Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 405 The Lantern Festival is a good chapter, the He Group is developing rapidly

Chapter 405 During the Lantern Festival, the He Group is developing rapidly
In a blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival came.

He Jincheng, Tingting and Xiaoyu were making lanterns at home.

In this era, everyone is making handmade lanterns.

Generally, a few holes are made on the top of the wine box, and then a candle is placed inside to light it, and finally it is threaded up with a rope and carried with a wooden stick.

This makes a simple lantern.

The unique fragrance of the candle, coupled with the dim light, made He Jincheng feel the warmth once again.

In his previous life, he had imagined this scene countless times in his dreams, and now it finally came true that he only had happiness in his heart.

According to the customs here in Nandu, apart from eating Lantern Festival on the day of Lantern Festival, fireworks should be set off at night.

The cherry blossoms of this era are not as colorful as those in the future, but the quality of the production is very good. The fireworks emit bursts of fragrance and rush into the air, and then bloom, like stars all over the sky.

The children clapped their hands and applauded with excitement, and the adults also looked up at the fireworks with faint smiles on their faces.

After the fireworks were over, He Jincheng took the children around with lanterns.

The custom here is to walk around with lanterns and visit neighbors to illuminate places without lights.

Every room in the house also needs to place cotton lamps.

Cotton lamps are all made of face.

Some will be made into the shapes of various zodiac signs, with a little oil poured into them, twisted with cotton to make a twig, which will light up for one night after lighting.

Moreover, this cotton lamp will not be wasted, and it can be used as steamed buns after all the oil in it is used up the next day.

After the lively Lantern Festival, the factories started to rework one after another.

He Jincheng and He Jinshan prepared a lot of red paper cut into small pieces of red paper early on, and then each piece of red paper was wrapped with a big unity.

After preparing everything, the two first came to the gate of the factory.

After the workers arrived, He Jincheng and He Jinshan began to distribute red envelopes for rework.

"Hey, Director He still has a red envelope here."

The No.1 employee who received the red envelope was very surprised. He had worked in the factory for so many years, and this was the first time he received a red envelope for rework.

After opening the red envelope wrapped in red paper, I was amazed that there was a card of Great Unity inside.

Then look at the box next to the two factory managers, it is full of red envelopes, there are hundreds of people in the factory, this is not a small sum.

For a while, the workers were very happy, working with such a leader, let alone how comfortable they are.

"Everyone has worked hard for the factory for a year. After a period of rest, I hope everyone can continue to work hard. This start-up red envelope is just a little bit of care from us. I believe that with everyone's joint efforts, our company will become more and more profitable. The better. Only when our company’s benefits get better and better, will everyone’s welfare be better and better.”

He Jincheng said with a small smile.

In this way, He Jincheng sent thousands of red envelopes for rework on the first day of work.

From the factory manager to the workshop workers, everyone has a great unity and treats everyone equally without any deviation.

Just such a small action mobilized the enthusiasm of the workers.

In the past, when everyone came back to work after vacation, because they had been relaxing for too long, they basically felt powerless for a while.

But after such a small benefit from He Jincheng, everyone immediately became motivated and the output on the first day even created the highest level of last year.

With the complete resumption of the factory, other tasks have also started one after another.

The expansion of stores continued, and in just the first month, six stores were expanded again.

He Jincheng's plan is to consider the way of franchising after opening [-] stores.

After all, the plates are really too big, if they are all directly-operated stores, it is very likely that they will not be able to manage them.

The concept of franchise stores is still a relatively advanced concept.

I only need to collect some franchise fees on my side, and then provide the goods.

Of course, the relevant norms and training still need to be carried out by the headquarters.

By June of [-], He Jincheng's goal of having [-] stores had been completed.

And the company's monthly sales reached a new peak, reaching tens of millions.

At the mid-year summary meeting, He Jincheng made a decision that excited all the staff.

"First of all, I would like to express my recognition and praise for the achievements of various departments. With the joint efforts of everyone, our company's monthly sales have finally exceeded [-] million, far exceeding the goal we set at the end of last year. Here I first make the next promise to everyone, that is, all employees will be paid three times their year-end bonuses this year.”

The first thing He Jincheng did made all the employees applaud excitedly.

Last year, the employees received a very generous end-of-year reward. This year, the boss directly promised to pay three times, and the one-time payment is even higher than their three-month salary. Can everyone be unhappy?
"The second thing is to consider the problem of everyone's housing. Our company will prepare for the construction of staff dormitories at the end of the year. According to the preliminary plan, the staff dormitories are mainly two rooms and one hall. The employees who work in the factory until now are all provided with housing for free.”

He Jincheng's second announcement made everyone blush with excitement.

In the eyes of ordinary people, housing will always be the number one problem.

Only when you have a house can you have a home. This is the deep-rooted traditional thinking of Chinese people.

Generally speaking, only those state-owned enterprises and factories will provide housing when you reach a certain working age.

The advantage of private enterprises is that wages are generally higher than those of state-owned enterprises, but housing is basically a no-brainer.

Now that they work in the He Group, not only are their wages about [-]% higher than their peers, but they can also solve the housing problem. How can they not be excited?

"Mr. He's old employees can have housing, so what about those of us who were recruited later?"

Some employees dared to ask.

After all, there are still a small number of people who have worked in the He Group from the very beginning.

Over this period of time, the He Group has continued to expand its enrollment, and basically more than two-thirds of the people joined later.

"Please rest assured that the houses need to be built slowly. Especially these buildings, it doesn't mean that I will build a house, and the house will be built tomorrow. We are currently working on the first phase of the staff dormitory. As long as the performance is good enough, everyone regardless of new or old employees will have the opportunity to get free housing."

He Jincheng said with a smile, he had thought of this a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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