Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 52 Acquisition matters, I will open a shop and you will take care of it

Chapter 52 Acquisition matters, I will open a shop and you will take care of it

"Mr. He is indeed a straightforward person. Since this is the case, I will not say those polite words. I want Mr. He to help purchase the Chinese herbal medicines in our Lianhua Village. However, we don't grow many Chinese herbal medicines there at present, and large quantities of purchases still need to be done. Wait until next year, I wonder if Mr. He is willing to help?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Haha, Xiao He, you have already said that. How can I shirk it, old man? I want all the medicinal materials you have this year. It just so happens that we also have some pharmacy business, which just happens to be useful!"

Mr. He laughed loudly, without any hesitation, he agreed.

"Then I will thank Mr. He first. With Mr. He's help, I believe that our Lianhua Village will soon be able to get rid of poverty and become rich!"

He Jincheng is very grateful to Mr. He. With his promise, the medicinal materials business in Lianhua Village will definitely be good in the future.

"Okay, I don't need to say these polite words. How about it? Why don't you come to Chaoyang to develop? Now that the national economic policy is getting looser, some business opportunities have made my old bones a little interested. If you come here , we can definitely do a big job!"

Mr. He can see that He Jincheng is not only good at medicine, but also seems to be good at business.

Now, as the relevant policies become more and more loose, many businesses that could not be done or were difficult to do before can now be involved.

If He Jincheng can come to help, Mr. He is absolutely willing to give He Jincheng a piece of the pie.

"Thank you Mr. He for your kindness, but I'm not a business person, so I don't want to get involved, just be a doctor of peace!"

He Jincheng had no intention of doing business at all.

The last time I helped Xiao Jingran buy the Pingyao Winery, it was just to help Xiao Jingran.

As for this time, it was incidental.

There are also several families in the village who planted Chinese herbal medicines with me, like Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun next door, because they believed in themselves, they should have planted rhubarb.

If there is no market, I will really feel sorry for others.

"Hehe, I can see it too. You don't seem like a person who is greedy for wealth and honor. That's fine. It's not bad to be a genius doctor. Old man, my life depends entirely on you, a genius doctor. Maybe I will return to you in the future It's time to ask for your help!"

He Lao said very openly.

"Then I hope I don't need to help Mr. He again in the future!"

He Jincheng also made a joke.

The two chatted very happily and hit it off right away, but one day they became friends.

In the evening, Mr. He insisted on keeping He Jincheng at home, but He Jincheng declined.

At the guest house, Zhao Qianlan and Nini haven't made any arrangements yet.

Now that I have decided to help them, it is not a problem to always hang them in the guest house.

In the end, Mr. He gave He Jincheng a bonus of 5000 yuan as promised, which was supposed to be [-] yuan, but He Jincheng refused to accept it.

"Well, three days later, I will send someone to your Lianhua Village to buy medicinal materials. The price will be calculated according to the market price, and none of us will suffer!"

He Lao said with a smile.

He Jincheng also nodded in agreement. If friendship and business were mixed together, there might not be any good results for both.

Therefore, everything is done according to the rules, so that it can last for a long time.

After leaving He's house, He Jincheng went straight back to the guest house.

It's eight or nine o'clock now, and I don't know if Zhao Qianlan and Nini have slept together.

When I came to the door and knocked on the door, I heard a questioning voice from inside.


"Sister, it's me, He Jincheng!"

"Here we come, wait a moment!"

After seven or eight minutes, Zhao Qianlan opened the door with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry bro, I just fell asleep!"

When He Jincheng saw Zhao Qianlan's expression, he knew that she must have not eaten again.

This woman is really too stubborn. If she can not eat, she must not eat a bite. She is really hungry, so she only eats a few mouthfuls of steamed buns and drinks some water.

It's no wonder that in the previous life, Zhao Qianlan passed away before Li Xiangqian came back.

"Big sister, people are like iron and rice is steel. If you always don't eat like this, how can you marry and find big brother?"

He Jincheng said helplessly, and took out a few sesame seed cakes that he had prepared earlier from behind.

It was when he came back that he bought it on the side of the road, and he was worried that Zhao Qianlan hadn't eaten.

"No, no, I'm not hungry!"

Zhao Qianlan waved her hands quickly.

"Sister, you still treat me as an outsider, I'm going to be angry!"

He Jincheng's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Zhao Qianlan had no choice but to accept the biscuits.

"Come in and say, stop standing!"

Zhao Qianlan hurriedly asked He Jincheng to come in, and poured water for him.

He Jincheng opened the door, walked in, and sat on a chair.

"Sister, I know you don't want to accept favors from others for no reason, so I've been thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds. First of all, I want to know what you will do."

He Jincheng asked with a smile, and asked Zhao Qianlan to eat some sesame seed pads quickly.

"What would I..."

Zhao Qianlan took a bite of the biscuit, chewed it slowly, and pondered.

"I can farm, cook, sew clothes, and know a few words, but not much, and the others seem to be gone."

He Jincheng nodded, and asked again: "How about your sewing skills?"

"It should be okay. The clothes I make in our village are not bad. Everyone likes to ask me to make them. My clothes and Nini's are all made by myself."

Zhao Qianlan thought for a while and said.

"That's really good. If I open a tailor shop here and let you take care of it, do you think you can do it?"

He Jincheng said.

"Tailor shop? I can't do this, I can only make homemade clothes, and no one in this city wants to wear them..."

Zhao Qianlan waved her hands again and again, she couldn't even think about a tailor shop.

"Don't refuse. Here are some of my clothes designs. You can see if you can make them. If you can, tell me tomorrow. I really want to open a tailor shop. I need your help!"

He Jincheng took out a few sheets of paper, on which he drew sketches based on the clothing styles that would be popular in this era in his previous life.

After all, I have never studied it, and I am not so professional.

In the sketch, there are only approximate models, zipper accessories, etc., and the specific size, He Jincheng doesn't quite understand.

Zhao Qianlan really understands this area quite well, her eyes lit up as soon as she got the sketch.

She seemed to see the ready-made clothes, and she just felt that it was novel and fun, and she was a little moved right away.

It's just that he is really not very confident about his tailoring skills, so he dare not agree to He Jincheng.

"Okay, big sister, take a look today and call me back tomorrow, anyway, I have quite confidence in you!"

Seeing that Zhao Qianlan hesitated, He Jincheng did not urge her. After putting down the sketch, he went back to his room to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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