Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 418 After the treatment, Wang Yiwei's little thoughts

Chapter 418 After the treatment, Wang Yiwei's little thoughts

"Well, what you said is right, just let go of the treatment, anyway, I will leave all my old bones to you!"

Wang Jianyun smiled and nodded.

He Jincheng smiled wryly. Wang Jianyun is actually not very old, maybe around 55, but because of the torment of this illness, he looks like an old man in his [-]s or [-]s.

After this hidden disease is cured, you can prescribe some nourishing prescriptions, persist for a period of time, you can activate your body functions again, and you may be a few years younger.

After about half an hour, He Jincheng came out.

"The old man has fallen asleep now, and he will wake up in about two hours, and then he can get out of bed and move around!"

He Jincheng smiled and said to the people who stood up.

"Are you alright when you wake up?"

Wang Jianxiang was very surprised. A few days ago, his eldest brother was seriously ill. He was even admitted to the intensive care unit. He took He Jincheng's medicine to stabilize his condition. As a result, He Jincheng came here, Going to get out of bed soon.

This is really surprising!
"Exercise is okay, but it's best to focus on walking instead of strenuous activities. At the same time, you need to pay attention to taking medicine. The prescription I prescribed needs to be taken once a day. Drink it while it's hot. If it's cold, boil it again!"

With that said, He Jincheng took out another prescription.

"This prescription, after the first prescription is used up, it is mainly nourishing medicine for Mr. Wang on weekdays. Mr. Wang has been suffering from illnesses and his body functions are aging. These can be helpful. If you continue to take it , the effect is good!"

Wang Jianxiang quickly took the prescription from He Jincheng, looked at it, and handed it to Li Chang.

Li Chang looked at the prescription and nodded slightly. This prescription is a very rigorous and comprehensive nourishing prescription with moderate dosage and orderly preparation.

"Doctor He's medical skills are so high that Li feels ashamed. I don't know what kind of illness Mr. Wang is, and how did Doctor He cure him?"

Li Chang looked at He Jincheng with burning eyes.

It is normal for the family members to inquire about the treatment method, which can be reassured.

But when the fellow doctor asked about the treatment method, he was suspected of wanting to steal his teacher, especially for a master of traditional Chinese medicine like Li Chang, who asked He Jincheng about the treatment method in front of everyone, and somewhat surrendered his status. This courage is incredible. It is not something ordinary people can do.

However, He Jincheng has always liked to communicate with his peers. His current medical skills are also traveling around and visiting famous teachers. Many famous teachers saw that He Jincheng is well-qualified, and they also imparted their experience without reservation, which benefited He Jincheng a lot.

"Old Wang's illness is actually at the root, I use..."

After He Jincheng's introduction, everyone seemed to understand and nodded.

Li Chang understood it all at once. No wonder he couldn't cure Wang Jianyun. It turned out that he hadn't discovered the root of the disease, and Wang Jianyun was embarrassed to say this. It's just that ordinary people have a deep understanding of this aspect misunderstanding.

"Okay, great, now the old man can finally relax!"

Wang Yiwei said with a smile.

He is a playful person, and at his age, it is the time for eating, drinking and having fun. When the old man is so sick, he can only stay here and cannot leave, which makes him anxious to death.

"That's right, Mr. Wang is definitely fine now, I can assure you of this!"

He Jincheng nodded and said quite confidently.

"Xiao He, you have done a good job. Our Wang family owes you a big favor. This is my phone number. If you need my help with anything, just call me directly. I will try my best to help!"

Wang Jianxiang took out his business card, handed it to He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Wang in advance!"

He Jincheng took the business card respectfully, seeing the rank and position on it, his heart moved slightly.

Although Wang Jianxiang is not yet a provincial-level position, his department is responsible for attracting investment, and he is also the second in command of the investment promotion department. If he goes further, he can enter the provincial team.

And Wang Jianxiang is only in his 40s, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future.

This relationship is well maintained, and what I want to do in the future will be somewhat assisted, so He Jincheng accepted the business card bluntly.

"By the way, Mr. Wang told me that there is a special person who arranged to meet me today. Mr. Wang just told me before he fell asleep that he asked me to find Yiwei. This matter..."

He Jincheng looked at Wang Yiwei and asked with a smile.

"Oh, the old man told me about this. Doctor He, please come down with me later. The old man specially instructed that it will definitely be of great help to the development of your He Group!"

Wang Yiwei laughed quickly.

He Jincheng was a little dumbfounded. It seemed that the answer to such a mystery would not be revealed until the end, and he didn't know who that special person was.

"Mr. Wang, Ms. Qiu, and Young Master Yiwei, since the old man's condition is stable now, I will leave first. Doctor He, let's talk again when we have a chance. I must have a long talk with you!"

Li Chang offered to leave, but it was a bit late to see He Jincheng, but it was a pity that he could not stay here to communicate with He Jincheng because of his duties.

"Okay, I'll send you Dr. Li, Yiwei, then you can take Dr. He to see that person, sister-in-law, stay a little longer, when the elder brother wakes up, you still need to take care of him!"

Wang Jianxiang said with a smile.

"Okay, go get busy, I'm fine here!"

Qiu Xinyue nodded with a smile, looked at He Jincheng again, bowed slightly gratefully, and then watched everyone leave.

Wang Yiwei responded, and took He Jincheng downstairs.

"Doctor He, you should be a few years older than me. I'll just call you Brother He. Thank you so much this time. Please come and sit at home often in the future. The door of our Wang family will always be open to you!"

"You're too polite. I have a destiny with Mr. Wang. Let's communicate more when we have time!"

He Jincheng smiled and shook hands with Wang Jianxiang.

"Of course, I've been told by the old man that I'm not doing my job right now. I heard that you also started a company. If you have a chance, you can play with me!"

Wang Yiwei said with a smile.

"No problem, as long as you are not afraid of losing money, I don't care!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

Although Wang Yiwei is more playful and likes to meddle in other things, his ideas are often unexpected. If there is an opportunity, there is no problem in cooperating with him. Of course, He Jincheng will not cooperate with him too much. It is some non-main business.

(End of this chapter)

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