Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 417 The problem is not big, the kidney is commonly misunderstood

Chapter 417 The problem is not big, the kidney is commonly misunderstood
In the room, a nurse was serving Wang Jianyun to drink porridge.

Wang Jianyun's complexion looked a little weak, but he could still sit up and drink porridge, which showed that the situation was not that bad.

Seeing He Jincheng coming, Wang Jianyun smiled.

"Little Doctor He, I'm really sorry, my old leg is a bit inconvenient, so I can't come down to meet you!"

Wang Jianyun looked at He Jincheng apologetically and said.

"Old Wang, don't move around, you are not feeling well now, why do I need you to greet me, isn't this junior Zhesha!"

He Jincheng waved his hand quickly and said, and put the medical practice box in his hand on the table next to him.

"Brother, with Dr. He, a genius doctor, there must be no problem!"

Wang Jianxiang said with a smile.

After seeing He Jincheng's medical skills, he finally understood why his elder brother insisted on asking He Jincheng to see him when he was so seriously ill.

"Old Wang, you can rest at ease and leave the rest to Dr. He. We have all seen Dr. He's medical skills just now. It is really amazing!"

The stepmother Qiu Xinyue, who had been silent all this time, walked to the bed at this time, took the porridge from the little nurse, and said softly.

Wang Jianyun patted Qiu Xinyue's hand and nodded slightly.

"I still have great trust in Dr. He's medical skills, but I regret that I didn't listen to Dr. He's words at the beginning. Otherwise, I wouldn't have reached this point. Doctor He, I'm so sorry!"

"What's wrong with Mr. Wang? It's because my medical ethics is not enough. If I can persuade Mr. Wang patiently, maybe something like today won't happen!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"You boy, you are so humble, you are a person who can accomplish great things!"

Wang Jianyun pointed to He Jincheng with a wry smile and said.

"Dad, let Dr. He take your pulse first!"

Seeing that several people were chatting endlessly, Wang Yiwei immediately spoke.

"Okay, then I'll give Elder Wang his pulse first!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand to put three fingers on Wang Jianyun's wrist, taking the pulse carefully.

All eyes were on He Jincheng, wanting to see clearly how this young genius doctor treated Wang Jianyun.

After 3 minutes, He Jincheng withdrew his hand.

Now Wang Jianyun's situation is similar to what he expected, so he didn't say anything at all, but picked up a paper and brush to write a prescription, and then took out a pack of prepared medicine from the medical practice box.

"The prescription is the medicine I prepared. You take the medicine according to the prescription, once a day, and it needs to last for a week without interruption. In addition, I will give injections to Wang Lao later. Wang Lao's condition will definitely be cured within a week!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

"Really? That's great, Doctor He, I really want to thank you this time. Our Wang family owes you a big favor. We will do our best to help you if you can get our Wang family's place in the future!"

Wang Jianxiang was the most excited, holding He Jincheng's hand tightly, and said eagerly.

He holds a high position in the province, and his elder brother still has a great influence in it. If something happens to his elder brother, he will soon become isolated and helpless, and maybe this time it will not be his turn to do good things.

"This is what we should do as doctors, you are welcome! Everyone, please go out first, I will give acupuncture to Mr. Wang now!"

He Jincheng nodded, and then looked at the crowd.

Everyone also knew that the doctor used needles, and the most taboo thing was to be disturbed by others, so they walked out without the slightest hesitation.

"Old Wang, it may hurt a little next time, please bear with it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile while opening the needle bag.

"Hahaha, I'm already old, so it's nothing if it hurts a little, just come!"

Wang Jianyun laughed out loud, pain was nothing to him at all.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, you said you wanted to introduce me to a special person. Who the hell is he so mysterious?"

He Jincheng remembered what Wang Jianyun said when he called, and asked curiously.

Wang Yiwei, Wang Jianxiang, Qiu Xinyue, and Li Chang, I have all met these people so far, but if there is anything special among them, it is probably only Wang Yiwei's second uncle Wang Jianxiang!
However, although Wang Jianxiang is in a high position, it doesn't seem to help him at present, right?

"Don't worry, I won't forget, but you have to cure me first!"

Wang Jianyun chuckled, but still didn't tell He Jincheng.

Helpless, as long as He Jincheng stopped asking questions, he immediately began to use needles on Wang Jianyun.

It can be said that Wang Jianyun's disease is not a complicated disease, but because the root cause of the disease has not been found out, it is a recurrence of the disease again and again.

As for the root cause of the disease, it should be caused by Wang Jianyun's long-term accumulation during those difficult days.

The most important thing was the waist, which was extremely damaged, and the right kidney was injured.

Kidney, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is an extremely important organ in the human body with multiple functions. It is a functional system centered on the kidney and closely related to the bladder, bone, marrow, brain, hair, ear, front and back Yin, etc. , is an important organ that is directly or indirectly related to human reproduction, growth and development, digestion, endocrine metabolism, intelligence, and physical fitness.Therefore, when Chinese medicine discusses the function of the kidneys, it does not describe the function of an organ, but rather covers a certain life-related functional state of the human body.

In Western medicine, it is the excretory organ of the human body, and all kinds of waste produced in the process of human metabolism must be excreted through the kidneys in the form of urine.In addition, the kidney also has some endocrine functions, such as participating in the regulation of body water, electrolytes and blood pressure, and is also closely related to the production of red blood cells.

Although Chinese and Western medicine have very different understandings of the kidney, they all believe that the kidney is an extremely important organ that plays an extremely important role in human health.

Ordinary people think that kidney deficiency is the failure of that aspect, but it is actually a very one-sided view.

The simplest example, just talking about it, can make many people understand, that is, women also suffer from kidney deficiency. Once kidney deficiency, limb weakness, and physical discomfort, how can it be possible?

Not to mention kidney deficiency, even if you have a fever and a cold, in fact, that aspect may not work.

Therefore, kidney deficiency is just a disease, and it is not because of failure in that aspect that kidney deficiency occurs.

Protecting one's kidneys can, to a large extent, enable people to maintain a healthy body.

Obviously, Mr. Wang did not suffer from kidney deficiency due to the so-called excessive indulgence. It should be the position of the spine. He suffered serious injuries back then and did not receive timely treatment, so he developed this serious disease, which even threatened his life!
(End of this chapter)

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