Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 45 He Jincheng was puzzled when he shot to save someone

Chapter 45 He Jincheng was puzzled when he shot to save someone
Several robbers were also red-eyed and fought with He Jincheng. As a result, within 3 minutes, these robbers were all cleaned up by He Jincheng.

When they saw the last robber lying on the ground screaming after being beaten by He Jincheng, the passengers were all dumbfounded.

what's the situation?The robbers who were bullying just now were cleaned up.

The key is still an unarmed person.

He Jincheng frowned slightly as he took the little girl.

The little girl was frightened by the cleaning up of these robbers just now, and her condition was also a little bit serious.

It seemed that he couldn't wait to go to the city to talk about it, and he had to be treated now.

"Thank you young man, you are such a good man!"

The woman stretched out her hand excitedly to take the child, but He Jincheng shook his head slightly with a gloomy expression.

"Sister, your daughter's illness can't be delayed any longer. If you believe me, I want to treat the child now!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

The woman panicked immediately when she heard the words.

She went out to Chaoyang City this time because she wanted to go to the hospital to find an expert to treat her child.

Unexpectedly, this brave young man said that his condition was serious.

" can I do this, little brother, can you really do it?"

The woman said hastily with tears in her eyes.

She was in a panic now and didn't even know what to do.

But He Jincheng looked too young, and he had doubts about his medical skills.

When the passengers saw that the robber was cleaned up, they all came back to their senses this time. They quickly put their money and other items back into the bag brought by the robber, and expressed their gratitude to He Jincheng.

"Please tie up everyone, Comrade Driver, let's go to the Security Bureau first!"

He Jincheng glanced at the robbers on the ground.

The passengers rushed up one by one, and quickly controlled the robbers.

He Jincheng looked at the woman again.

" try it, little brother, please make sure my daughter's life is safe!"

The woman was worried and afraid at the same time, she was afraid that her daughter's illness would not be treated in time, how would she survive if something happened to her.

"rest assured."

He Jincheng didn't delay, and after saying a word, he laid the little girl down on the seat in the last row.

Everyone was very cooperative, and quickly brought the robber under control, and then urged the driver to drive to Yichaoyang City.

The little girl's body had excess Yin Qi, and it was still increasing rapidly at an astonishing speed.

If this continues, the girl's life will soon be in danger, and she must be treated as soon as possible.

After everyone tied up the robber, they got out of the car and cleared the roadblocks in front of them. Some people watched He Jincheng treat the little girl with great interest.

He took out the silver needle and lifted off the little girl's clothes, revealing her thin belly.

The skin is dull and skinny, which is the main manifestation of excess Yin Qi.

He Jincheng looked distressed, but now was not the time to think about it. A needle was stuck in the lower part of the little girl's heart, and the little girl's life was suspended.

Immediately afterwards, he used Sanyin acupuncture to expel some of the cold air from the little girl's body.

He stretched out his hand to take a pulse, and found that the little girl's condition was better, and He Jincheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the situation is not as serious as I thought, otherwise, I will be at a loss for recovery.

"Little brother, how is my daughter?"

the woman asked anxiously.

"Hey, all right, the little girl is sitting up!"

Someone exclaimed, with a look of surprise on his face.

Everyone looked at it one after another, isn't it? The little girl, who was originally unconscious, sat up directly, looked around in a daze, and burst into tears immediately when she couldn't find her mother.

The woman hugged her daughter distressedly, and looked at He Jincheng with some hesitation.

Of course He Jincheng knew what this meant for a woman, but only using silver needles could only alleviate the girl's condition. If he wanted to completely cure the little girl, he had to take the corresponding traditional Chinese medicine.

"Sister, don't worry, the little girl's life is not in danger now. I'll give you another prescription. When you're in the city, go and get the medicine for the little girl. Drink it for three days, and you'll be cured!"

With that said, He Jincheng took out a pen and paper and wrote down the prescription.

The woman checked her daughter's condition and found that she was much better than before. She was very excited and took the prescription from He Jincheng. She thanked He Jincheng again and again, and almost knelt down to He Jincheng.

"Elder Sister, don't be too polite, I'm a doctor, I can't just leave the house alone!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Little brother, thank you so much, I only have such a little money on me, just accept it!"

The woman took out a handful of colorful banknotes, with some meat and food stamps inside.

The cash is about sixty, which is already a lot for an ordinary family.

"Eldest sister, you really don't have to be polite. I look very pleasing to the little girl. Of course I want to save her, but please remember that you must drink the prescription I prescribed for you on time."

He Jincheng declined again.

"Okay, okay, I remembered, when I get to the place, I will immediately decoct the medicine for her to drink!"

The woman nodded repeatedly. At this moment, she completely believed that He Jincheng was a doctor, and he was also a doctor with extremely high medical skills. Otherwise, how could this disease that almost made a woman collapse? What about curative effect?

He Jincheng really couldn't evade the woman, so he took a five-yuan bill from the pile of banknotes and regarded it as the consultation fee.

But the woman didn't want He Jincheng to take so little, so she just stuffed the food and meat tickets into He Jincheng's hands.

In desperation, He Jincheng had no choice but to accept it.

The car started slowly, obviously faster this time, probably because the driver was also afraid of encountering robbers again.

When we arrived in Chaoyang City, it was around eleven noon.

The security personnel at the station took the robbers away and arrested them.

After taking some notes, He Jincheng walked out of the Security Bureau. Feeling a little hungry, he decided to eat something.

Arriving at a nearby restaurant selling beef noodles, He Jincheng ordered a spicy beef noodle. He was about to eat it when he found the woman holding her daughter in the car.

Although the little girl woke up, she was still very weak.

The woman took the menu and read it over and over before ordering a green vegetable noodle.

And the woman didn't eat it yet, she just let her daughter eat it, while she looked at it with a bit of distress in her eyes.

He Jincheng was a little puzzled. Although women need money to see a doctor, they are not so tight. She still has some money.

(End of this chapter)

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