Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 44 Deceiving too much, He Jincheng fights

Chapter 44 Deceiving too much, He Jincheng fights
With a few bang bang bangs, the car door was smashed wildly.

The driver didn't dare to neglect, and quickly opened the door.

He has encountered this kind of thing many times, as long as he obediently follows the instructions of these robbers, there will generally be no problems.

Now the road ahead has been blocked, and it is impossible to reverse the car. Only by cooperating with the robbers can I save my life.

Four or five people with their faces covered came up aggressively, with shiny blades in their hands.

"You are not allowed to move, whoever moves me will kill me!"

The bandit headed by him was not tall, but his voice was loud and powerful, and he sounded like a ruthless man.

The passengers were silent, and some children cried out in fright, and their mouths were covered by their parents.

"Several big brothers, you must not do anything, I told them just now, you are all chivalrous people, only stealing money and not killing people, big guys, don't stand still, take out all the valuables on your body! "

The driver said quickly, and at the same time beckoned the passengers to start paying.

"Even if you are sensible, we are not evil people who do all kinds of evil. As long as you cooperate honestly, I guarantee that you will pass by soon!"

The little robber smiled with satisfaction.

Most people are more honest. Faced with this kind of thing, they can only spend money to eliminate disasters, and obediently take out the cash and food coupons on their bodies.

Some clever people hid some money secretly, but they were found by the robbers, and they were beaten violently when they were dragged out.

This time, everyone became honest and did not dare to play tricks anymore.

Sitting in front of He Jincheng was a mother and daughter. The girl was already asleep in her mother's arms. Even if the bandits came up, they did not wake up the little girl.

When He Jincheng got in the car and saw the parents, he could tell that the little girl was sick, and she should go to Chaoyang City to see a doctor.

Seeing the mother and daughter, both in tatters and poor peasants, He Jincheng thought to wait until the station and see if the mother was willing to see a doctor for her daughter himself.

I didn't expect to encounter a roadblock halfway.

"What are you doing, quickly take out all the money and valuables on your body, or I will kill you!"

When it was time to search for the mother and daughter, the robber said viciously.

The woman was terrified and hugged her daughter tightly.

"Brother, I have no money. I really have no money. My daughter is sick and I need to see a doctor for her. Please show kindness and let us go! I kneel down for you!"

The woman burst into tears, stood up and wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy for the robber, but because there were too many people, she couldn't kneel down at all.

"Damn, be kind, do you think we are kind people? Don't give me nonsense, don't blame me for being rude if you don't pay me!"

It is of course useless to beg for mercy from the robber.

These days, do good people become robbers?Not to mention the grand thieves in the novels who rob the rich and give to the poor, it is impossible to exist.

"I really have no money. My money is for my daughter's medical treatment. It's life-saving money. I beg you, brother, I really can't give it to you!"

The woman cried out anxiously, causing many people in the carriage to feel sympathetic, but no one dared to stand up and act bravely.

After all, the opponent is four or five gangsters with knives!
"Ma De, just now you said that you don't have any money, and now you say that the money is for the children's medical treatment. I don't care who you see the doctor for. If you don't pay, don't blame us for being rude!"

The little robber said he was going to grab the woman, but when he was about to catch the woman, he was caught by a calm and powerful hand.

"Cao, who is so meddling in other people's business, isn't he tired of working?"

The little robber suddenly became furious, his eyes were sharp, and he looked coldly at He Jincheng who made the attack.

"Brother, don't go too far in everything, it's not good to force people to death!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Originally, he thought that one thing more would be better than one thing less, but these robbers were a little too much, even the sick children were not spared, He Jincheng couldn't bear it anymore.

"What kind of thing are you? You want to fight against injustice, don't you? Don't even look at how much you weigh!"

As he said that, the robber made a sudden move, trying to break away from He Jincheng, but he didn't expect that He Jincheng's palm was so strong that he didn't break away all at once.

"court death!"

This robber was also fierce. Seeing that He Jincheng was not easy to mess with, he stabbed him with a knife in his other hand.


For a moment, the passengers in the car screamed, this is killing people!
He Jincheng blocked the bandit's wrist with a backhand, and then pulled down suddenly. The knife in the bandit's hand pierced his thigh.

The robber quickly backed away, and the knife in his hand fell off the ground, so as to avoid being hurt by his own knife.

"I rub it, I have encountered a hard stubble, brothers, let's go together!"

The robber exclaimed, and with a wave of his hand, four or five people rushed towards He Jincheng.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the passengers in the car screamed and fled out of the car. Only a few passengers sitting in the back, because they were afraid of not acting rashly, held their heads and dared not look.

He Jincheng stepped out of the seat, kicked one of the robbers with a kick, and knocked the people behind him to the ground.

"Damn, this idea is a bit tricky!"

The bandit leader cursed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he grabbed the little girl next to him, and put the knife on the little girl's neck.

"Move me again, kid, and I'll pierce her neck right away!"

"Don't, don't hurt my daughter, I beg you, catch me, don't catch my daughter!"

The girl's mother collapsed immediately, plopped down on her knees, and kowtowed to the robber begging for mercy.

"Hmph, don't blame me for being cruel, who told this kid to meddle in his own business, if you are to blame, blame that kid!"

The bandit leader said with a sneer.

The woman looked at He Jincheng with grief on her face, but she didn't mean to blame He Jincheng.

"Brother, I have money here, I will give it to you, please let my daughter go, I will give you all the money!"

She did not choose to betray He Jincheng, but took out all the money on her body, hoping to exchange for her daughter.

"Hehe, are you rich now? But it's too late, if I don't give you some ruthlessness today, you don't know how powerful I am!"

The bandit leader said with a sneer, and kicked the woman to the ground with one kick.

"Damn things!"

He Jincheng finally erupted, and after yelling angrily, he rushed towards the bandit leader at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

With a muffled bang, the bandit leader flew upside down again, screaming one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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