Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 393 Damn, I Shouldn't Injure You

Chapter 393 Damn, I Shouldn't Injure You
He Jincheng frowned, turned and looked behind.

I saw three figures in the darkness, approaching quickly.

"Xiaoyu, why did you run out, hurry back with me!"

A voice came, and after the three figures came to him, He Jincheng also saw their faces clearly.

These three people are two men and one woman. The man is tall, burly, and has a fierce appearance. He is not a good person at first glance.

That woman was as fat as a bucket. Although the light was very dark, He Jincheng still saw her big face covered in powder, which was very disgusting.

"Big brother, I don't know them, take me away, I really don't know them!"

The little girl held He Jincheng's hand nervously, her voice trembling.

"Little sister, don't worry, with me here, no one can take you away!"

He Jincheng patted the little girl's hand, and his heart burned with anger.

No matter who these three people belong to the little girl, to toss a seven or eight-year-old child like this is a beast. No matter what, He Jincheng will not let these people take the little girl away.

"Oh, you look at the child, you are really disobedient, thank you, comrade, I am this girl's mother, this is her father and second uncle, just now when the child was naughty at home, I hit her twice, unexpectedly Just ran out, and I will take him away!"

The fat woman didn't notice He Jincheng's expression, she stepped forward with a smile and wanted to take the little girl away.

He Jincheng put his hand in front of the little girl, and said lightly, "Who are you? Are you really the little girl's parents?"

"Of course, this comrade, we are her parents. This child is too naughty. If she doesn't learn well all day long, she knows how to play. That's why I hit her a few times. Don't worry, we will definitely not hit her again when we go back. Come on, Xiaoyu, hurry up!"

The fat woman said with a smile, but when she looked at the little girl, the fat woman's expression became fierce, and the frightened little girl hid behind He Jincheng again.

"Big brother, they are not my parents, I don't know them, I just came here a month ago, I didn't know them at all before!"

The little girl was about to cry, and seemed very worried that if He Jincheng didn't believe her, he wouldn't be able to protect her.

He Jincheng was sure that the two men and one woman were traffickers.

There are many damned people in the world, and human traffickers are the most damned among them.

"You child, why are you talking so much that you don't even know your parents? Hurry up and come over here, and go back and see how I deal with you, you unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

The fat woman glared at the little girl and said, before stepping forward to grab the little girl.

"Don't do it, I won't let you touch this girl until the matter is clear!"

He Jincheng held the little girl behind him and said coldly.

"What's the matter with you, we are here to pick up your own child, what right do you have to control us, believe it or not, let's call the police immediately, do you want to abduct our child!"

The man who claimed to be the little girl's father said loudly, looking very angry, if the man next to him didn't drag him, he would have beaten He Jincheng with his hands.

"What's the matter with you, return our child to us quickly, otherwise, we will be impolite!"

Another man also spoke.

He Jincheng secretly laughed in his heart. These people, singing bad faces for a while and singing red faces for a while, cooperated very tacitly. If ordinary people encountered this situation, they would definitely hand over the little girl directly.

"Call the police, okay? Then let's call the police. If you are really sure that you are the little girl's relatives, I am willing to compensate and apologize to you, but I am afraid that you will not dare!"

He Jinsheng sneered and said.

"Fart, I think you're just looking for death, a dog takes a mouse to meddle in its own business, I'll kill you, believe it or not!"

The little girl's fake father pointed at He Jincheng and cursed loudly.

Of course they didn't dare to call the police, they just wanted to scare He Jincheng with this method, but they didn't expect this guy to refuse such a trick at all.

Several people looked at each other, and their bodies moved to catch traces, surrounding He Jincheng.

"Hehe, this is too soft. Are you ready to grab it? You traffickers are really arrogant. If you dare to rob people in broad daylight, who gave you the courage!"

He Jincheng sneered.

"Made, you really want to die. There are some things that you can't tell the truth. We are doing our business. You go your own way. Why bother to go through this muddy water?"

The fat woman said with a sneer, and didn't hide it anymore.

The two men had already drawn out their gleaming knives and looked at He Jincheng jokingly.

"Boy, to tell you the truth, my nickname is Wang Sandao, because I only stabbed people three times. If you return him to us honestly now, I can consider giving you a little life. Otherwise, I will kill you." I can only show you, your grandpa Wang Sandao is amazing!"

A man called himself Wang Sandao, and the blade in his hand was twisted into a knife, which was very airy.

"Boy, Brother Dao has human life in his hands, you'd better think about it carefully!"

The other sneered and threatened.

"Oh, so you are the gangsters in the newspapers recently, robbing, stealing, murdering, setting fire, and now they are abducting and trafficking children. You have done all the immoral things in the world!"

He Jincheng really knew this Wang Sandao. A few days ago, he accidentally saw the arrest warrant in the newspaper. At that time, He Jincheng sighed a few words.

"That's right, except for good deeds, I am willing to do anything, boy, don't you give me nonsense, I will give you ten seconds, give me someone, I have read the almanac today, it is not suitable to see blood, so I can I won't move you!"

Wang Sandao said coldly.

"Big brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have troubled you, I'm so scared, woo woo woo..."

The little girl finally couldn't help it, and burst into tears.

"Don't be afraid, with my brother here, these bad guys will never touch you at all!"

He Jincheng comforted him distressedly.

"Boy, it seems that you still haven't seen the reality clearly. In this case, I will break a precept and let you see the blood today!"

Wang Sandao snorted coldly, and rushed towards He Jincheng with the blade.

He Jincheng frowned, and a murderous intent emerged in his heart.

Human traffickers, He Jincheng wished he could kill them directly.

However, in a society ruled by law, he can't do this, and there must be more children in the hands of these people. If they kill them, those children may be locked up and left alone, and they may starve to death.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng raised his palm, and a silver needle popped out, which sank into the root of Wang Sandao's thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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