help himself and can only be pushed forward by life.

If you stop, you will probably be struggling painfully under the pressure of the annual rings of history.

China is a country with a large population. Even in 5000, an average monthly income of more than [-] yuan is considered relatively rich.

The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. From a certain point of view, it is better for everyone to live together in this era of extremely scarce material life.

Of course, this view is only an extreme.

Wealth of the people makes the country strong, and a strong country makes the people richer!
This is an interaction and a relationship of mutual restraint.

If you go out from a poor country, you will be discriminated against.

But if your motherland is strong enough, then you will have the confidence to go anywhere in the world.

National pride cannot be created with words, but requires real economic development.

In [-], after a brief period of economic control, domestic economic development accelerated again.

Once a group of wild horses break free, the speed at which they run will shock the world.

He Jincheng knows how important this era is to Huaxia.

Now that I have done it all over again, I will naturally not miss this good opportunity.

If he wants to, he can become the richest man in the country, or even the richest man in the world, by relying on his advanced consciousness.

But He Jincheng had no such plan.

The first thing he has to do is to ensure the life of himself and his family.

Then accumulate a large amount of capital to a certain extent, and turn around to study some fields and projects that can help the country improve its national strength.

And He Jincheng is best at the field of medicine.

Medical insurance has always been one of the biggest headaches for citizens.

It is difficult and expensive to see a doctor. This situation has always existed since ancient times.

For minor illnesses and disasters, everyone used to carry them on their shoulders.

Once encountering a serious illness, most people basically cannot afford the high medical expenses.

Especially if some foreign research specialties want to import to China, the price will often be ridiculously high, which is prohibitive.

Even a single drug has the potential to break the bank.

He Jincheng has seen a movie about selling generic drugs.

At that time, this movie also deeply touched He Jincheng.

It's a pity that He Jincheng was over 60 years old at that time, and he didn't have the energy to do these researches at all because of the secular world.

But now he has plenty of time, and at the same time has a reserve of knowledge far beyond modern times.

Of course, if you want to truly achieve something in the medical industry, you still need a lot of capital to support it.

A drug research is not something that can be created casually.

It requires not only money but also a lot of time.

Human and material resources are indispensable.

Don't look at the prosperous development of He's Group now.

But with the current amount of funds, I am afraid that even a low-level special medicine cannot be produced.

However, He Jincheng is still very confident about this matter.

The current layout of the He Group has gradually unfolded.

The production line of the second garment factory is gradually increasing, and the market for clothing stores is also expanding rapidly.

According to He Jincheng's estimate, in [-], the group's revenue would grow exponentially.

After buying some Spring Festival couplets and fireworks, He Jincheng returned home with his things.

At this time Zhou Qingyuan was waiting at home for He Jincheng to discuss something with him.

"Mr. Zhou, what can I do for you? If I remember correctly, the factory can have a holiday today."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's right, Mr. He. The company is going to have a holiday today, so let me ask you, should we give some benefits to our employees this Chinese New Year?"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile.

"We must have benefits. What have you prepared?"

He Jincheng nodded, but he forgot about it.

"I contacted a factory that produces daily necessities, and I can buy some soap, shampoo, towels, etc. for everyone. After all, everyone's year-end bonuses have been distributed yesterday, and our benefits are just a little bit of fun."

Before Zhou Qingyuan came, he also made some preparations.

"Although these things are commonly used by everyone, they are still a bit too rare. How about this, you can work overtime here to make some shopping coupons, and each employee will issue one. With the shopping coupons, you can choose them in any of our clothing stores." Buy a dress."

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

"Ah? Do you want to give so much? Mr. He, our factory has a total of five to six hundred employees. If everyone chooses one, the value is not low."

Zhou Qingyuan was taken aback.

Now a piece of clothing in a clothing store costs at least 40 yuan, and some expensive ones may cost more than 60 yuan a piece.

If everyone chooses the most expensive one, then the total value is really not low.

"It doesn't matter. If you say that we don't have much money now, everyone knows this, but we don't have much else, that is, we have a lot of clothes. If our own employees can't afford our clothes and can't wear ours Clothes, then what’s the point of us doing this business?”

Xiao Wang bowed his hand and said disapprovingly.

"Although that's what I said, isn't the investment a bit too much?"

Zhou Qingyuan was still a little reluctant.

"Mr. Zhou, just listen to me and do what I tell you. This is not just giving the employees some benefits, but also asking them to advertise us for free."

"We will continue to expand enrollment in the future. The most important thing at the moment is labor."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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