Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 397 Sky-high price of medicine, if you can't cure it, you will get double refund

Chapter 397 Sky-high price of medicine, if you can't cure it, you will get double refund

Wang Sandao smiled wryly, but there was no other way. If he wanted to keep his leg, he had to listen to He Jincheng.

But thinking of the excruciating pain, Wang Sandao couldn't help but tremble.

It hurts so much, it's killing me.

"You're so big, you're still afraid of pain? Hold on, if you ask me again, I won't treat you!"

He Jincheng frowned, and gave another injection in displeasure.


Wang Sandao let out a cry, and immediately covered his mouth, for fear that He Jincheng would not heal himself if he was really angry.

"Hmph, I think you just didn't do anything good, so you got such a strange disease. I heard that God will punish bad people. The more bad things you do, the more miserable your life will be in your later years. After you are cured, remember Go burn incense and worship Buddha, accumulate some virtue!"

He Jincheng chattered while pricking the needle casually.

Wang Sandao rolled his eyes in pain, but only dared to bite his sleeve, trying hard to keep himself silent.

Just like that, after a total of 49 stitches, He Jincheng finally stopped.

"Okay, let's feel it again now, is it any better?"

Wang Sandao swallowed, and then patted his leg with his hand.

"I feel it, I really feel it, doctor, you are such a miracle doctor, thank you, thank you!"

Wang Sandao was about to cry, bowing to He Jincheng again and again.

"Thank you, I didn't treat you for nothing. The consultation fee is 1 yuan, and this needle is 1000 yuan. Take it back and pierce it if you have nothing to do, just like I did just now!"

He Jincheng took a sip of water and said lightly.

"Ah? 1 yuan, this needle is 1000 yuan, why don't you grab it?"

Wang Sandao was stunned for a moment, and then cried out.

"Steal? I'm open for business, why do you want to rob, you don't have to pay, let's go, I don't care about the next treatment!"

He Jincheng pointed to the gate of the medical center and said calmly.

" can you do this, you are a doctor, you can't just ignore death!"

Wang Sandao became impatient and shouted loudly.

"Don't help? Who died? Where is it? I can't save you if you die! You are a real person. You have a strange disease and can't cure it. I will cure it for you. You think the fee is too high. If you don’t have money to see a disease, don’t waste my time!”

He Jincheng deliberately looked around, as if he was really looking for any dead people.

" are just making trouble and taking advantage of the fire to rob you, you are a doctor like you, I want to sue you, and you will lose your fortune!"

Just now I thanked He Jincheng a lot and called him a miracle doctor, but Wang Sandao immediately refused to talk about the consultation fee.

"Go out and turn right, walk three streets, and you will find the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. You can go and sue, but I want to see if there is anyone in Nandu who can cure your leg besides me. In case, there is no less than a penny, if not, please go ahead!"

He Jincheng said indifferently.

"You and I……"

For a moment, Wang Sandao didn't know what to say.

That's right, only He Jincheng can heal his leg now, if he is not allowed to heal it, who can he go to?
"How about it, have you thought about it clearly, can you pay the money or not!"

He Jincheng looked very impatient.

"Okay, okay, you're ruthless, just in case, I'll give it, but you have to promise to heal my leg, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

Wang Sandao gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't worry, I will do my best with the money!"

He Jincheng laughed, and then looked at Wang Sandao.

"I only have 1000 yuan now, I will get it later, and then I will give it to you!"

Wang Sandao's old face was frighteningly dark. He took out 1000 yuan from his pocket, slapped it on the table, and then turned around to get the money.

He Jincheng put away the money with a smile, and then continued to call for medical treatment.

He was not worried that Wang Sandao would not come back, because let alone Nandu, even in the whole of China, there might not be anyone who could heal his leg.

After about half an hour, Wang Sandao came back limping.

I have to say that although the treatment just now was very painful, Wang Sandao found that his thighs had gained some strength. Although he was walking with a limp, it was much better than being completely unconscious.

"This is the remaining 1 yuan, how should I treat it next?"

Wang Sandao said with a dark face that he had already made up his mind. When He Jincheng healed his leg, he must find a way to tie this guy up, and then dismantle all the parts of his body and sell them. The 1 yuan Many will come back.

After figuring this out, Wang Sandao finally felt a little better.

"This is a medicine for seven days. Just soak it in water and drink it. After seven days, come to the clinic to see me. I will improve the treatment plan. In half a month at most, your leg will be back to normal!"

He Jincheng took out the seven packs of medicine that he had prepared a long time ago and put them on the table.

"Okay, don't play tricks on me, otherwise, I will definitely not let you go!"

Wang Sandao said bitterly.

"I'm in this line of business. If I can't cure you, it's my own brand. Don't worry, if your legs don't heal within half a month, I'll refund you double the money!"

He Jincheng said confidently.

"I hope you can do it!"

Wang Sandao glared at He Jincheng again, then limped away with the medicine in hand.

Looking at the back of Wang Sandao leaving, the smile on He Jincheng's face gradually disappeared, and turned into a sneer.

Clean you up first, and after you find those children, you will all be brought to justice!

This was He Jincheng's plan.

After Wang Sandao left the Xinsheng Medical Center, he took a tricycle and came to a small alley. After getting out of the car, he went around several times to make sure no one noticed him. After turning a corner, I came to a narrow alley.

What he didn't realize was that there was always a person following him from afar, no matter how he changed his walking direction, that person always kept a distance of 50 meters from him, knowing that he walked into an inconspicuous courtyard, that The talent came out slowly from the shadows.

This person is none other than Du Fei, one of the two retired security guards that He Jincheng hired for Shanbaozhai back then.

Watching Wang Sandao walk into the courtyard, a cold light flashed in Du Fei's eyes, and he thought of He Jincheng's previous entrustment, and then slowly backed away.

Now that the lairs of these human traffickers have been found, there is no need to worry about not being able to catch them. When the time is right, we will cooperate with the police to wipe out this group of beasts.

According to the current punishment standard, none of these people can even think about living.

(End of this chapter)

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