Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 395 Place Xiaoyu, and meet Wang three times in the medical clinic

Chapter 395 Place Xiaoyu, meet Wang Sandao again in the medical clinic
"Thank you big sister..."

Maybe it was because of Ye Qingmeng's kindness, maybe because He Jincheng had saved her before, the little girl gradually relaxed her vigilance, said thank you obediently, then picked up the bowl of porridge and ate it carefully.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

Ye Qingmeng looked at the little girl and said very distressed.

"Yeah, it's delicious, it's so delicious, this is the best Xiaoyu has eaten in her life, thank you big sister!"

Xiaoyu nodded vigorously, maybe because she was too hungry, she was a little cautious at first, but then started to gobble up after eating, and ate up a bowl of porridge in a short while.

"Your name is Xiaoyu, right? Don't worry, I'll serve you another bowl!"

Ye Qingmeng touched Xiaoyu's head, smiled and gave her another bowl.

"Thank you, big sister! Big sister, you are so kind!"

Xiaoyu said happily that after coming here, she smiled for the first time.

"You're welcome, eat slowly!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

Then Xiaoyu ate two more bowls of porridge, and was now full. After eating, the girl actually took the bowl and said that she was going to wash the dishes.

"Big sister, let me wash the dishes, I don't have money, but I can do the work, I can wash clothes, cook, clean..."

Xiaoyu was a little nervous again. In her opinion, she had to pay for food, but she had no money.

"You don't need to do any of these things. Big Sister's family is not short of money, so go and have a rest first!"

Ye Qingmeng said distressedly, this child is only five or six years old, about the same age as Tingting, he has to suffer so much to say such a thing.

Those human traffickers are really beasts who suffer thousands of knives!

Xiaoyu is very well-behaved. After eating a full meal, she sat there very cautiously. Although she was a little curious about this big house, she didn't walk around casually.

After cleaning up, He Jincheng called all his family members over to discuss how to arrange Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu was abducted by human traffickers. I asked her, but she doesn't remember where her home is. Now we have several options. One is to hand over Xiaoyu to the police comrades and let them help find Xiaoyu's family. The second , is to send Xiaoyu to the orphanage, there should be a shelter for Xiaoyu. In the end, we will temporarily take Xiaoyu in, and after we find her family, we will send her back. What do you think is the best way?"

He Jincheng looked at the crowd and said.

"Why don't we let Xiaoyu stay at home first, I don't worry about sending her to the orphanage or the police station for such a small child, how can those rough people take good care of the little one?" child?"

Wang Huixin said that she thought Xiaoyu was very cute and cute, and her poor life experience really made people feel distressed.

"I support Huixin's idea. Our family is so big, we just can't live in it. Let Xiaoyu live at home first. Look at this child, he's skinny and skinny, so don't bother!"

Guo Lan also nodded and said.

He Qingsong and Ye Shanhe naturally have no objections, they also like children, and Xiaoyu is so well-behaved, of course they agree.

"Both of us are fine, and I have an idea, we have no children so far, if we can't have another child, and Xiaoyu can't find a family, we can adopt Xiaoyu!"

He Jinshan looked at Li Meili. The two had already discussed this matter, and they had no opinion.

"Okay, how about this, I will trouble my sister-in-law and take Xiaoyu to the police station tomorrow to see what's going on first, and then decide what to do."

He Jincheng nodded.

Everyone has no opinions, and this matter is settled for the time being.

On the other side, Tingting took the initiative to chat with Xiaoyu.

At first Xiaoyu was a little shy, but they were children after all, and the two of them talked about various topics, and they quickly became acquainted.

At night, Tingting took Xiaoyu to find Ye Qingmeng.

"Mom, I want to sleep with sister Xiaoyu, okay? Tingting is an older child now, so she doesn't have to sleep with mom and dad anymore!"

Tingting said seriously.

"Okay, then you can't bully sister Xiaoyu!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled, rubbed Tingting's little head and said.

"Okay, sister Xiaoyu, come with me, let's play together, I have a lot of toys!"

Tingting shouted happily.

"Thank you big sister!"

Xiaoyu was also very happy, and slightly bowed towards Ye Qingmeng.

"Xiaoyu, you see Tingting calls your sister and my mother, so what should you call me?"

Ye Qingmeng laughed.

It's not that I don't mind how Xiaoyu is called, the key is that Tingting calls her sister, and Xiaoyu calls her own sister. This is not bad!
"Big sister... no, auntie, thank you auntie!"

Xiaoyu thought about it, and soon figured it out.

"That's right, let's play!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled.

The next day, Li Meili and Ye Qingmeng took Xiaoyu to the police station.

The police station was also very busy. Hearing that Li Meili said that he wanted to adopt Xiaoyu, he filed a case for Xiaoyu and asked them to go back first.

On a rare occasion, Li Meili and Ye Qingmeng took Xiaoyu and Tingting to the playground for a while.

The playground here has very simple facilities, basically slides, seesaws and the like.

But the children were still very happy and had a great time playing.

After getting tired from playing, a few people went to buy some delicious food.

At the end of the day, Xiaoyu, who was still somewhat reserved, has completely integrated into this new family.


The company is all on vacation, and He Jincheng is also planning to start giving himself a vacation after making the final arrangements.

During the Chinese New Year, the medical clinic implemented half-day shifts to ensure that there were people attending the consultation every day. He Jincheng paid three times the overtime salary for overtime. .

On New Year's Eve 29, He Jincheng was not on duty that day, and was taking the children shopping. When he passed by the medical center, he saw a familiar figure.

When Xiaoyu saw that person, his face immediately changed.

That person, isn't it the human trafficker Wang Sandao I met two nights ago!
This bastard really can bear it. I just found my own clinic to treat my illness. It must be hard these few days!

He Jincheng hurriedly asked Ye Qingmeng to take Xiaoyu home, then put on a mask and a doctor's white coat, and came to the hospital.

"Doctor Cheng, you've worked hard this year. I happen to be fine. I'll be on duty for you. You go back first!"

He Jincheng smiled and dismissed Dr. Cheng who was on duty, then sat behind the desk and began to see patients.

Not many people came to see the doctor, and soon it was Wang Sandao's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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