Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 396 Pretentious, the doctor punished Wang 3 times

Chapter 396 Pretentious, the medical hall punishes Wang Sandao
"What's wrong? You have bad legs and feet?"

He Jincheng asked lightly, deliberately changing his voice so as not to be recognized by Wang Sandao.

"Hey, doctor, I haven't said this yet, you know that I am here to see my legs, you must be a genius doctor, please help me to see, my leg fell a few days ago, I don't know why I lost my intuition, I went to several hospitals, but there is nothing I can do, I heard that your Xinsheng Medical Center specializes in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, so I came here to let you help me see it!"

Wang Sandao's attitude at this meeting is very good, not at all as arrogant and vicious as the previous two nights.

There is no way, if this leg is really useless, he will be useless in the team, maybe he will be directly broken by his accomplices, and then sent to the street to beg for food.

They often harm children like this. Even if he is a member of the team, if he can't generate income, he will definitely end up in this one.

"Did it fall? Let me see, did you take a picture or something?"

He Jincheng looked very surprised, and reached out to give Wang Sandao a pulse.

"Oh, I did, but the doctor at the county hospital said there was nothing wrong with it, and asked me to observe it for another two days, but I haven't felt a bit until now, doctor, what do you think is going on with me?"

Wang Sandao said quickly, with that well-behaved appearance, I am afraid that He Jincheng can cure him, and he can kneel down and kowtow on the spot.

"Bring me the film first and show it to me."

He Jincheng pretended to pulse for a while, then took Wang Sandao's film and watched it for a while.

"From the film, it seems that there is really no problem. Did you pretend it on purpose?"

He Jincheng asked knowingly and said that this leg was his masterpiece, how could he not know whether Wang Sandao was pretending or not.

Now that Wang Sandao has fallen into his own hands, if he doesn't deal with him well, then he will be sorry for those children who were abducted by him.

"How is it possible, doctor, I don't feel any sensation in this leg. If you don't believe me, try it. Try pinching me twice. Pinching me hard, I really don't feel anything at all."

Wang Sandao was about to cry. These days he saw a lot of doctors, but the doctors really didn't help at all.

Thinking of what kind of miserable end he would have if he really became disabled, Wang Sandao wanted to die.

"Really? Then I'll give it a try, but we doctors don't pinch people, I prefer to use silver needles. I'll explode some of your acupoints later, and tell me if you respond."

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then took out the needle bag, and took out a slightly thicker silver needle from it.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, I don't dare to joke about my lifelong happiness."

Wang Sandao nodded again and again, and rolled up his trousers very cooperatively, exposing his whole leg.

He Jincheng was also polite, picked up the silver needle and pricked it directly towards the thigh.

Wang Sandao really didn't feel anything at all, and looked at He Jincheng very calmly.

"Oh, I really don't feel it. This is a strange disease. Wait a minute and I'll try another two acupuncture points."

He Jincheng changed another acupuncture point and got a few more needles, but Wang Sandao still didn't respond at all.

"You see, doctor, I'm not lying, I really don't feel anything at all, but everything is normal after the examination of the film, what do you think is wrong with me?"

Wang Sandao said with a mournful face.

"Strange, it's really weird. It doesn't feel like a disease. Wait a minute. I still have a last resort and an acupuncture point. If you still don't feel anything, then I can only tell you with regret. You, this leg is useless."

He Jincheng said very seriously.

"Ah, then you should try it quickly."

Wang Sandao was taken aback, and said hastily.

He Jincheng nodded.

"You lift your feet up, ah, yes, just keep the soles of your feet facing me, so you can keep it."

While He Jincheng was talking, when Wang Sandao raised his foot, the silver needle went down immediately, directly piercing into the sole of Wang Sandao's foot.

"Hey, it hurts to death."

Wang Sandao jumped up and let out a groan, it seemed that his heart really hurt.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, not to mention the soles of the feet, it is really similar to the pain of giving birth to a child.

"Oh, it seems that you are still saved."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Wang Sandao rubbed vigorously, rubbing the soles of his feet, and it took him a while to recover.

Although the pain was excruciating, but He Jincheng was overjoyed when he heard that he could still be saved.

"Oh, doctor, you are really a business. I beg you to heal my leg. Money is not a problem. As long as I can heal my leg, I am willing to give you all my wealth."

Wang Sandao was extremely excited.

I can see a glimmer of hope.

"Sit down first and let's try again. Do you still feel it now?"

He Jincheng signaled Wang Sandao to sit down and say.

Wang Sandao immediately sat down upright like a well-behaved child.

He Jincheng gave Wang Sandao's leg a few more injections, but he still didn't feel anything.

This time Wang Sandao was a little panicked.

"Doctor, what the hell is going on with me? Why do you feel pain in the soles of my feet, but I still don't feel any pain in other parts of my thighs?"

"I've never seen your situation before. The good news is that since the sole of your foot is pierced, you will feel pain, which means that there is still a possibility of treatment for your leg. The preliminary judgment is very likely to be Nerve necrosis in the leg. My suggestion is to continue the acupuncture treatment first, and then supplement it with medication."

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, no problem, as long as it can cure my leg, you can ask me to do anything."

Wang Sandao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately agreed. Now nothing is as important as his own leg.

"Acupuncture treatment requires continuous pricking of the soles of the feet. It needs to be pricked for at least one hour a day. This matter is actually very simple. I can give you a silver needle. When the time comes, you can prick it yourself at home. OK."

He Jincheng gave Wang Sandao the silver needle he just used as he spoke.

"Aren't you joking, doctor, for an hour of piercing every day? I almost couldn't bear it that afternoon just now. I need another hour of piercing. Isn't that killing me?"

Wang Sandao said in astonishment.

"Do you want legs? Or do you want to be a waste for the rest of your life?"

He Jincheng looked at Wang Sandao.

"Of course I want legs."

Wang Sandao said without the slightest hesitation.

"Then what are you talking about? If you don't use my method for treatment, then you can ask Gao Ming to see if others have a better method."

He Jincheng patted the table and said very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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