Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 53 Arranged properly, gift from wife and daughter

Chapter 53 Arranged properly, gift from wife and daughter

After a busy day, He Jincheng also felt very tired.

After taking a shower, I climbed into bed and fell asleep shortly after.

When I woke up the next morning, my spirits recovered a lot.

Calling Zhao Qianlan and Nini to the bun shop next door to have breakfast, He Jincheng asked Zhao Qianlan again what he thought.

Zhao Qianlan shook her lips, as if she had made up her mind and finally agreed.

"That's right, I'm going to find a shop today and see if I can sell it directly!"

He Jincheng was very happy.

His purpose of opening this tailor shop is very simple, just to find a place for Zhao Qianlan and Nini.

At that time, the name of the shop will be changed to Qianlan Tailor Shop. When Li Xiangqian returns, it will be easier to find their mother and daughter.

As for whether the tailor shop would lose money, He Jincheng didn't think too much about it.

I believe that with Zhao Qianlan's intelligence and unyielding spirit, it shouldn't be too bad.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely help you take care of the shop. If it really doesn't work, I will also compensate you for the loss!"

Zhao Qianlan said seriously.

He Jincheng wanted to say that he didn't think about making money at all, but also thought about Zhao Qianlan's character, so he didn't say anything at all.

After breakfast, He Jincheng went out alone to find a suitable shop.

Finally, at the end of a street, I saw a tailor shop with an ordinary business. Everything was ready-made, and there were even some fabrics in stock.

The owner of the store is a young girl. Because the business of the store is not good, she really can't hold on, so she wants to sell it.

He Jincheng discussed the price with the girl, and finally decided to buy the shop at 3000 yuan.

In this day and age, even in a city like Chaoyang City, house prices are very cheap. The 3000 yuan is considered a high price for a tailor shop with a poor business.

Both parties completed all the formalities on the same day.

After everything was done, He Jincheng asked someone to redo the door and changed it to Qianlan Tailor Shop.

When Zhao Qianlan came to this tailor shop with Nini in her arms, she was a little dazed, feeling that everything was like a dream.

"Sister, this tailor shop has two floors. On the first floor, you can work normally. On the second floor, you can live. Although it is not very big, it should be enough!"

He Jincheng smiled and introduced this shop to Zhao Qianlan.

"Enough is enough, it would be nice for both of us to have a place to stay, let alone such a big shop!"

Zhao Qianlan's eyes were reddish, and she had the urge to cry.

"Everything here is ready-made, including a sewing machine and some fabrics. I'll hire someone to help you. You will be the shopkeeper of this tailor shop from now on. So, from now on, you can Don't worry about yourself anymore, only if you are in good health can you start a tailor shop and keep me from losing money!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, thank you so much brother!"

Zhao Qianlan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said gratefully.

Looking at this tailor shop, she was indescribably moved.

I have really met a good person. I must work hard in the future to repay my benefactor's great kindness.

In the afternoon, He Jincheng brought a young girl.

The little girl's name is Hehua, and she lives on this street. She used to work in a garment factory and learned some tailoring skills, but she was forced to lay off because of layoffs in the factory.

It happened that He Jincheng was holding a sign to recruit people on the side of the road. After inquiring, he found out that it was a shop on the street, so he followed He Jincheng.

After confirming that it was all true, He Hua agreed to work in the tailor shop. He Jincheng paid her ten yuan a month. Although it was not much, it was much better than doing nothing.

As for Zhao Qianlan, He Jincheng promised her to take the share of the shop, and the two of them would split the bill, He Jincheng seven and Zhao Qianlan three.

Originally, Zhao Qianlan didn't want it, she said that she could have a place to live, and she had already listened to it if she wasn't hungry.

He Jincheng really couldn't hold back, so he agreed.

"Sister, I'm going back to Pingyao tomorrow, so this shop still needs your troubles, and you definitely don't take advantage of me if you take [-]%."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, I can't always say no to you, don't worry, I will take care of it for you!"

Zhao Qianlan said helplessly.

She also knew that He Jincheng opened this tailor shop purely to help her.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he must make this tailor shop flourish, so as to be worthy of He Jincheng's kindness.

He stayed in the hostel for another night. Before leaving, He Jincheng left Zhao Qianlan 500 yuan for daily expenses and store operations, and then bought a ticket to go home.

On a trip, I earned 6000 yuan, spent 100 yuan on the shop, and spent almost 400 yuan in these three days, leaving [-] yuan in the end.

Overall, this trip is worth the money.

When he got home, he planned to use the funds at hand to contract some land and expand the planting area of ​​medicinal materials. When the medicinal materials in the second season matured, he would have a very considerable income.

The bus was bumpy all the way, but luckily this time, there were no robbers on the way, and we returned to Pingyao very smoothly.

After leaving home for three days, He Jincheng missed his wife and children every day, and couldn't wait for the bus, so he walked home directly.

"Tingting, Dad is back!"

As soon as he entered the house, He Jincheng shouted.

"Papa Papa is back!"

When Tingting heard He Jincheng's voice, she happily ran out of the house and opened her arms for He Jincheng to hug.

"Daddy hug, Tingting misses dad so much!"

He Jincheng picked up his daughter and circled in the air, making the little girl giggle.

Ye Qingmeng also came out, with a smile on her face, watching the father and daughter making a fuss.

"Tingting, guess what gift Dad brought you?"

He Jincheng put Tingting down and said mysteriously.

"Is it candy? Tingting likes candy the most!"

Tingting opened her eyes wide and said excitedly.

"You guessed it right, but besides the candy, there is also a little butterfly!"

He Jincheng rubbed Tingting's little head, and then took out a pack of candies and a very delicate butterfly hairpin from his bag.

"Wow, Dad is so kind, Tingting likes candy, Tingting likes little butterflies!"

Tingting jumped up happily, holding a butterfly card to show off to Ye Qingmeng.

"Mom, I have a little butterfly, but you don't!"

"Who said mom is gone?"

He Jincheng walked to Ye Qingmeng's side with a smile, and took out a carved jade hairpin from his bag.

He bought it for Ye Qingmeng for 50 yuan.

Seeing the jade hairpin, Ye Qingmeng was stunned for a moment, and then her moved eyes became moist.

After so many years, this was the first time I received a gift from He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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