Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 48 The medicine of tiger and wolf, only one dose can cure the disease

Chapter 48 The medicine of tiger and wolf, only one dose can cure the disease
Facing the doubts of these people, He Jincheng didn't take it seriously at all.

Although he is only a young man in two lifetimes, his experience of more than 60 years in two lifetimes is especially comparable to these people.

"Thank you!"

He Jincheng smiled, picked up the inspection reports and checked them.

After a while, He Jincheng put down the inspection report in his hand, with a puzzled look on his brow.

"Doctor He, what do you see?"

Cheng Fei asked immediately, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone, he didn't think He Jincheng could really see anything.

He Jincheng thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I didn't see anything!"

As soon as these words came out, the two of them shook their heads incessantly, their faces showing that they really did.

"It's no wonder you can't see it. Mr. He's illness is indeed not easy to cure. We have also studied it for several days, and there is no clue at present!"

Cheng Fei said with a smile.

Lu Ming also nodded in agreement.

They studied for several days, but they couldn't find any effective treatment method. He Jincheng only looked at it for a few minutes. Could there be any good way?

At this time, the butler came out, looked at He Jincheng and nodded slightly at him.

"Doctor He, the master is awake, please go over and get a pulse!"

He Jincheng stood up and signaled the housekeeper to lead the way.

Lu Ming and Cheng Fei looked at each other and smiled, and continued to study the condition.

From their point of view, it doesn't matter whether He Jincheng goes to check his pulse or not, and they can't come up with a better way anyway.

This young man is actually here to be gilded, and he will definitely not be able to cure Mr. He.

He Jincheng followed the butler into He Lao's room.

As soon as he entered the room, he frowned slightly.

The air was filled with the strong smell of disinfectant, an old figure lying lifeless on the hospital bed, like a vegetable.

There is a monitoring device next to the bed, making a faint sound.

Just judging from the data displayed by the instrument, He Lao's situation is very bad, and he may be in danger at any time.

"How long has Mr. He been like this?"

He Jincheng asked in a low voice.

"It's been a month, and I can't eat anything every day, saying that the food is stinky."

The butler shook his head and sighed, and replied in a low voice.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then stepped forward and sat in front of Mr. He.

"Mr. He, He Jincheng is a Chinese medicine practitioner, please allow me to feel your pulse!"

His voice was very low, and he was afraid of startling Mr. He.

He Lao opened his eyes slightly, and after glancing at He Jincheng, he closed his eyes again and rested.

He Jincheng sat aside, stretched out his hand to give Mr. He a pulse, and slowly began to feel it.

After 3 minutes, He Jincheng withdrew his hand.

Already thinking about it in his heart, he nodded towards the housekeeper and motioned him to go out and talk about his illness.

As soon as they came out, Cheng Fei and Lu Ming showed mocking smiles.

"How about Xiao He, do you see what's coming?"

Cheng Fei asked with a smile, the address was also changed from Dr. He to Xiao He, obviously not taking He Jincheng seriously.

"Doctor Cheng, Doctor Lu, what conclusions do you have?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Oh, this disease is caused by stagnation of chest qi. I think the patient is so weak now because he has been unable to eat for a long time. The two of us discussed a treatment for disgust. There is a prescription. Can be relieved!"

Cheng Fei smiled lightly and spoke.

Lu Ming on the side nodded slightly. They discussed this prescription for a long time and discussed it with some famous doctors of Chinese and Western medicine before deciding on it.

This is a prescription for promoting luck and promoting blood flow. Presumably, even if it doesn't cure He Lao's condition, it can alleviate it to some extent.

"Please treat both of you as soon as possible!"

There was a look of joy on the butler's face.

Before, many people said that they could prescribe a prescription to alleviate the effect, but the final effect is generally not very good.

These two can also come up with a prescription, I think it shouldn't be too much difference.

Cheng Fei and Lu Ming nodded slightly, and Cheng Fei wrote a prescription.

He Jincheng just glanced at the prescription and laughed immediately.

This prescription contains some traditional Chinese medicines and some western medicines.

All of them are medicines to dredge stomach qi and ventilate, but for Mr. He, they are actually of no use. At most, after drinking the medicine, he will feel a little better.

It's like a patient has cancer, and the doctor prescribes painkillers to relieve the pain.

"Thank you!"

After receiving the prescription, the butler smiled politely and carefully accepted the prescription.

Then, the butler looked at He Jincheng again.

He Jincheng smiled lightly and said, "Actually, Mr. He's condition is not very serious!"

As soon as these words came out, the housekeeper's eyes lit up, while Cheng Fei and Lu Ming talked aloud, thinking that He Jincheng was clearly putting on airs, and there was no way he could come up with a better prescription than theirs.

Moreover, such a serious illness came to He Jincheng's mouth, but it turned out to be not very serious.

This kid is too good at bragging. When the two of us are here for such a long time to study and discuss the disease, is it really a bluff?

"It's really a big breath. The patient's breath is weak and messy. What medicine do you want to relieve?"

After hearing He Jincheng's words, Cheng Fei and Lu Ming immediately sneered and ridiculed.

"Doctor He, I don't know your prescription..."

"My prescription is very simple, [-] grams of rhubarb, one dose will work!"

He Jincheng stretched out a finger and said confidently.

Hearing this, Cheng Fei and Lu Ming immediately became angry.

"Nonsense, why did you deliberately prescribe such poison!"

Cheng Fei patted the table, pointed at He Jincheng and cursed angrily.

"It's really unreasonable. Now that the patient is extremely weak, you still prescribe such a strong medicine. This is to kill the patient!"

Lu Ming also said angrily.

The housekeeper was a little confused, he didn't know what the rhubarb was used for, but judging from the reactions of the two doctors, Cheng Fei and Lu Ming, it seemed that taking the medicine was not very safe.

Seeing the butler looking at him suspiciously, He Jincheng smiled and explained.

"Rhubarb is also known as a laxative, it can ventilate and defecate, and help digestion!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper's expression also became strange.

Now He Lao has not eaten for a long time, and he relies on the nutrient solution to maintain his vitality all day long.

Go take laxatives again?What is this going to bleed?
No wonder Cheng Fei and Lu Ming reacted so strongly, this medicine really can't be used.

"Hmph, rhubarb has strong medicinal properties. Generally, doctors prescribe only five or ten grams of medicine. You open your mouth and you get [-] grams. I don't think you are treating someone's disease, but the medicine is killing people!"

Cheng Fei snorted coldly, becoming more and more dissatisfied with He Jincheng.

At first, I thought he was very upset that he called himself a Chinese medicine doctor at a young age, but now it seems that he is a fake Chinese medicine doctor who is bluffing and deceiving!
(End of this chapter)

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