Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 392 Fireworks and firecrackers, meeting a strange girl on the road

Chapter 392 Fireworks and firecrackers, meeting a strange girl on the road
"Now that our market is expanding more and more, the demand for production will definitely increase. It happens that they will definitely get the attention of their neighbors when they come home wearing our own clothes. It will be a particularly good way of publicity at that time. .Not only can we advertise in terms of recruitment, but we can also promote our brand in terms of our sales.”

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Zhou Qingyuan more or less understood.

He said in his heart that He Jincheng still has a big structure. If he were himself, it would be absolutely impossible to invest so much in providing benefits to employees.

The quality of the clothes they produce is also very clear to them.

It is definitely a huge benefit for people to choose one at will, no worse than paying a month's salary.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and I'll send someone to make coupons right away."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded vigorously and said.

"By the way, Mr. Zhou. You have also worked hard for a year. Wait for me, I have something for you."

He Jincheng thought of something again, smiled, then turned and went into the bedroom.

Just when Zhou Qingyuan was wondering what He Jincheng was going to give him, he saw He Jincheng took a cowhide envelope and walked out.

"Here is the bonus for you, don't think too little, our company is also in the slow development stage, and there will only be more in the future."

He Jincheng handed the kraft paper envelope to Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan was slightly shocked, and his heart was immediately moved.

There is no need to open it, just feel the weight inside the envelope, and I have an idea in my heart. There must be at least 3000 yuan in the envelope.

Last year, the factory invested so much, and he actually knew exactly how much money was in the account.

Now he can also get a salary of 300 yuan every month. In fact, he is already very satisfied. He did not expect that He Jincheng would take another 3000 yuan as a bonus for himself.

"Mr. He, I can't ask for this. Our factory is in need of money right now. What does it sound like if I get so much? The usual salary is actually enough for me."

Zhou Qingyuan hastily declined.

"If you give it to you, why are you being polite to me? You have done your best for our company and have worked hard. This 3000 yuan is not too much. If it is not because the recent investment is too large, I must at least give it to you. Add a zero at the end."

He Jincheng patted Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder with a smile.

"Mr. He, I..."

For a while, Zhou Qingyuan's eyes were a little moist.

Before talking to He Jincheng, he basically ate his last meal without his next meal.

That is to say, life gradually improved after following He Jincheng.

Now that He Jincheng treats him so well, Zhou Qingyuan is really touched.

"Okay, let's not talk about the unnecessary things. Take the money to buy something and go home to celebrate the New Year. We have to do a lot when we come back next year. The road ahead will be long."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Mr. He."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded vigorously.

After sending Zhou Qingyuan away, He Jincheng called Tingting out with the purchased fireworks and firecrackers, and took her to set off fireworks in the yard.

Ever since she was a child, Tingting has only seen other people setting off cannons and fireworks, and she has never let them go.

To be honest, he is also very envious of other people's children.

Today He Jincheng bought her a lot of fireworks, but the little girl was so happy.

After tossing all afternoon, I bought a lot of fireworks, and the firecrackers were basically set off.

Tingting was still a little unsatisfied, holding He Jincheng's arm, arguing to buy more.

"Okay, okay, Dad will go out and buy it for you later, okay?"

He Jincheng coaxed Tingting out by talking nonsense.

Seeing that it was getting dark, He Jincheng thought about it and bought some more for his daughter.

This girl is on the rise of playing, and she will definitely want to play even more at night.

So He Jincheng went out again and went to the street.

However, it seems that because of the approaching Chinese New Year, some vendors on the street finish their work earlier than usual.

For a while, I couldn't find anyone selling fireworks and firecrackers.

After inquiring about He Jincheng, he found a store.

After buying dozens of dollars worth of fireworks and firecrackers here, He Jincheng walked home with his things.

There are not many people on the street, and basically they all go home and prepare for the New Year.

Just as He Jincheng was about to walk home, he suddenly heard a scream.

He quickly turned his head to look, and saw a figure that seemed to have fallen to the ground.

He Jincheng quickly walked up to check the situation.

I saw a child lying on the ground with a blue face and moaning in pain.

He Jincheng hurried up to check on the child's condition, frowning slightly.

This is a little girl with big eyes, but the little girl has bony bones and sallow skin, as if she hasn't eaten a full meal for a long time.

I didn't know the reason just now, so I fell and dislocated my arm.

"Little sister, are you okay? Where is your home? I'll send you back."

To be honest, He Jincheng was a little angry with the little girl's parents for a little girl outside by herself at such a late hour.

And from the bony face, it can be seen that the little girl should actually look quite cute.

If it wasn't for being too thin, she would definitely be a juicy little girl.

I don't know what's going on, but I can starve a child like this.

Such parents are really irresponsible.

"Big brother, I'm fine, thank you, I can go by myself."

Although the little girl was in great pain, she still shook her head, saying that she was fine.

"No way, your dislocated arm needs to be treated. Eldest brother is a doctor. How about I heal your arm first and then send you home?"

In He Jincheng's view, this little girl must have received some abuse at home, otherwise she wouldn't be what she is now.

It's the Chinese New Year soon, and the little girl ran out by herself, she must have been beaten by her family.

"It's really okay, brother, thank you, I don't want to cause you trouble."

The little girl's sallow face turned slightly red and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean trouble me? Why are you leaving alone in this state? Listen to what Big Brother said, you go back with me first."

He Jincheng said in a solemn voice.


There was a look of panic on the little girl's face, and his eyes were fixed on He Jincheng's back, as if he had seen something terrible.

"Big brother, go away, don't worry about me, I'm really fine!"

The little girl suddenly yelled loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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