Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 394 Beat the bad guys away and take the little girl to Zhang's house

Chapter 394 Beat the bad guys away and take the little girl home
"Oh, Mad, what is it!"

Wang Sandao only felt that his thigh was bitten by an ant, and then he lost consciousness in one leg, staggered, and fell to the ground directly.

"Brother Dao, what's wrong!"

The fat woman hurried over and asked with concern.

"Made, I can't feel my right leg, what's going on!"

Wang Sandao shouted loudly, with a look of panic on his face.

It was fine just now, but suddenly he lost feeling in his thigh, this thing was too weird, Wang Sandao couldn't help but not panic.

"If none of you can leave today, please stay with me. Let's go to the Security Bureau together."

He Jincheng's voice was very cold, and he walked towards Wang Sandao and the fat woman.

"Made, did you give me a face? I will kill you."

The other man was swearing and was about to punch He Jincheng.

As a result, as soon as he reached He Jincheng's side, he was kicked flying by He Jincheng's swift kick like the wind, fell heavily on the ground, rolled several times, and then stopped.

"Let's go, this kid is a trainer, we are not opponents."

Wang Sandao knew at a glance that He Jincheng must have some force, and he made a decisive decision on that one, which still has a sentient left leg, and would run far away with every jump.

They are all wanted criminals. If they are really caught, they will definitely be shot.

"It's not so easy to leave now."

He Jincheng sneered, and stepped forward to chase after several people. The fat woman wanted to stop He Jincheng, but was kicked mercilessly by He Jincheng and fell to the ground, rolling all over the ground in pain, screaming .

"Brother, there is no deep hatred between us. Just take this little girl away. We will never make trouble again in the future. How about it?"

Seeing this, Wang Sandao immediately gave up, and turned to He Jincheng to discuss the conditions.

He didn't know what happened to his right leg, and he suddenly lost consciousness. Otherwise, He Jincheng would definitely let the white knife go in and the red knife go out.

Anyway, I have already taken several lives on my body, and I don't care about He Jincheng.

"People like you should be dragged to be shot, honestly follow me to the Security Bureau."

He Jincheng said coldly.

Negotiating conditions with human traffickers, not to mention seeking skins from tigers, can be said to be collusion. This is completely fueling the arrogance of human traffickers.

And is it necessary for He Jincheng to negotiate conditions with these people?With his strength, it is still easy to deal with such a few crooked melons and cracked dates.

At this moment, He Jincheng only heard a plop from behind, turned his head and looked over, and indeed the little girl fell to the ground again, as if she had passed out.

He Jincheng frowned, and quickly walked to the little girl's side to check other situations.

Wang Sandao and the fat woman took advantage of this opportunity and hurried out.

He Jincheng wanted to chase after her, but the little girl suddenly fell into a coma, so he couldn't just leave him on the road alone.

After hesitating for a moment, He Jincheng still decided to ignore those traffickers for the time being.

Just now, the silver needle was directly used to destroy the thigh meridian of that Wang Sandao.

What He Jincheng can be sure of is that no one in this world can heal his leg except himself.

As long as Wang Sandao has to go to the hospital to see a doctor, there is a great possibility that he will meet this guy again.

The best situation is that Wang Sandao will come directly to his medical clinic, and then he will take care of them and catch them all.

Seeing the opportunity, Wang Candao and the fat woman ran away without looking back, and disappeared after a while.

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, knelt down to feel the little girl's pulse, and felt that although his breath was a little weak, but there was no major problem overall, He Jincheng was slightly relieved.

"Poor child, he is severely malnourished, no wonder he faints from time to time."

He Jincheng thought to himself, after thinking for a while, he decided to just take the girl home.

Anyway, there are enough rooms in the house, so it is no problem to live with one more person, and the little girl looks about seven or eight years old, so she can play with Tingting as a playmate.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng no longer hesitated, picked up the little girl, and walked towards the house.

Ye Qingmeng was very surprised when he saw He Jincheng carrying a little girl home.

Ye Shanhe and He Qingsong felt distressed when they saw such a poor little girl.

Especially when they heard that the little girl was abducted here by human traffickers, they were so angry that they cursed.

The women's eyes were red with distress.

"These god-killing human traffickers, just to make a little money, tortured a living child like this, how sad his parents will be."

Ye Qingmeng's eyes were moist.

As a mother of two, he couldn't imagine how he would feel if he lost one of his children.

"This girl is malnourished and has some anemia. Generally speaking, there is no major problem. Wife, go and cook some porridge, and it is best to put some red dates or something. Mom, you should send this little girl to the bedroom first, so that she can sleep well Take a nap. Feed her some porridge after she comes, and give her meat after she recovers."

He Jincheng asked.

Because of long-term malnutrition, people's body functions have changed, especially in the physiological environment.To use an analogy, if you don't quit your job and eat a little bit for a week, you are guaranteed not to starve to death.

After the end of the week, suddenly a lot of big fish and meat will be brought out for you.

Maybe you really want to eat, and you will have a feeling in your heart that I can eat a lot.

But in fact, your body will produce a subtle change due to long-term undereating.

After you have a meal, the stomach and other digestive systems will be in a state of passive sabotage.

Especially for some greasy meat, it will have a great aversion. If you forcefully eat big fish and meat suddenly, it may cause extremely serious negative effects on the body.

The family immediately got busy around the little girl.

This girl seems to be a light sleeper, and if she makes a little movement on her side, she will raise her eyes and look this way.

After sleeping for more than an hour, the little girl finally woke up completely.

"Little girl, how do you feel when you wake up?"

Wang Huixin and Guo Lan were sitting in the bedroom, wearing sweaters while taking care of the little girl.

Seeing that the little girl was awake, she came over and asked quickly.

Unexpectedly, the little girl was taken aback and quickly shrank back under the blanket.

"Those human traffickers are really evil. They scare the children so much that they dare not even talk normally to strangers."

Guo Lan said very angrily.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. We are good people and won't hurt you. I must have not eaten for a long time. Are you hungry? Auntie made you a bowl of porridge. Would you like to try it?"

Wang Huixin said softly, feeling sorry for this little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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