Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 46 A Family of Heroes, Li Xiangqian and Zhao Lan

Chapter 46 A Family of Heroes, Li Xiangqian and Zhao Qianlan

He Jincheng observed the mother and daughter while eating.

After they finished eating, they were almost done eating.

He Jincheng walked over and looked at the two with a smile.

"Sister, have you finished eating? Why do you just order one!"

Feeling that the voice was somewhat familiar, the woman raised her head and glanced at He Jincheng, then smiled.

"It's you, little brother, have you eaten? I'll order another one for you!"

As the woman said, she was about to ask someone to order another order of noodles.

He Jincheng waved his hand quickly, "Sister, don't be so busy, I've already eaten, so I'll just sit at the table next to you."

The woman looked at the bowl of noodles on the table, so she didn't insist.

"Little brother, thank you so much, my daughter's appetite has improved a lot now, you can see that this bowl of noodles has been eaten."

"By the way, little brother, what's your name? You are the benefactor of our mother and daughter. We will remember it forever."

He Jincheng smiled and said, "Sister, you are too polite. My name is He Jincheng, from Lianhua Village, Pingyao Town. You can just call me Xiaohe."

"Oh, Pingyao Town, I know, the ceramics there seem to be quite good. My name is Zhao Qianlan, and I'm from Hukou Town next door to you. My daughter Nini, Nini, quickly call her uncle!"

Zhao Qianlan said with a smile.

Nini was very well-behaved, looked up at He Jincheng, showed a sweet smile, and said hello to Uncle He.

"Nini, be good, this is a gift from your uncle, eat it quickly!"

He Jincheng rubbed Nini's head, handed a chicken leg he just wanted to Nini, and said gently.

Nini swallowed, it was obvious that she wanted to eat, but she didn't pick it up right away, but turned to look at her mother.

"Nini, uncle gave you this. Uncle is a good man. Thank you uncle!"

Zhao Qianlan said to Nini with a smile.

"Thank you uncle!"

Nini just took the chicken leg and started to eat anxiously.

"The child is so young, he still needs to supplement some nutrition. Sister Zhao, there is no need to see a doctor for Nini now, and you don't need to be so tight."

He Jincheng looked at Zhao Qianlan and said.

"Oh, I also want to give Nini a good life, but there is no way. My husband left home a year ago, and there is no sign of him until now. This time when I come to Chaoyang, besides seeing a doctor for Nini, I still want to find Find my man."

Zhao Qianlan said, her eyes were slightly red.

"I'm sorry, Sister Zhao, I've talked about your sore spot. I don't know what the name of the elder brother is. If I run into him in the future, I can tell him."

He Jincheng apologized somewhat.

"My man's name is Li Xiangqian. He used to be a soldier. He came out to make money a year ago, and then he disappeared. This dead ghost doesn't know where he went. He didn't even have a letter. He just left us mother and daughter so cruelly." ..."

As Zhao Qianlan spoke, tears welled up.

A woman, lonely and helpless, with a child by herself, and the man disappeared again. If it wasn't for some concerns, she might have committed suicide by throwing herself into a well long ago.

When Zhao Qianlan said that her man's name was Li Xiangqian, He Jincheng was shocked.

This name was very popular in the previous life.

A generation of soldier kings, in order to protect the country, perform missions on the border, and have not seen their wives and daughters for ten years.

When he returned to his hometown again, things had changed, and his wife and daughter were brutally killed by bullies.

Angry at the crown, Li Xiangqian killed his enemy, but he also committed a capital crime, and finally committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

This is a tragic story, everyone respects and respects, and at the same time makes people feel sorry and sad.

Unexpectedly, I would meet one of the protagonists of the story.

For a while, He Jincheng didn't know what to say.

"Sister-in-law, the body is the capital of the revolution, you can't go hungry!"

After a moment of silence, He Jincheng opened his mouth, and then ordered another dish of green vegetables.

"No, no, little brother, I'm not hungry, so don't spend any more money!"

Zhao Qianlan quickly waved her hands.

"Eldest sister, listen to me, you must eat this meal, because I know eldest brother!"

He Jincheng lied.

It's true that I know Li Xiangqian, but Li Xiangqian doesn't know himself.

"What? You know my man? How is he, where is he now?"

When Zhao Qianlan heard this, she immediately became excited.

This was the best news she had heard in a year, and she finally met someone who knew her man.

"Sister, don't get excited, eat first, and I'll tell you slowly!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll eat, I'll eat!"

Zhao Qianlan nodded again and again, so excited that she couldn't even hold her chopsticks.

She was really hungry too, and devoured the noodles. Zhao Qianlan looked at He Jincheng expectantly.

"Sister, I want to tell you that your man is an amazing person and a hero!"

He Jincheng said seriously.

Zhao Qianlan was stunned for a moment, and then a look of loneliness flashed across her face.

He Jincheng was deeply moved, what he said was still not quite right.

For the common people, the fighter who fights the enemy at the border is a hero, but for the hero's family, he is a complete loser.

It is unfortunate for a family that the children do not have the company of their father and the wife does not have a husband to rely on.

"I don't want him to be a hero, I just want him to come back and be with us!"

Zhao Qianlan was about to cry, covering her face with her hands, in great pain.

"Mom, don't cry, Nini will never say she's hungry again!"

Nini thought her mother was crying because she said she was hungry, so she quickly pulled Zhao Qianlan and said obediently.

Looking at the sensible Nini, Zhao Qianlan felt even more miserable, hugging the little girl and crying.

He Jincheng just sat on the side without speaking, and waited until Zhao Qianlan's mood calmed down before speaking.

"Sister, I know you are wronged, but Brother Li can't help himself! Don't worry, I will help you get in touch with him, but you must take care of your health and wait for him to come back! Even if it is not for yourself, Do you have to think about your child? Nini is so young and so sensible, she can't let her suffer!"

He Jincheng persuaded.

"Thank you little brother, I understand what you said, but our mother..."

Having said that, Zhao Qianlan began to cry again.

It took He Jincheng a while to figure out what was going on.

It turned out that because of Nini's illness, Zhao Qianlan sold the family house and transferred the land, and then pooled money to go to the city to see a doctor. Now they are homeless.

"Sister, can you see if this works? You find a place to live first, and I will find a way to accommodate you."

He Jincheng made up his mind to help Zhao Qianlan's mother and daughter, and he couldn't let the hero's family suffer such misfortune.

"How can this trouble you, I think you are alone, little brother, we can't implicate you!"

Zhao Qianlan hastily declined.

(End of this chapter)

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