Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 408 Mysterious old man, the bidding meeting ended smoothly

Chapter 408 Mysterious old man, the bidding meeting ended smoothly
At present, because the investment capital is relatively large, the company's profit is not high.

But as the company gets bigger and bigger, various costs will gradually come down, and profits will naturally increase.

Once the plate gets bigger, more and more management is needed.It is definitely not a wise choice for the company if we just blindly hire the old employees in the factory, and it may even cause management chaos.

So, recruitment is imperative.

It is best to recruit some young and promising college students.

However, in the current trend, it is the mainstream to work in state-owned enterprises. Although private enterprises have good benefits, most of them depend on performance. If the performance is not good, they may be cut off at any time, so many college students do not bother to enter private enterprises. work.

He Jincheng was going to take care of the recruitment in person. The time was set to be two months after the end of the university summer vacation. He Jincheng was going to contact some university leaders and go directly to the university for recruitment.

After setting the general direction, both Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei started to get busy.

Three days later, Du Fei sent over the room allocation list and the subscription list.

As expected by He Jincheng, the subscription list is full. Although there is still a need to buy a house, but this is a real deal, and everyone will still calculate it. Whether it is a house allocation or a discounted house purchase, it is definitely a bargain.

"Mr. He, the employees also gave suggestions, let us build more, even if it is a subscription!"

Du Fei said with a smile.

"We don't have the strength yet, but you tell everyone, our goal in the future is that all employees have a place to live, and even new employees can rent our company's house at a very low price!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

It is impossible for everyone to share a house, even if it is a preferential subscription, but it is still possible to rent a house.

As long as the employees meet a certain standard, such as one year, the house will be rented to the employees at half the market price. This is even cheaper than the future public rental housing, and it is definitely a real discount for the employees.

"Alright Mr. He!"

Du Fei nodded, if He Jincheng didn't mention it, he wouldn't even have thought of it.

Seven days later, Zhou Qingyuan came to He Jincheng with the bidding proposal.

After He Jincheng set the direction last time, Zhou Qingyuan immediately published the newspaper for bidding, and at the same time notified many construction companies through the sincere construction that he cooperated with last time.

In seven days, more than 50 companies signed up to participate in the bidding meeting, and more people came to sign up one after another.

"Mr. He, we plan to hold the bidding meeting in three days, and the venue will be at the Nandu Hotel. This is a specific plan. Do you see anything that needs to be improved?"

Zhou Qingyuan put the plan on He Jincheng's table, and then sat aside and waited quietly.

He Jincheng looked at it very carefully. Zhou Qingyuan had really been tempered over the years. The proposal for this bidding meeting was done well, and there were basically no major problems.

"We will provide free board and lodging for all business representatives who come to participate in the bidding meeting, and we can reimburse the round trip expenses. Those who come by car will be discounted into gas money to supplement them according to their location. If we don't win the bid, we can't let others suffer!"

After reading the plan, He Jincheng pondered for a while and said.

"Alright Mr. He, I'll go and implement this right away!"

Zhou Qingyuan said hastily.

At this point, he did not expect that He Jincheng's proposal would definitely bring great benefits to the group, especially in terms of reputation.

If there are similar activities in the future, everyone will definitely participate more actively.

After Zhou Qingyuan left, the bidding meeting started soon. As He Jincheng expected, because the conditions offered by the He Group were relatively favorable this time, many companies were immediately attracted to participate in the bidding.

Before the bidding meeting officially started, companies had rushed over one after another, and they were arranged in the Nandu Hotel, the best hotel in Nandu. No matter what level of construction company came, they were treated equally.

"Oh, it's the first time for me to come to such a nice hotel! How much does it cost per night!"

On this day, a plainly dressed old man came to the entrance of Nandu Hotel with a strong rural accent.

Looking at this magnificent hotel, the old man was full of emotion.

After standing at the door and observing for a long time, the old man walked towards the inside.

"Old man, I'm sorry, for the last three days, our Nandu Hotel is closed to the public!"

A doorman stopped the old man and said very politely.

"Really? What's the big deal with you guys? Who is so rich that he bought the whole hotel?"

The old man was not angry and asked with a smile.

"It's like this. Do you know about the He Group in Nandu? Recently, the He Group is going to hold a bidding conference. I heard that they will build three buildings to serve as dormitories for their employees!"

The doorman said enviously.

Nandu Hotel is also a state-run hotel with the highest specifications in Nandu, but the benefits are not as good as those of He's Group, and there is no possibility of housing.

If possible, he would like to go to work in the He Group.

"Oh? I've heard of the He Group, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Then I really want to see it today!"

There was a look of surprise on the old man's face, and he was about to go inside.

"Hey, old man, what I said just now was in vain. Today the restaurant is booked out, and you can't go in without an invitation letter. You'd better go back!"

The doorman hurriedly stopped the old man, and said with a wry smile.

My duty is to keep an eye on this door, and I will definitely not let anyone in without an invitation letter, otherwise, I will lose my job.

"Hehe, young man, I have an invitation letter, look like this!"

The old man smiled and took out an invitation letter.

The doorman took a look and couldn't laugh or cry on his face.

"Old man, you are making fun of me. You have invitation letters, and you still ask me what the He Group does?"

Anyone who received the invitation letter participated in the He Group's bidding conference. How could they not know about the He Group?

"I really don't know much, so I wanted to come over and have a look. Is this invitation not fake? Can I go in now?"

The old man said with a smile.

"Of course, you can go slowly!"

The doorman spread his hands and opened the hotel door for the old man.

"What's your name, boy?"

The old man looked at the doorman and asked with a smile.

"My name is Li Gensheng, you can call me Gensheng!"

The doorman also replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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