Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 43 Gambling Chapter 45 Going to Chaoyang

Chapter 43 Gambling Chapter 45 Going to Chaoyang
He Jincheng's heart was full of happiness, he hugged Tingting and kissed her hard.

"Tingting is so good, Dad is waiting to eat the chicken legs you bought for me!"

Seeing He Jincheng and his daughter in such a harmonious and harmonious scene, Ye Qingmeng's eyes couldn't help getting moist.

This is a scene that she never dared to imagine in her dreams, but now it actually happened.

After eating, He Jincheng went to the medical clinic, while Ye Qingmeng was taking care of the children at home and preparing for the English speech contest.

There is only one month until school starts.

The English speech contest that Gu Rong'an asked Ye Qingmeng to participate in was held before the start of the school year. It needed to go to the county for the first round of auditions. If it was successful, it would need to go to the city or even the province to continue the competition.

If they can break through the county audition, they can give Pingyao Middle School some teaching resources.

Therefore, regardless of his own interests or the interests of the school, Ye Qingmeng attaches great importance to this competition.

She knew that her foundation was still poor, but with the help of He Jincheng, she made rapid progress.

Now as long as she has time, she will pick up English books and read, frantically expanding her English vocabulary reserve.

Of course, He Jincheng was very supportive of Ye Qingmeng's choice.

In the 80s, as the domestic economy communicated more frequently with foreign countries, English became more and more important and popular.

The weather was very hot, and in the Huanxin Medical Center, He Jincheng sat at the door to enjoy the cool.

In the morning, only one or two patients came to get medicine, so there was nothing to do.

"It seems that if you want your wife and children to live a good life, you need to work harder!"

He Jincheng thought in his heart.

In his first rebirth, he took fame and fortune very lightly, and the only thing he wanted to do was to let his wife and children live a good life.

It's just that if you want to live a good life, whether it's the past, the present or the future, you can't do without money.

Xiao Jingran gave him some shares in Pingyao Distillery, which will definitely bring him a lot of income in the future.

But for now, it's basically useless.

The thousands of dollars in his hand before were all invested in the Pingyao winery, but now he has no money on him, only Ye Qingmeng still has dozens of dollars in his hand.

"First of all, we need to take good care of the medicine field, and then find a rich man to see a doctor. It's okay to make some money. If you have money, you must first renovate the house. The current house is too wronged to live in. Wife and children Already!"

Thinking this way in his heart, He Jincheng got up and went to lie in the medicine field when he saw that no patients came.

There was a heavy rain two days ago, and the medicinal materials in the field are growing fairly well, and the first batch of medicinal materials will be harvested in a few months.

Although rhubarb is not very valuable, compared with crops such as wheat and corn, the value is still higher.

After strolling around the medicine field, He Jincheng returned home.

Ye Qingmeng was preparing lunch, while Tingting was counting ants lying on the corner of the wall. Seeing He Jincheng come back, she raised her arms to hug him.

After playing around with Tingting for a while, Ye Qingmeng's food is also ready.

After eating, He Jincheng told Ye Qingmeng about his plan to go to the city.

"Going to the city? For no reason, what are you going there for?"

Ye Qingmeng asked in surprise.

"Of course it's to make money. When you start school, Tingting will also go to preschool. This is somewhat inconvenient. We are still short of money!"

He Jincheng took a sip of Hu spicy soup and said with a smile.

"It's true, but it's not good for you to go alone!"

Ye Qingmeng was worried about He Jincheng's safety.

"Don't worry, the law and order is pretty good now. The higher-ups have started to crack down. Many hooligans blocking the road are not so arrogant, and I'm going to take the bus to go there, so I'm sure it will be fine."

With a warm heart, He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Then how many days are you going to go?"

Ye Qingmeng knew that he couldn't stop He Jincheng, so he had no choice but to ask.

"It will take three or four days at the earliest, and it may take a week if it is later!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.


Ye Qingmeng let out an oh, lowered his head to eat and said nothing more.

He Jincheng felt a little distressed, he knew that Ye Qingmeng was still worried about himself.

Moreover, I just ran out a few days after I got well, maybe I was worried that I would learn to be bad again.


He Jincheng grabbed Ye Qingmeng's hand and looked at her seriously.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't learn bad things, and I will go home as soon as possible, so that you won't worry about me!"

"Who is worried about you, you are a big man, can you still be abducted?"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look.

Even though he said so, Ye Qingmeng took the initiative to put his arms around He Jincheng when he was sleeping at night.

Even though the weather was very hot and she was sweating all over, she still didn't let go.

He Jincheng laughed all night, not knowing when he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng took two pieces of clothes and went out with a medical kit.

There is only one bus to the city, and you have to go to Pingyao Town to take the bus, and you will miss it if you are late.

Ye Qingmeng sent He Jincheng to the gate of the village, until his figure disappeared, and then returned home three steps at a time.

After walking for an hour, when He Jincheng arrived in the town, he happened to see the bus start.

He hurriedly got into the car, bought a ticket, and He Jincheng sat in the back row by the window.

After a while, the car started and rumbled towards Chaoyang City.

Chaoyang City is about two and a half hours' drive from Pingyao Town, plus buses stop and go to solicit passengers, generally speaking, it takes at least three and a half hours to reach the city.

An hour or so later, the bus was already full of people, but fortunately He Jincheng came early, otherwise they would have been crowded and standing, like sausages hanging on the railing.

The roads in the counties and towns below are not very well repaired, and they are rickety along the way, almost knocking out people's breakfast.

He Jincheng simply closed his eyes and rested.

The road under Gongyang Mountain is difficult to walk. Although it has been widened after several repairs, cars still need to be careful when driving on this road, otherwise they may fall to the nearby cliff at any time.

Suddenly, the car braked to a sudden stop. Those standing passengers couldn't react, and they all fell forward. Even the passengers who had seats bumped into the front seats, terrified. light.

For a while, the whole carriage was full of complaints.

"Everyone, don't resist. If you encounter someone blocking the way, just hand over your things obediently, and the other party will not hurt us!"

The driver yelled, and everyone in the car immediately fell silent.

He Jincheng was taken aback, okay, I told my wife before that the law and order is better now, but I didn't expect to encounter robbers just after I went out?

My own idea is too far-fetched!

(End of this chapter)

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