Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 410 Cloud real estate, the influence of big companies

Chapter 410 Qianyun Real Estate, the influence of big companies
If He Jincheng booked the Nandu Hotel for three days, but the bidding meeting ended smoothly in one day, could it be that he had money and no place to spend it?

of course not.

This time, the Southern Metropolis Hotel was booked for another important purpose besides the bidding fair, which was to prepare for a large-scale job fair.

The He Group is only a medium-sized company in Nandu. Although it has a certain reputation, it is a private company after all. If it wants to hold a job fair, it may not have the strength.

So He Jincheng thought, taking advantage of the bidding meeting to attract many companies, he might as well join forces with these companies to hold a job fair at Nandu Hotel.

Including the He Group, there are more than 60 large and small companies recruiting together. Even the official personnel of Nandu will pay great attention to it.

Among the more than 60 companies, more than half of them are private companies. State-owned companies still have various restrictions on recruitment, so the number of places given is not too many, but in response to this job fair, they also took out some quota to recruit.

Of course, the premise is that you must be good enough to enter a state-owned enterprise.

Although state-owned enterprises have many disadvantages, so far, they are still the iron rice bowl in the minds of most people. Even college students want to work in state-owned enterprises.

At the banquet, He Jincheng put forward a proposal together with several entrepreneurial bosses who had greeted them in advance. In the end, more than [-]% of the companies expressed their willingness to participate in this job fair.

In the end, 56 companies were willing to hold this job fair together, including [-] private companies and [-] state-owned companies. This ratio can be said to be an absolute gap.

"Little comrade!"

He Jincheng was toasting with someone, when suddenly a voice came from behind.

Turning his head, he saw that it was the old man who struck up a conversation with him at the bidding meeting before, so He Jincheng smiled.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

"You really have the drive to take risks, kid. First the bidding fair, and then the job fair. To be honest, old man, I'm very interested in you!"

The old man said with a smile, looking at He Jincheng up and down, the more he looked at it, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

"Thank you, old man, I just like to think wildly!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, he just found a reason to prevaricate.

"Let's get to know each other formally, Wang Jianyun, the chairman of Qianyun Real Estate, this is my business card, Boss He, please give me a business card too!"

The old man chuckled, took out his business card and handed it to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was stunned. Wang Jianyun, the future top three real estate tycoon in Huaxia, with a net worth of hundreds of billions, unexpectedly came to participate in his bidding meeting.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang. I'm sorry, I didn't expect Mr. Wang to participate in our small company's bidding meeting. It's really an honor for us!"

He Jincheng quickly took the business card, and then took out his own business card and handed it to Wang Jianyun.

"Hahaha, it's just a false name, it's not worth mentioning. Boss He, I don't know if there is time. Let's have a meal together and have a good chat?"

Wang Jianyun took the initiative to invite him to have dinner with He Jincheng.

"Okay, but today may not work, why don't we talk about it after the job fair is over the day after tomorrow?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"No problem, this job fair should also be considered as one of our Qianyun Real Estate. I like your way of recruiting talents very much!"

Wang Jianyun nodded and smiled.

He Jincheng was overjoyed. Qianyun Real Estate is the largest state-owned real estate company in the province. Last year, it also built the largest real estate project in the province. With 32 floors, Qianyun Building is also the largest landmark building in the province.

If Qianyun Real Estate also participates in the job fair, it will definitely attract many talents to apply for the job.

"That's really great. I will definitely prepare the biggest recruitment booth for Mr. Wang!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Hahaha, thank you Boss He for taking care of me!"

The two shook hands, and He Jincheng took this opportunity to check Wang Jianyun's pulse, and frowned slightly.

"Old Wang, this is a pill I made myself. If you feel unwell recently and feel dizzy, just take one. It will be of great use at critical moments!"

He Jincheng took out a bottle of first aid pills that he carried with him, and handed it to Wang Jianyun very seriously.

Wang Jianyun also frowned, thinking what was going on with this He Jincheng, when he saw him for the first time, he said that there might be something wrong with his body, and asked him to go to the hospital for a check-up, and now he took out what Homemade pills.

"Oh, thank you Boss He, I will accept this medicine!"

After all, Wang Jianyun's impression of He Jincheng was not bad, so Wang Jianyun didn't refuse, but the matter of the pill somewhat made Wang Jianyun's impression of He Jincheng a bit worse.

"Then Mr. Wang, sit down first, and I'll entertain the other bosses!"

Seeing that Wang Jianyun took the pill, He Jincheng was relieved a lot.

No matter whether Wang Jianyun believes it or not, when something really happens, he should try it.

The celebration banquet in the evening went smoothly, and most of the companies expressed their willingness to stay and participate in the job fair the day after tomorrow.

After collecting the information of the participating companies, He Jincheng asked someone to send the information to Li Shangxiao, the vice-principal of Nandu Normal University.

Two months ago, He Jincheng donated 50 worth of books and materials to Nandu Normal University in the name of the He Group.

Vice-principal Li Shangxiao personally received He Jincheng, and the two got acquainted. He Jincheng's preparation for this job fair was also arranged through Li Shangxiao.

Li Shangxiao didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning. Nowadays, college students can be assigned jobs, and most of them are state-owned enterprises or public institutions, especially normal schools. Many of them will become teachers after they come out, so he thinks that the students are interested in this kind of work. The intention of this job fair will not be great.

It's just because He Jincheng had donated to Nandu Normal University, so he agreed to come down and help promote it.

However, when he saw the list of companies sent by He Jincheng, he was immediately stunned.

Ranked first is Qianyun Real Estate, the largest real estate company in the province. It is said that Qianyun Real Estate has a current market value of [-] million yuan, and the benefits of the group far exceed those of its peers. Many people want to get in with all their hard work. big company.

"Who is this He Jincheng? It's really surprising that even Qianyun Real Estate has been invited!"

Li Shangxiao couldn't help being surprised and said, looking at the other lists, they are all companies that are often published in newspapers. Although they are not as big as Qianyun Group, they are definitely very high-quality companies.

(End of this chapter)

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