Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 50 Two people bet against each other, Mr. He walked out by himself

Chapter 50 Two people bet against each other, Mr. He walked out by himself
The butler returned to the house with the medicinal soup.

In the hall, only He Jincheng, Cheng Fei, Lu Ming and two security guards were left.

"He Jincheng, don't be complacent, I believe the housekeeper will come out soon, shorter than mine!"

Cheng Fei sneered and said that he looked down on He Jincheng from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Ming on the side really couldn't understand the current situation, the best choice was to keep silent, so as not to get angry.

As for He Jincheng, he didn't even look at Cheng Fei.

Healing the sick and saving lives is the job of a doctor.

It doesn't matter whether the medical skills are high or low, after all, it is impossible to require everyone to be a genius doctor.

But if the medical skills are not good, and you don't know how to learn humbly, then there is something wrong with this person's medical ethics.

Dr. Cheng Fei is such a person.

I thought I had some achievements, and no matter what disease I saw, I felt that I would definitely be able to cure it.

What's even more speechless is that he can't see that others are better than his medical skills.

Therefore, He Jincheng would not take this kind of person seriously.

Seeing that He Jincheng didn't speak, Cheng Fei thought he was afraid, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"He Jincheng, you have only studied medicine for a few years, and you dare to come out to treat people's diseases. Rhubarb is a medicine for tigers and wolves. With Mr. He's current physical condition, once you drink it, something unexpected will happen, and you will be in bad luck. Bar!"

Facing Cheng Fei's repeated provocations, He Jincheng became a little impatient, and gave Cheng Fei a cold look.

"Doctor Cheng Fei, how about we make a bet?"

"Okay, how do you say you bet?"

Cheng Fei said without hesitation.

He was thinking about how to teach He Jincheng a lesson, but he didn't expect him to send it to his door.

"If my medicine can't cure Mr. He, I will let you handle it. If you ask for money, I will give you the money. If you ask me to kneel down and apologize, I will immediately kneel down, but if my medicine can cure Mr. He... "

"If your medicine cures Mr. He, I will also kneel down and apologize to you!"

Cheng Fei said immediately.

This kid really doesn't know how to live or die, he dares to make such a bet with himself.

I can't guarantee anything else, but as long as this rhubarb is drunk, Mr. He will definitely suffer from diarrhea.

How could such a weak body withstand such tossing?Therefore, He Jincheng is doomed.

"That's not necessary. After all, it's not affordable at all. How about this? If I win, you will give me 1000 yuan and bow to me to apologize, how about it?"

As the chief physician of the People's Hospital, this Cheng Fei's salary is definitely not low, plus the red envelopes secretly stuffed by the patients' families on weekdays, his net worth is definitely not cheap.

Therefore, 1000 yuan is quite a lot for He Jincheng, but it is definitely not too much for Cheng Fei.

"Okay, I promise you! Wait a minute, I'll let you crawl out of here!"

Cheng Fei gritted his teeth and said.

He Jincheng completely angered him today.

Lu Ming on the side saw the performance of both of them.

To be honest, he knows Cheng Fei better, after all, he has worked together for many years.

But He Jincheng, a young man, always has a confident aura about him, which makes him completely unable to see through.

This kind of confidence cannot be faked.

But how did he have such confidence?Could this rhubarb really cure He Lao's illness?
I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!

Lu Ming secretly sighed in his heart, he should just sit and watch the show honestly.

As time passed, there was still no movement in He Lao's room.

10 minutes, two 10 minutes...

After waiting for half an hour, there was a sudden exclamation from inside.

"Quick, quickly help the master to the bathroom..."

Cheng Fei, who was a little disheartened at first, suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard this.

"Hahaha, He Jincheng, you are finished, Mr. He has started to have diarrhea, let me see how you end up!"

This was the moment he was waiting for. His medicine was just bad, so Mr. He couldn't drink it, but He Jincheng's medicine had a high possibility of killing Mr. He.

It is clear at a glance which is good and which is bad.

Next, I just need to use some antidiarrheal medicine, improve my previous prescription, and persuade Mr. He to keep drinking it, then I will be the one to cure this disease.

The 5000 yuan bonus, the fame earned from the treatment, and the favor of the He family will all be hers.

What kind of thing is He Jincheng?

At this moment, the housekeeper came out with a gloomy expression, looking at He Jincheng coldly.

"Doctor He, you said that nothing will happen!"

From his tone, it seemed that he could feel a little bit of chill.

"Of course, if you don't have any reaction after taking rhubarb, it's unless you've used fake medicine! Don't worry, as long as the old man can discharge some filth, he will get better immediately!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, not worried at all.

"What if it doesn't get better?"

Cheng Fei asked immediately.

"Doctor Cheng Fei, we seem to have made a bet before!"

He Jincheng didn't even look at Cheng Fei.

"Doctor He, I warn you, if something happens to the master, you will definitely not be able to get out of here today!"

The butler gave a warning coldly, gestured to the security guard with his eyes, and asked the two to look at He Jincheng, and then hurried into Mr. He's room.

He Jincheng was leisurely, drinking tea with a relaxed expression.

After another ten minutes, there was a sound of footsteps in the room.

"Hahaha, He Jincheng, you're done, you'll know right away that the He family is not a place where you can run amok!"

Cheng Fei said with a grim face.

The door opened, and a slightly stooped figure came out.

Except for He Jincheng, everyone was stunned.

Because the person who walked out first was not the butler, but the gray-haired old He.

The butler was behind He Lao, raising his hands from time to time, as if he was afraid that He Lao would fall down as he walked, the expression on his face was both pleasantly surprised and worried.

Cheng Fei was dumbfounded.

When He Jincheng boiled the medicine just now, he witnessed the whole process.

100 grams of rhubarb is not a penny.

This kind of dose, even if a young and strong adult drinks it, it will take a day and a night.

Mr. He is over 60 now, how could he be fine after drinking such a large dose.

It doesn't matter if it's okay, why does Mr. He still look in good spirits, it doesn't look like he just suffered a serious illness at all.

How is this possible?Now Mr. He shouldn't be diarrhea in the bathroom, right?Why did you come out in good condition?
"Which one is Dr. He?"

He Lao smiled and said, his eyes swept over He Jincheng and the others.

"Master, this is Dr. He Jincheng!"

The butler hurriedly walked to He Jincheng and introduced him respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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