Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 47 Visiting for medical treatment, 2 experts from Provincial Hospital

Chapter 47 Visiting for medical treatment, two experts from the provincial hospital
"It's not troublesome, you know, big sister, my medical skills are not bad, this time I'm here to treat a big man, it's really easy for me to make money! Give me a few days, and I will definitely treat you and Ni Settle down well, Ni'an, if you feel inappropriate then, it's okay to refuse!"

He Jincheng explained.

He was going to make some money first, and then help Zhao Qianlan start a small business. With a living, at least the mother and daughter would have a living security.

This is also the best way to help them.

Zhao Qianlan refused again and again, but He Jincheng persisted. In the end, Zhao Qianlan couldn't hold back He Jincheng and could only agree.

So, He Jincheng found a decent guest house and settled Zhao Qianlan and Nini down.

The next day, He Jincheng went out early in the morning with his medical kit, took a rickshaw, and arrived in front of a single-family villa on Erma Road, Chaoyang City.

Looking at this single-family villa, He Jincheng straightened his clothes, walked inside with a medical kit.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

As soon as he reached the door, He Jincheng was stopped by a security guard in uniform.

"Hi, I'm a doctor. I read in the newspaper that there are people in your house who are sick and looking for a doctor, so I'm here to see you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

A few days ago, he saw a notice of seeking medical treatment published in the newspaper, with a bonus of 5000 yuan, so he came here.

The owner of this detached villa, named He Qianzhang, was originally the director of a state-owned garment factory.

With the development of the private economy, He Qianzhang bought a small state-owned factory with the help of his personal connections a year ago, and carried out the private economy under the state-owned brand.

In this era, the development of the private economy is still relatively slow, and it is often necessary to borrow state-owned names to operate smoothly. He Qianzhang is the beneficiary of this group of private economies.

In just one year, he transformed from the director of a state-owned garment factory to the owner of Qianzhang Textile Factory, a well-known garment factory in Chaoyang. His net worth has increased sharply, reaching millions.

Even in the 90s, ten thousand yuan households are extremely rare, let alone millionaires.

It is conceivable that this He Qianzhang's ability is really impressive.

It's a pity that, while his career is booming, He Qianzhang's body is not very up to date.

For nearly a month, he didn't know what happened. Whenever he ate something, he felt like throwing up. In his eyes, any food was extremely ugly and hard to swallow.

Just like this, a month passed, and many doctors were invited to see, but nothing was found.

For a month, I barely ate something or supplemented with nutrient solution.

In this way, the whole person has lost a lot of weight, like a skinny skeleton.

Therefore, the He family published an advertisement, looking for a famous doctor to come and treat the disease.

He Jincheng saw this advertisement and came to Chaoyang City to take away the 5000 yuan bonus.

"Hi sir, thank you for coming to treat my master, but before that, I need to briefly confirm your medical skills!"

The security guard was more polite, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket as he spoke.

"Excuse me, sir, is it Chinese medicine or Western medicine?"

"I am a Chinese medicine doctor!"

He Jincheng replied.

The security guard handed the paper to He Jincheng.

"On this piece of paper, there are three medical cases, sir, please write some treatment methods!"

He Jincheng looked down, feeling a little speechless in his heart.

These three medical cases are not difficult, but this is the first time the He family has seen the verification method.

After a brief glance at the medical records above, He Jincheng gave the answer.

The security guard compared the answers prepared in advance and found that they were not bad at all. He immediately notified the housekeeper and asked him to come down to pick him up.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic hurried over.

When he saw that He Jincheng was so young, he immediately hesitated.

"Sir, are you here to treat my master?"

the butler asked hesitantly.

He wasn't sure that He Jincheng was the doctor who wanted to treat the old man.

"Yes, it's me!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and the aura of a master of traditional Chinese medicine was immediately revealed.

Seeing He Jincheng's extraordinary appearance, the butler didn't dare to underestimate him immediately, and hurriedly welcomed him in.

Following the housekeeper to the second floor of the villa, I saw that there were actually two doctors discussing the condition.

The two of them knew from their clothes that they were both Western medicine doctors.

"Doctor He, these two are experts in the Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition of the Provincial People's Hospital. Please sit here for a while, and I will report to the master!"

The butler led He Jincheng to sit on the sofa, and then hurried to the next room.

He Jincheng put the medical kit on the coffee table, sat down, and felt that someone was watching him. When he looked up, he saw these two experts in western medicine, looking at him with extremely strange eyes.

"Oh, I'm He Jincheng, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I don't know what to call you two?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The two looked at each other, and they were polite, and reported their family.

A slightly shorter and fatter man named Lu Ming is an expert in the gastroenterology department of the Provincial People's Hospital.

The well-proportioned and energetic man with glasses sitting opposite him was named Cheng Fei. He was also a doctor at the Provincial People's Hospital, but he mainly studied nutrition.

He Qianzhang can't eat anymore, and his body is extremely weak, so he really needs these two doctors.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, what do you two know about He Lao's condition?"

He Jincheng said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"I'm really ashamed, we haven't made any progress, why don't we discuss it together after Doctor He's pulse diagnosis?"

Lu Ming said with a smile.

"Yes, we checked the patient's condition, and everything is relatively normal, and he is still in a state of distress!"

Cheng Fei also nodded and said, with a look of shame on his face.

"Okay, I don't know the inspection report of you two, can you show me?"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"This... Doctor He, aren't you a Chinese medicine doctor? These inspection reports are all from our Western medicine doctor. Can you understand them?"

Cheng Fei asked in surprise.

"I have also studied some western medicine, but my main job is traditional Chinese medicine!"

He Jincheng said truthfully.

He also studied Western medicine before, but he didn't study it as deeply as Chinese medicine.

"Oh, let's see!"

Lu Ming groaned, but felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

That's all for Chinese medicine, but he is still such a young Chinese medicine doctor, and he also said that he has studied Western medicine, so he really plays the piano.

What is Mr. He's status? Isn't it too child's play to invite such a doctor over here?

He Jincheng took the inspection reports with a smile, then sat there and read them carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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