Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 51 Fulfilling the Bet, Mr. He Treats He Jincheng to a Banquet

Chapter 51 Fulfilling the Bet, Mr. He Treats He Jincheng to a Banquet
"Haha, it really is a hero born a boy. When I first heard about the use of rhubarb, I was still a little confused, but my old bones have reached this point, so I took the risk to try it. I didn't expect that the effect of the medicine would be immediate!"

He Lao laughed and walked in front of He Jincheng, holding He Jincheng's hand tightly with his big hand, and shook it vigorously a few times.

"Mr. He is in good health, but there is something wrong with the breath in his body. Stomach qi rises and resists his appetite, so he can't swallow food. Rhubarb sounds like a medicine for tigers and wolves, but throughout the ages, there are many cases of using rhubarb to treat diseases. , I have never heard of any accidents due to this, so this rhubarb seems dangerous, but in fact it is not dangerous at all!"

He Jincheng smiled, and briefly explained the rationale for his medication.

Hearing this, Elder He couldn't stop nodding.

"Yes, yes, young people like to take risks, and they are not eager for quick success. I think Dr. He is really a national talent, or he is not much better than the contemporary national genius doctors. He is really my benefactor!"

"He is too polite, it is my honor to be able to cure you!"

He Jincheng said politely.

Facing a character like He Lao, one still needs to be humble.

"Mr. He, Dr. He and Dr. Cheng had a bet just now, look..."

The butler is somewhat panicked now.

Before, I questioned He Jincheng, and almost made people control He Jincheng.

Now that the old man has been cured and approved by the old man, if He Jincheng mentions his dissatisfaction with him, his impression on the old man's side will definitely be greatly reduced.

You know, being a housekeeper in the He family, the salary is very good, six figures a year, no one wants to just throw it away.

"Oh, there is such a thing? Who wins now?"

Elder He asked curiously.

In fact, he knew without asking, that the two must have bet on their illness.

Now that I'm fine, it's obvious that He Jincheng won!

"Doctor Cheng, you can fulfill your promise now!"

The butler looked at Cheng Fei indifferently.

This Cheng Fei is still an expert, with such a small temper, compared with He Jincheng, he is far worse.

"I... I am willing to gamble and admit defeat!"

There is no reason for Cheng Fei to justify now, Mr. He is standing here well, even if he is not cured, he is more than half healed.

Even if I have ten mouths, I can't say anything.

"Thank you, 1000 yuan as a gift!"

He Jincheng stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Now is the time when I am short of money, so of course I will not be polite.

"I...I don't have so much money now..."

Cheng Fei dug out all his pockets, only found 220 yuan, his old face turned red immediately.

Seeing this, Lu Ming at the side hurriedly helped to collect some, and in the end there was only 600 yuan.

"Don't worry, I won't cheat, I'll write you an IOU now!"

Although Cheng Fei was petite, his gambling was not bad, and he immediately picked up a pen to write the IOU.

"No need, Dr. Cheng was also invited by us, and the rest of the money will be paid by our He family!"

Elder He waved his hand. After all, he was the invited doctor, and he couldn't embarrass him too much.

"Mr. He is so generous! Then forget it, 600 yuan is enough, and I don't want the rest!"

He Jincheng smiled and put away the 600 yuan.

Cheng Fei blushed, unable to say a word, immediately took his things, and hurriedly left He's house with Lu Ming.

"Hahaha, Dr. He, I'm very hungry now, let's have some light food together!"

He Lao laughed, and pulled He Jincheng to let him eat with him.

He Jincheng couldn't refuse, so he just sat down with Mr. He.

After a while, a servant brought up the meals. There were fish and meat, and most of them were meat dishes. Such a meal might be equivalent to a month's ration for an ordinary peasant family of three.

He sighed secretly in his heart that the life of a rich man is unimaginable, so He Jincheng ate it unceremoniously.

Mr. He ate very boldly, and he didn't shy away from having guests at all. While eating happily, he chatted with He Jincheng at the same time.

"Doctor He, you saved the old man's life, do you know what I can do for the old man to repay you? I, He Dazhang, know how to repay my kindness, so you must let me repay you well!"

"Mr. He, don't just talk about Dr. He. You are about the same age as my grandfather. If you don't dislike my humble status, you can call me doctor Xiao He!"

He Jincheng waved his hands and smiled wryly.

"Hahaha, okay, then I won't be polite, Xiao He, tell me, what do you want?"

He Lao laughed and said happily.

In fact, Elder He was so enthusiastic about He Jincheng, not only because He Jincheng cured his illness, but also because he liked He Jincheng's medical skills.

A bowl of rhubarb soup cured a disease that so many doctors were helpless.

Such a genius doctor must take the initiative to make friends with a powerful family like them.

After all, who knows if someone will get sick again next time. With this miracle doctor around, there is no need to worry about physical problems.

Of course, the premise is to have a good relationship with He Jincheng.

"Actually, my first goal is for the bonus! I'm not afraid of you, Mr. He, making fun of me if I say it. I came from a poor village, and my family is not very well-off, so..."

He Jincheng said with some embarrassment.

"Haha, that's easy to handle. I'll ask someone to give you a bonus. Rhubarb cured my inability to eat. The lion is amazing. I decided to give you double the bonus!"

He Lao laughed loudly, appreciating He Jincheng's straightforwardness.

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed, and sent twice as many, so he made a full 1 yuan for treating He Dazhang this time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that people who can become ten thousand households in this era are rare.

"This is what it should be. If you need help with anything, Xiao He, just say so!"

He Lao's eyesight is so vicious, just glanced at He Jincheng's reaction, and found that he must still have something to say.

"To be honest, I do have another request!"

He Jincheng thought about it, and told the old man about his temporary plan.

"Just say it!"

He Lao waved his hand and said proudly.

"It's like this. Our Lianhua Village is a poor village. I recently planted some rhubarb. I wanted to produce some results first, give the villagers a reference and visit, and finally lead them to grow Chinese medicinal materials together, so as to become well-off, so... "

When He Jincheng said this, he looked at Mr. He again.

"Xiao He, don't be so polite with me. If you want sales channels or technical support, this is what I'm good at!"

Elder He said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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