Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 419 Special Person, Future Queen Liu Feifei

Chapter 419 Special Person, Future Queen Liu Feifei
Like Wang Yiwei, a rich and powerful second-generation rich family, investment is often done on a whim, not because they have too many feelings, but because they think it is fun, and they quit when they get tired of playing.

In addition to developing clothing, He Jincheng will invest heavily in the pharmaceutical industry next.

The pharmaceutical industry requires a lot of investment and a long payback period, which is not something a rich kid like Wang Yiwei can handle.

While the two were talking, they came to room 666 on the sixth floor.

This room is the most luxurious suite except Wang Jianyun's.

"Brother He, people are inside, let's go in, don't be surprised then!"

Wang Yiwei blinked at He Jincheng with a smile, and then rang the doorbell.

He Jincheng is still at a loss up to now, who the hell is this, making it so mysterious?Know yourself?Impossible, there are only a few people I know, so it is impossible to have anything to do with Wang Jianyun.

If you can't figure it out, you just don't want to think about it. Anyway, they are all at the door, and the truth will be revealed later.

After the doorbell rang a few times, the door of the room was opened from the inside.

"Young Master Wang, hello!"

A very pleasant voice came from the room. After opening the door, a slender and handsome woman stood there, looking at Wang Yiwei and He Jincheng with a sweet smile.

He Jincheng was stunned for a moment, it turned out to be a woman, and she was a very agile woman with a good image and temperament.

This woman looked about sixteen or seventeen years old. She was wearing a purple sweater and jeans, with light makeup on her face. She had a very outstanding temperament. She was the most beautiful woman He Jincheng had ever seen. How should I say it? Like a big star.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng suddenly remembered something, looked at this woman again, and thought that she was Liu Feifei, the future singer!

He Jincheng used to like to listen to Liu Feifei's songs, they are so ethereal and moving that people can play them over and over again without getting bored.

However, He Jincheng in his previous life had no intention of chasing stars, and only focused on medicine. Otherwise, with his status and financial resources, he would not be able to see any big stars he wanted to see.

I didn't expect to see it so early today.

As soon as he changed his mind, He Jincheng understood what was going on.

My Qingmeng Clothing is developing the market everywhere. Every time I go to a place, I will invite local influential celebrities to participate in the opening activities, so as to build up the reputation of the store. Although the effect is good, it is limited to the local area.

Liu Feifei has just become famous now, and is hailed as the future star of domestic pop music.

This year, she also published covers of classic songs by overseas Chinese, which attracted widespread attention.

However, in 1987, she followed her neighbors and moved to Hong Kong Island, where she learned from a famous teacher and started her truly brilliant journey.

Even so, He Jincheng was still a little surprised. Although Liu Feifei's reputation is not so high now, if she is invited to speak for Qingmeng Clothing, the effect will definitely be extraordinary.

In this era, there are still relatively few celebrity endorsements, and Liu Feifei's image and temperament are more in line with the positioning of Qingmeng Clothing.

If Liu Feifei is asked to help promote the platform, it should be a big gift from Wang Lao to himself.

"Let me introduce, this is Ms. Liu Feifei, the queen of the music scene in the future, and this is Mr. Hua Tuo He Jincheng He, the world's genius doctor. Both of them are top figures in their respective fields. My little girl To be transparent, today I will act as a middleman for the two of you!"

Wang Yiwei introduced it with a smile.

"So it's Miss Liu Feifei. I've heard your song before. It's really nice. It's an honor to meet you!"

He Jincheng smiled and stretched out his hand.

Liu Feifei looked at He Jincheng, feeling a little surprised.

Ordinary young people, including Wang Yiwei, would be very surprised when they saw themselves for the first time, but He Jincheng was very calm, just like meeting an ordinary new friend.

And Wang Yiwei's introduction to He Jincheng surprised her even more. Hua Tuo, the genius doctor in the world, is so young, and he looks like three or four years older than himself. How can he use such a title?It's really unbelievable.

"Hi Mr. He, nice to meet you! Please come in, both of you!"

Liu Feifei also shook hands with He Jincheng very politely, and then smiled and invited them into the room.

The room is also a suite with two bedrooms and one living room. There are some flowers, vases and some tools on the coffee table in the living room. It seems that Liu Feifei was arranging flowers just now.

"Hey, Feifei, you're so excited. Is this the flower arrangement you learned last time? Yes, it's pretty good!"

Wang Yiwei said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm just starting to learn it too, it's quite interesting, it can make people calm down!"

Liu Feifei smiled lightly.

"Everyone sit down, don't be restrained!"

Wang Yiwei was also polite, and sat down first.

Liu Feifei waited for He Jincheng to sit down before she sat aside.

"Okay, then I'll get straight to the point, Feifei, you are considered a little famous now, and you may even become a big star in the future. We invited you this time, just to hope that we can match you and Brother He's company. Cooperation, Brother He, why don't you talk about it?"

Wang Yiwei laughed.

"No problem, Miss Liu..."

"Brother He, just call me Feifei just like Yiwei!"

"Okay, Feifei, the current main business of our He Group is clothing. In terms of publicity, we have always liked to cooperate with celebrities, but we haven't cooperated with celebrities nationwide. Since Mr. Wang provided this This opportunity, so I really hope to invite you to be the image spokesperson of our Qingmeng clothing, what do you think?"

He Jincheng nodded, without beating around the bush, and said bluntly.

"Image spokesperson? This term is quite new. Since I'm here, I naturally want to cooperate with Brother He. I wonder what conditions Brother He can give me?"

Liu Feifei asked with a smile.

"Some of the local celebrities we are working with now generally get paid between [-] and [-] for one appearance. If Feifei is willing to be the image spokesperson for our Qingmeng clothing, I can give you this amount!"

With that said, He Jincheng stretched out five fingers.

"fifty thousand?"

Liu Feifei frowned slightly. Although this amount was a lot of money to most people, it was not too attractive to her.

"50. At the same time, the price can be negotiated again every year. Of course, our sales performance must also be considered, but I can guarantee that 50 is the lowest price!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, then said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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