Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 409 The Curtain Ended Successfully, The He Group's Celebration Party

Chapter 409 The Curtain Ended Successfully, The He Group's Celebration Party
"Li Gensheng? Okay, I remember you, maybe I can change jobs for you in the future!"

The old man nodded, said something that Li Gensheng couldn't understand, and walked into the restaurant with his hands behind his back.

Li Gensheng scratched his head, but didn't understand what the old man meant.

There is still half an hour before the start of the bidding meeting, and there are already many people sitting in the venue.

Many people came here in advance on purpose. Their purpose may not be to win the bid, but more to meet friends.

Those who can participate in the bidding meeting are all famous figures in the industry. This is a great opportunity to expand your network, and of course everyone will not miss it.

The old man walked in with his hands behind his back, without attracting anyone's attention, he went straight to the last row and sat down.

"Young man, you also come to participate in the bidding, today is very lively!"

The old man smiled and talked to the young man beside him.

That young man was none other than He Jincheng who had just arrived.

He Jincheng looked at the old man, sized him up a bit, and felt that although the old man was plainly dressed and easy-going, he gave him an unfathomable feeling.

"Well, old man, you came here alone?"

He Jincheng said noncommittally.

"Haha, I'm an old man. I just came here to see it. I didn't expect to win the bid. Our country is getting better and better. Two years ago, such a scene was unimaginable!"

The old man laughed, he seemed to be in a good mood.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and looked at the old man again.

He is a doctor, and he likes to judge people by their complexion first.

The old man looked full of energy, but there was a black air between his brows.

The so-called black air is not the blackness of the Yintang in Feng Shui Xuan's theory, but the real black air. That is to say, there should be some problems with the old man's body, but He Jincheng will tell you what the specific problems are. You can't see it, you have to check the pulse carefully to know.

"Is the old man coughing a little recently?"

He Jincheng couldn't help asking.

Seeing patients, He Jincheng would feel a little itchy, especially this kind of intractable disease that he couldn't understand, which interested He Jincheng the most.

"Oh? You are still a doctor? How do you know?"

When the old man said this, he was acquiescing to what He Jincheng said.

He had been coughing for a while, and not long after he recovered, he couldn't sit still, so he ran out for a walk by himself.

Unexpectedly, this young man could see his symptoms not long ago at a glance.

"I'm just guessing, and I don't know if it's right, but old man, just to be on the safe side, you should go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible recently, just in case!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"No, I just recovered from an illness. I've already been cured. Why do I need to be checked! Young man, you have good eyesight, but your vision is not that thorough! By the way, which company do you belong to? Do you have the confidence to win the bid this time?"

The old man looked at He Jincheng again and asked with interest.

"Well, I can't say well..."

Just as He Jincheng was thinking about how to answer, Zhou Qingyuan had already gone up to the stage.

"Next, we invite Mr. He Jincheng, chairman of our He Group, to speak on stage!"

As Zhou Qingyuan's voice fell, the venue burst into warm applause.

"Hey, Chairman He Jincheng is quite popular!"

The old man also applauded together, turned his head to look at He Jincheng next to him, only to find that he stood up.

"Old man, I'm sorry, let me live for a while, I'm going on stage!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The old man froze for a moment, then laughed.

"You boy, I didn't expect to hide it so deeply!"

He Jincheng nodded apologetically, and then walked onto the stage amidst the applause of everyone.

"Hello everyone, I believe that many of you know me, but there are some new friends here, so I still need to introduce myself briefly! My name is He Jincheng, and I am from Lianhua Village, Pingyao Town, Nandu City. Two years ago, I was in the village He built a medicinal material factory in Li, and later came to Nandu City, and by chance, he did some clothing business, thanks to the opening of the country's economy, it can be regarded as a small achievement now!"

"It's a great honor to have so many friends join us today. The staff will distribute some small gifts to everyone later. It's a tribute from our He Group, and I hope everyone will accept it!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, and soon a waiter came to the crowd with a tray and began to distribute gifts.

"We have customized ties for men and handkerchiefs for women, all of which are produced by our own garment factory with first-class quality assurance. More importantly, the styles of ties and handkerchiefs are specially designed by us for this tender. Everyone loves it!"

Everyone got their ties and handkerchiefs, all with surprise on their faces.

"Oh, that's terrible. I've also bought quite a few ties. There are famous brands at home and abroad. I don't think so, but this one!"

"Isn't it? This style alone is eye-catching. Now I finally understand why the He Group can develop so fast!"

Everyone was amazed. It was the tie and handkerchief that He Jincheng sent. The craftsmanship and design were very novel, which made people's eyes shine.

The old man who struck up a conversation with He Jincheng also received a tie.

He likes to wear Chinese tunic suits and Tang suits on weekdays. He also has ties, but he basically doesn't wear them. However, for a person like him who doesn't wear ties, he was surprised when he got this tie.

"This kid really has some skills!"

The old man thought to himself and put away his tie.

Such a small action before the meeting made everyone feel the sincerity of the He Group.

After He Jincheng finished explaining the principles and regulations of this bidding meeting, the next step is some procedures.

Zhou Qingyuan and others collected the bidding documents together, and then left for evaluation.

Because the construction of the second garment factory of He's last time also carried out bidding, many people knew what He's Group valued more in bidding, so this time the bidding was written very professionally and seriously.

A total of [-] tenders were received, and after intensive review and selection, four companies were finally selected to be responsible for the construction of He's employee housing.

Among them, Zhang Cheng, who built with sincerity, won the main construction of two buildings. A real estate company in Chaoyang City won the construction project of the third building.

The bidding meeting this time went very smoothly. Even the companies that did not win the bid did not have any dissatisfaction. The main reason was that the He Group had done enough work in terms of reception.

That night, the He Group held a grand banquet to celebrate the successful conclusion of the tender.

(End of this chapter)

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