Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 406 Mid-year summary, several important new plans

Chapter 406 Mid-year summary, several important new plans
The employees were very excited when they heard the news.

You know, even if you work in a state-owned enterprise, you have to have years of service, and only with seniority can you be allocated a house.

Note that what is mentioned here is possible, but it does not mean that you will be given a house because you are stuck working in the factory.

Every year because of the distribution of houses, there are many people who are beaten and bloody.

"In addition, if there is any surplus in the construction of employee housing this time, we also welcome everyone to come and buy it. As long as the employees who have completed one year can buy it at a [-]% discount, and those who have completed two years can purchase a [-]% discount, the specific house purchase The discount will be announced to everyone when it goes on sale!"

He Jincheng continued.

This is also a big preferential policy.

To build a house for the employees, He Jincheng must strive to use the best materials without any flaws. The land allocated last time is not far from the city center. In the future, Nandu will develop Soon, the price of this house must be rising.

The current market price is only 200 yuan per square meter, and a set of 2 square meters only costs 1 yuan. If there is a [-]% discount, it will be [-] yuan.

If this is placed in the future, it will be the price of cabbage. If someone really launches such a low-priced commercial housing, it will definitely be empty.

Of course, for the current employees, more than 1 yuan is a huge sum of money, and most employees cannot afford it.

However, He Jincheng has also thought about it. At that time, he can cooperate with the bank to get a low-interest loan for the employees, and only a few dozen yuan a month is enough.

Maybe many employees can't accept it now, but after a long time, they will find the benefits of buying a house now.

Of course, He Jincheng has no way to explain these things to everyone, so he can only follow the fate.

If they are willing to believe in themselves and buy the house even after selling everything, they will be thankful for their wise choice in a few years.

If you really don't want to buy it, He Jincheng also feels that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, everyone's path is their own choice. He can only give some suggestions, and he cannot influence other people's thoughts.

When it comes to buying a house with a 1% discount, many employees are a little hesitant. After all, more than [-] yuan is not a small amount, and they will not be able to get it out for a while.

Of course, there are some people who are very good at settling accounts. Now that the wages are getting higher and higher, and the money in their pockets is getting more and more, working in the He Group, the ten thousand yuan households seem to be not so far away from them, so they grit their teeth and tighten their belts If you pool the money, you will have a place to live in the city, and this is a good deal.

Next, He Jincheng made some introductions about the staff housing. Generally speaking, the contractor was appointed in July, and the construction officially started in August. The first batch of housing is going to be built in three 48-story buildings, with two floors and four households. In this case, there are 140 households in one building, and a total of [-] households in three buildings.

Now the He Group has almost 600 employees, and there will only be more and more in the future. It is impossible for everyone to get free prescriptions, which is why it is necessary to customize a discount subscription policy.

Even if you want to subscribe, the number of places is limited.

It is roughly estimated that there are at least 100 employees in the first batch of free house delivery, and there are only 44 subscription places left.

After the calculation of this account, many employees became more active, thinking about finding someone who can help them get a subscription quota after the meeting, this kind of cheapness is not for nothing!
Then it's time for the mid-year awards.

Various departments have selected advanced individuals and advanced collectives.

Advanced individuals have a bonus of 5000 yuan, and advanced collectives have more, with 1 yuan.

The entire mid-year summary conference was completely a welfare conference, and nearly 10 yuan in cash was directly awarded as a reward, making everyone dumbfounded and dizzy.

"Okay, this year's mid-year summary conference is over. I hope that in the second half of the year, everyone will continue to roll up their sleeves and work hard. The group will definitely not treat everyone badly!"

He Jincheng made the final conclusion with a smile, and the venue erupted in prolonged applause.

For more than a year, everyone has seen He Jincheng's generosity to his employees. Since Mr. He said that he would not treat everyone badly, he would definitely not treat everyone badly.

After the meeting, He Jincheng called Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei over.

Zhou Qingyuan is currently serving as the deputy general manager of any group. After Du Fei finished dealing with the human traffickers, He Jincheng transferred him to the group headquarters as the general manager of the administration department.

The general manager of the administrative department mainly deals with internal and external affairs of the company.

Calling the two of them to the office is to discuss with them about the construction of employee housing.

"Mr. He!"

"Mr. He!"

Both of them were very respectful to He Jincheng. They called out one after another when they came to the office, and then sat down under He Jincheng's signal.

"Okay, let's all sit down, don't be so cautious, pour tea yourself!"

He Jincheng smiled and waved his hands.

"Mr. He, you called us here because of the staff's housing!"

Zhou Qingyuan was still very smart. When He Jincheng called him over, he knew the general theme of today.

"That's right, employee housing is my promise to the employees, and it is also the credit of our He Group. If it is not done well, it will not only disappoint the employees, but also make our group lose their hearts. Therefore, this matter, We must do our best!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"Okay Mr. He, just give us your orders, we will do our best!"

Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei quickly expressed their opinions. They could see that He Jincheng was really concerned about this matter.

"First of all, we need to check the subscription policy. The list of the first batch of housing allocations, we have already made a standard before, and we can choose according to this standard. The key is the number of subscriptions. You must keep an eye on it. For Some tricky things must be strictly prohibited, and anyone who dares to do something will be dealt with. This point is left to Mr. Du, and I believe that Mr. Du will enforce the law impartially!"

He Jincheng looked at Du Fei. Du Fei didn't have any nepotism here, and he had a good relationship with him. Only Cheng Lu, who is now the director of the second clothing factory, and with Cheng Lu's qualifications, he must be in the room allocation one.

Zhou Qingyuan is a little different. Although he said that he worked with He Jincheng from the beginning, in private, he also arranged for some of his relatives to work in the factory.

These are small things, as long as they don't delay work, He Jincheng won't care too much about them.

But the matter of the house is a big deal, and no one is allowed to mess around. Just in case, it can't be handed over to Zhou Qingyuan. This is actually a disguised form to protect Zhou Qingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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