Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 42 Late Night Chapter House, Now Is Not the Time

Chapter 42 Go home late at night, now is not the time


A soft sound came from Mrs. Chen's stomach.

Her face flushed slightly, and she rubbed her belly in embarrassment.

"Are we just sitting here? I'm a little hungry!"

Madam Chen smiled awkwardly.

"Honey, are you okay? I'll book a restaurant right now, let's have dinner together!"

Chen Fasheng was overjoyed immediately, and quickly asked someone to arrange meals.

"Doctor He, you haven't eaten yet, let's go together, state-run restaurant, I treat you!"

With that said, Chen Fasheng pulled He Jincheng out.

Hao Changzhu drove people to the state-run hotel, and watched them walk in with envy.

How can I be a dignified officer, not as good as a little doctor like He Jincheng.

"Officer Hao helped a lot today, why don't you come together!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiao Hao offended Dr. He last time, let him drink a few more glasses today, and apologize to you!"

Chen Fasheng laughed, patted He Jincheng on the shoulder, and pulled him in together.

Hao Changzhu was taken aback for a moment, but then he was overjoyed.

Well, I can also have dinner with the leader, which shows that the leader has forgiven me.

For a while, Hao Changzhu was even more grateful to He Jincheng.

If it weren't for He Jincheng's casual words just now, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to move forward in my life.

But now with the support of the leaders, the future may not be counted, but if you want to go further, there is definitely no problem.

Everyone ate this meal very happily.

Mrs. Chen was just recovering from a serious illness, and even drank three small cups with He Jincheng, very bold.

Both He Jincheng and Chen Fasheng were drunk, and they had only met twice, and they were already like friends who had known each other for many years.

The meal didn't end until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Hao Changzhu didn't drink for this meal, and after sending Chen Fasheng and his wife home, he sent He Jincheng back to Lianhua Village alone.

When Chen Fasheng left, He Jincheng, who was originally drunk, regained his sobriety.

"Doctor He, are you not drunk?"

Hao Changzhu asked in surprise.

When he was eating just now, he could clearly see that He Jincheng drank two bottles of Daqu by himself, which was a full two catties. Most people drink two catties of baijiu, who can stand it.

In the end, He Jincheng acted like nothing happened in a blink of an eye.

"Two catties of white wine, how can I not get dizzy, but as a doctor, there are more or less tricks!"

He Jincheng waved his hand with a wry smile.

"Is there such a way? Doctor He, I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to disclose it!"

Hao Changzhu's eyes lit up.

It is common for them to drink alcohol in this kind of work.

Although Hao Changzhu's alcohol capacity is not bad, he can't bear to drink like this every day.

It would be great if there was a way to sober up quickly.

"It's also simple. I have some homemade anti-alcohol medicine here. Take one pill before drinking to ensure that you drink more. Within half an hour, you are guaranteed to sober up!"

He Jincheng was also very generous, since he chose to let the past go, he didn't have so much hostility towards Hao Changzhu.

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng took out three hangover pills from the medical box and put them by Hao Changzhu's hand.

"Thank you, Doctor He, with this hangover pill, I won't be afraid of drinking anymore!"

Hao Changzhu said excitedly.

These three hangover pills are not just hangover pills, but He Jincheng's attitude towards himself, showing that he has really let go of his previous suspicions.

"It's not something from before, so there's no need to be so thankful! As for me, I don't have any ambitions or temper. I just hope that you can become an upright cadre in the future!"

He Jincheng said earnestly.

"Okay brother, if I have a chance, I must go outside and have a look!"

Hao Changzhu laughed and said.

After driving for more than an hour, I came home.

After sending Hao Changzhu away, He Jincheng opened the courtyard door and walked into the house.

He saw that the kerosene lamp in the room was still on, presumably Ye Qingmeng was waiting for him to come back.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Ye Qingmeng's figure appeared in front of her eyes.

She rested her chin on one hand, and clutched a book in the other hand, her head was biting, and she was very sleepy.

He Jincheng stepped forward to hug Ye Qingmeng distressedly, and yelled softly.

"Qingmeng, go to bed and sleep!"

Ye Qingmeng opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw He Jincheng, she immediately smiled.

"You're back? I left you dinner!"

Saying that, Ye Qingmeng was about to stand up and warm up a meal for He Jincheng.

"Don't be too busy, I've already eaten, and I brought you something, let's eat tomorrow!"

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng and said softly.

"Don't be so late next time, I'm so worried!"

Ye Qingmeng raised her head, her expression was full of worry, and there was a bit of complaint in her voice.

He Jincheng didn't say much, and kissed him hard.

Ye Qingmeng's body shook slightly, but she didn't resist, allowing He Jincheng to wantonly invade her lips.

After more than ten minutes, the two woke up from their confusion. Ye Qingmeng blushed and entered the room, while He Jincheng went to take a shower before returning to the room.

With the fan sent by Xiao Jingran, the temperature in the room finally dropped a bit. Although it was still very hot, it was much better than the stuffy and hot situation before.

Tingting can now sleep soundly.

After taking a shower, He Jincheng went to bed with his arms around Ye Qingmeng and continued to do bad things.

"Okay, stop making trouble, wait a little longer, the child is still here!"

Ye Qingmeng said quickly.

After all, the child is sleeping next to her, so what if she wakes up.

He Jincheng could only nod resentfully, and gradually fell asleep with Ye Qingmeng in his arms.

In the morning, He Jincheng got up early, made breakfast, and practiced in the yard.

Not long after, Tingting ran out excitedly, and hugged He Jincheng's thigh, holding a chicken leg that He Jincheng brought back yesterday, with an excited expression on her face.

"Dad, we have chicken legs to eat. This chicken leg is delicious. Let me try it!"

Tingting held up the chicken leg and wanted to feed it to He Jincheng, but because she was too small, no matter how the little girl danced, she couldn't reach He Jincheng's mouth.

"Haha, Tingting is so good, she even knows how to give me chicken legs to eat. Dad ate it yesterday. This is specially reserved for Tingting. Tingting can eat it by herself!"

He Jincheng squatted down and said happily.

Now Tingting is getting more and more cheerful, and often takes the initiative to come to her.

In the previous life, Tingting had been very withdrawn since she was a child, and even suffered from autism and depression when she grew up.

All of this is his own fault.

How happy it is to be reborn and see my daughter grow up happily.

"Okay then, Tingting will make a lot of money in the future and buy a lot of delicious chicken drumsticks for mom and dad!"

Tingting shook the chicken leg and said very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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