Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 49 Taking Medication Separately, Cheng Fei's Prescription Has No Effect

Chapter 49 Taking Medication Separately, Cheng Fei's Prescription Has No Effect
"I know you don't like each other, but it's not about who has better medical skills. You should use your medical skills to see the truth!"

The butler said lightly.

As long as he can be cured, he will be the benefactor of the He family.

But at present, He Jincheng, Cheng Fei or Lu Ming have not proposed any effective solutions.

"I'll come first, mere rhubarb, how can he be cured well, this is the prescription I came up with, and it will be effective after drinking one dose!"

Cheng Fei snorted coldly, and confidently took out a prescription.

Lu Ming did not speak, and stood aside to watch the play.

He knew the origin of the prescription in Cheng Fei's hand, and it was indeed unusual.

Before coming, Cheng Fei had obtained some information about Mr. He's condition through various channels.

Early on, he summoned many famous doctors, conducted consultations and summed up, and even invited his teacher to help, and finally drew up this prescription.

Today, he made a diagnosis and treatment himself, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this prescription, so he took it out directly.

As long as Mr. He drinks this medicine, his condition will definitely improve.

"Okay, I'll have someone test the medicine right away, Doctor He, what do you need here?"

The housekeeper nodded slightly, then looked at He Jincheng again.

He Jincheng smiled and took out a pack of rhubarb from the medical practice box, which was picked from his own medicine field.

"This rhubarb is unusual. I grow it myself. It can appetize and ventilate. I only need a casserole for decocting medicine."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Is that all?"

The key asked with some uncertainty.

"only these!"

He Jincheng nodded, very sure.

"Okay, please wait a little longer, I'll let someone prepare it!"

The butler nodded slightly, and then gave orders.

After about half an hour, Cheng Fei's medicine was ready and was brought up.

And in front of He Jincheng was a casserole with a small stove.

"Since Mr. Cheng Fei is so confident, let you come first!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, if you let me come first, I'm afraid you won't have a chance!"

Cheng Fei sneered, and then looked at the housekeeper.

The butler nodded, and then said: "At present, Mr. He hasn't eaten for a long time. He has been taking nutrient solution injections recently. As for the traditional Chinese medicine, he can't drink it. Mr. Cheng Fei, are you sure Mr. He can drink this medicine?"

"Can't drink Chinese medicine?"

Cheng Fei was startled, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

I used traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for this medicine, and the taste is a little hard to swallow.

If the patient can't even drink the medicine, what are you doing here for half a day?
"This medicine of mine has a bit of sourness in the bitterness, and it has the effect of appetizing and ventilating. I can guarantee that as long as the patient drinks it, it will definitely have an effect!"

Cheng Fei said so.

The housekeeper frowned, this Cheng Fei was really sloppy, he said just now that you must ensure that Mr. He can drink it down, but Cheng Fei said that after drinking it, there will be an effect, that is, there is no guarantee that he can drink it down .

"Then ask Dr. Cheng to try it!"

The housekeeper said indifferently, and then told the nurse to give He Lao medicine.

Cheng Fei was somewhat nervous. He was not worried that his medicine would not be effective. After all, it was the accumulation of the virtues and wisdom of several famous doctors, and it would definitely have some effect.

The only thing he's worried about now is that Mr. He won't be able to drink it down.

After thinking about it, Cheng Fei proposed adding some custard to the medicinal soup to reduce the bitterness and increase the aroma, which might help He Lao drink the medicinal soup.

The medicinal soup was brought in by the butler, and he needed to feed it himself.

In less than a minute, the butler came out with an empty bowl.

When Cheng Fei saw that the medicine bowl was empty, he was overjoyed.

"It seems that Mr. He likes my bowl of soup and medicine very much!"

Cheng Fei was overjoyed, now that Mr. He drank the medicinal soup, it would take only half an hour to have an effect, so he must have won now.

He glanced at He Jincheng triumphantly, his face was full of disdain.

The meaning seems to be saying, look, ginger is still old and hot, what is there to be proud of for a young man like you?
"Mr. He reluctantly took a sip of Mr. Cheng Fei's medicine just now..."

Cheng Fei was slightly taken aback, and took a sip reluctantly. Isn't this a big bowl of soup and medicine finished?
But why did the housekeeper say it was forced.

"Hmph, Mr. He took a sip and spit it out, followed by strong retching. Doctor Cheng Fei, is this a life-saving medicine or a murderous poison!"

The butler snorted coldly, and threw the medicine bowl on the ground, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The next moment, two men in black immediately stepped forward, one left and one right sandwiching Cheng Fei.

Looking at this posture, if Cheng Fei doesn't say why today, he shouldn't even think about leaving here.

"I...I'm not, it's impossible, this medicine is the crystallization of the wisdom of our several famous doctors, even if it doesn't work, it will definitely not have the opposite effect!"

Cheng Fei quickly explained, but the cold light in the housekeeper's eyes became more intense.

"The crystallization of the wisdom of several famous doctors, could it be that you have prepared this prescription a long time ago, and it has nothing to do with your pulse-taking just now?"

This sentence made Cheng Fei speechless.

If this matter gets out, his reputation will be completely ruined.

Just imagine, the prescription is ready before the patient is diagnosed. If such a thing is known to others, how will others see such a doctor?

"I don't have one, Mr. Steward, this prescription was researched by several of our experts, and it's just suitable for Mr. He's illness, so I took it out and used it!"

Cheng Fei blushed and said bravely.

"Hmph, I don't have time to tell you this now. Your prescription has failed, so I asked Dr. He to help!"

The butler snorted coldly, then looked at He Jincheng with a gentle expression.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, picked up the rhubarb that had been specially inspected by the housekeeper, and started to cook the rhubarb.

After the rhubarb boiled for three times, He Jincheng poured out a bowl after the medicinal soup turned completely yellow, and handed it to the butler to take away.

"I believe Mr. He will definitely like to drink it!"

He Jincheng smiled.

"hope so!"

The butler nodded slightly, without saying anything, picked up the rhubarb soup himself, turned and walked into the room.

Cheng Fei, who was controlled by the two security guards, was still a little lost. He never thought that his prescription would be of no use at all.

"He Jincheng, although I didn't succeed, it doesn't mean that you must succeed. Now Mr. He can't eat anything, let alone use rhubarb! Even if he can drink it, his body can't bear it, and he will definitely die. Something happened!"

Cheng Fei was a little bit broken, even if he didn't cure Mr. He, he would never lose to He Jincheng, a young boy.

(End of this chapter)

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