Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 398 Disgusting medicine soup, you should die!

Chapter 398 Disgusting medicine soup, you should die!

In fact, according to Du Fei's temper, he would rush in directly and beat up those guys.

However, He Jincheng said that every one of the human traffickers killed these days should be hacked into pieces. If they were shot so happily, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?

Du Fei felt that what He Jincheng said was right, so he resisted the impulse in his heart and waited for the best time.

Wang Sandao went into the yard, closed the door, and walked to the kitchen with the medicine.

"Hey, Brother Dao, are you back from seeing a doctor? How are you doing? Can your leg still work?"

A fat woman said with a smile.

This woman was exactly the one He Jincheng met that night.

The woman's name is Liu Chunhua, and she is the second in command of this group of traffickers, and Wang Sandao is the boss.

Although she is just a girl, Liu Chunhua is ruthless and ambitious, and she has long been thinking about Wang Sandao's position.

Now Wang Sandao's leg is failing. If it can't be cured, he will be a lame waste. He must be pulled from the position of the boss, and Liu Chunhua, who is the second child, will naturally become the boss. .

So, if you want to say who least wants to see Wang Sandao's leg healed, Liu Chunhua is one.

"Hmph, of course it can be cured. See, I'm already conscious. Liu Chunhua, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Don't you just want to remember my location? Let me tell you, stop dreaming. In less than half a month, my leg will be healed!"

Wang Sandao snorted coldly, and went to the kitchen to make medicine.

Seeing that Wang Sandao's legs seemed to be getting better, Liu Chunhua was very unhappy.

This thing who suffered a thousand knives shouldn't have saved him that night, it would be better if he was arrested!

Of course, she was just thinking about it.

As the boss of the group, Wang Sandao, if he is really caught, the whole group will be ruined.

"I'm so happy for nothing, this Wang Sandao, why don't you die!"

Liu Chunhua cursed inwardly.

"Sister Hua, how are you doing? Brother Dao's legs seem to be much better!"

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks approached Liu Chunhua and said in a low voice.

"God is not beautiful, and I don't know where to find this doctor who cost a thousand dollars, but it is really effective!"

Liu Chunhua scolded.

How she wished that Wang Sandao's legs would never feel feeling!

"Sister Hua, I have an idea, why don't we try it?"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said with a smile, his small eyes rolled around, and he didn't hold back anything good.

"tell me the story?"

Liu Chunhua's eyes lit up. If anyone had the most evil intentions, it would be this man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

This kid, nicknamed Monkey, has been working with the group for three years, and he can be regarded as an old employee of the group.

"Sister Hua, can you see if this works..."

The monkey leaned close to Liu Chunhua's ear with a smile and murmured a lot.

"Okay, monkey, you are really good, then I will leave this matter to you. After the matter is completed, I will promote you to be the second in command!"

Liu Chunhua was overjoyed, patted the monkey on the shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, how can you not do your best to work for Sister Hua!"

Monkey Xiao said blackly.

On the other side, Wang Sandao had already soaked a pair of medicine, but when he saw the appearance of the medicine and smelled the medicine, he felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

"Made, what is this thing, it can't be shit!"

Wang Sandao's complexion was very ugly. After so many needles, he had to eat something worse than shit, which killed him.

However, when he tried his best to feel his legs, he knew that he had no choice, drink it, whether it was shit or real medicine, he had to eat it!
Holding his nose and taking a sip, Wang Sandao almost threw up.

Mad, this really smells exactly like shit, and it's not ordinary shit, it's like the feces of various animals combined together, which makes people feel nauseous.

For half an hour, after Wang Sandao drank the first dose of medicine, he felt as if he had crawled out of a latrine, and his whole body smelled like shit.

"Fuck, Ma De is playing me!"

Wang Sandao couldn't help cursing.

However, when he really finished drinking the first dose of medicine, within half an hour, he obviously felt a little more strength in his legs, which dispelled his doubts.

No wonder people can't heal their own legs. The doctor at the Xinsheng Medical Center is really not good enough. The medicine is a bit nasty, but at least it's effective.

After drinking the medicine, Wang Sandao walked out of the kitchen and ran into Liu Chunhua head-on.

"Brother Dao, what's the matter, why do I smell a strange smell, is the medicine boiled?"

Liu Chunhua looked concerned, but actually wanted to see if Wang Sandao would really get better.

"It's much better. Look at my legs. It's obviously much stronger. Second sister, just help me take care of the group's affairs honestly. Don't keep thinking about my position. My position, Can anyone do it? There are five or sixty people under our command, and there are people from us in every corner of the Southern Capital, and in many places, except me, no one can deter them, so don't be wishful thinking!"

Wang Sandao said with a sneer.

He also understood that his body was in good condition, and all of them were shouting respectfully from the boss.

Now that I heard that I might become lame, none of these heartless white-eyed wolves stood up and asked.

"Hey, Brother Dao, what are you talking about? Our brother and sister have cooperated for so many years, and neither of us has treated you badly. How could I have any idea about your position!"

Liu Chunhua said with a smile.

"That would be the best. I have always had zero tolerance for traitors. If I find a traitor, I will eradicate them all!"

Wang Sandao said in a deep voice.

"All right, all right, of course I have to follow your instructions, Boss! But Boss, I definitely have nothing to say about my loyalty to you. Other brothers, I don't know what they think!"

Liu Chunhua said with a smile.

"Hmph, if you have any objections, let them come to me, even if one of my legs hasn't healed, it's still a bastard to beat them all at once!"

Wang Sandao said coldly.

If she wasn't tough enough to pretend that there were a large number of her younger brothers nearby, Liu Chunhua would not dare to act rashly at all.

"Let's go, go and see if there is anything new on our list?"

Wang Sandao came to the backyard with his hands behind his back.

There are three to five children in each room here.

"Yes, we just caught two little guys yesterday, each of them is thin-skinned and tender-fleshed. They look like the children of rich families. They will definitely sell for a good price in the future!"

Liu Chunhua said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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