Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 407 Arranging matters, 3 major events at the same time

Chapter 407 Arranging matters, three major events at the same time
There must be nothing wrong with Zhou Qingyuan himself, and He Jincheng also trusts him very much.

But he has too many relatives and friends. If he is really entrusted with this quota, even if he does not bend the law for personal gain, how will his relatives and friends react?

If you don't help, then you don't care about your relatives, and you will be scolded by poking your spine. If you help, the company will have no way to explain it, and if it is serious, it will even be suspected of breaking the law.

In the end, there were no people at both ends, and it was Zhou Qingyuan himself who was unlucky.

Regarding this point, Zhou Qingyuan only needed to think about it for a while before he could understand He Jincheng's good intentions.

"Alright Mr. He, I will strictly supervise this matter, please rest assured!"

Du Fei nodded seriously and said.

"Mr. Zhou, the next thing you have to do is to arrange bidding. Last time we called for bidding for the construction of the second factory building, you also gained some experience. This matter is also the top priority. I am more at ease in entrusting it to you. Remember, don't I am especially concerned about the price of the bidding, and more importantly, the quality and integrity, and some real estate companies with credit problems will not be used at all, you understand what I mean?"

He Jincheng looked at Zhou Qingyuan and asked seriously.

"Understood Mr. He, you have always taught us to do things seriously and be down-to-earth, and I have always done the same!"

Zhou Qingyuan nodded vigorously.

"Well, the last time we built our factory building, it seems that Zhang Cheng, who built it sincerely, did it. Their ability is good, so they can be given priority. Of course, there is still a big difference between building a factory building and building a house, such as the foundation, the main body , water and electricity, decoration, etc. are all very important, professional things should be left to professional people, it is impossible to use only one construction company!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood, I will conduct separate bidding meetings according to actual needs, especially when it comes to safety issues, I must strictly control them!"

Zhou Qingyuan said.

"Okay, let's do our best. Let me reveal another idea to you. After the construction of our staff housing is completed, I plan to build a high-rise office building. Now the tallest building in our southern capital seems to be only ten. Six floors, after the construction of the staff housing is completed, I plan to build a 32-story office building, and then our headquarters will move there!"

He Jincheng came up with another bold idea.

This proposal shocked Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei greatly.

Building a building is not something that can be done with lip service.

The staff housing only has twelve floors. Even so, the construction cost of each building is initially estimated to be 1000 million, and the three buildings are 3000 million.

Moreover, the higher the building, the higher the cost. If you want to build a 32-story office building, you can't do it without [-] million yuan.

"Mr. He, isn't it a bit big for us to take this step? Although our current monthly turnover is around 1000 million, our gross profit is only 30.00%. Excluding various expenses, dividends, etc., the monthly net profit is also It’s only about 150 million, and it’s already a little bit reluctant to build staff housing, and it’s a bit too risky to build an office building!”

Zhou Qingyuan thought for a while, but still expressed his worries.

"Mr. Zhou, your vision of seeing problems is getting better and better. Yes, these are indeed problems. Our existing cash flow cannot support such a large project, but you have overlooked one point, then It is the development of our group!"

He Jincheng smiled.

"Our current monthly net profit is about 150 million, but within three months, we will have at least 3000 million in cash flow, and the monthly profit will only increase in the future, believe it or not ?”

Hearing what He Jincheng said, both of them were a little dumbfounded.

At least 3000 million?According to the company's current income situation, it will take at least 3000 months to raise [-] million, which means more than a year and a half. How is this possible?

"So, the next thing we need to do is to recruit franchisees!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"We have enough directly-operated stores now. If we continue to open, management and training will not be able to keep up at all. Therefore, the franchise model is imperative. This is another thing you two must do together!"

"I did some preliminary calculations. In the next three months, we will attract investment across the country. At least 1 franchise stores will be recruited, and the opening and sales will be completed. Our franchise fee will be 300 yuan each. This is 2 million. At the same time, franchisees are required to order goods worth at least 600 yuan per month. From now on, it will be 800 million per month, and 100 million in three months. Adding the franchise fee, it will be almost 3000 million. , and then add the sales of our directly-operated stores, [-] million cash is still promising!"

While He Jincheng was talking, Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei carefully calculated, and the more they calculated, the more excited they became, and finally they both stood up excitedly.

"For recruiting franchisees, you can also ask Zhu Lanlan for help. For the past half a year, she has mainly been doing training for directly-operated stores. She is more familiar with the relevant qualification rules than you. She will definitely be of great help!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I will connect with Zhu Lanlan, and I have more contact with her on weekdays!"

Du Fei took the initiative to take over the matter, with an intriguing smile on his face.

He Jincheng's heart moved, and he thought that there is something between Du Fei and Zhu Lanlan?That's really a good thing. If the two can really get together, He Jincheng would agree with it.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, don't let me down!"

He Jincheng looked at Du Fei with a smile. This sentence was a pun, and Du Fei also understood the meaning behind the words. His old face turned red rarely, and he showed an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, that's all for today. I hope everyone can do it as soon as possible. I hope we can have good news this month!"

He Jincheng patted the table and said.

Soon, several things were done in full swing.

First, there was the bidding meeting, and the He Group again called for bidding from the whole province. This time, it was the construction of three commercial houses, which attracted many construction companies in the province.

After three days of bidding, all the construction companies were finally determined. The main body, water and electricity, decoration, etc. were all tendered separately, and the best companies in this field were selected.

Seeing the results of the bidding, He Jincheng was very satisfied.

But soon, He Jincheng began to worry again.

Because he found that the faster the company develops, the more talents are not enough. After thinking about it, He Jincheng planned to hold a large-scale job fair, mainly to recruit some highly educated talents.

(End of this chapter)

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