Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 54 Newly built house, rhubarb is harvesting season

Chapter 54 Newly built house, rhubarb is harvesting season
"Like it?"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Qingmeng and said softly.

"I like it, please help me put it on!"

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and said.

With a warm heart, He Jincheng personally put on the jade hairpin for his wife.

Ye Qingmeng, who was originally unadorned, suddenly gained another level of temperament after wearing the jade hairpin.

It seems that no matter how beautiful a woman is, she needs to be groomed.

"Honey, you are so beautiful, I will buy you more jewelry and cosmetics in the future!"

He Jincheng held Ye Qingmeng in his arms and said with a smile.

"Why spend that money, we don't have much money now, let's save it!"

Ye Qingmeng still had the thought of saving what can be saved in his bones, shaking his head and saying.

"Don't worry, with me here, don't worry about money! This time I went out to see a doctor, and I made some money. I want to rebuild our house first!"

He Jincheng said.

"Ah, it costs a lot of money to build a house! Even an earthen house would cost thousands of dollars!"

Ye Qingmeng was startled, and said in disbelief.

"What kind of earthen house do you want to build? If you want to build it, you can build a brick house or a small two-story building. I have calculated that it is only about 3000 yuan. I still have about 2000 yuan on me now. I will borrow some more tomorrow, and it will be enough." Already!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"3000 yuan, no, no, it's too expensive, and you can't waste it like this if you have money!"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head again and again, but she was still unwilling.

3000 yuan, this is simply astronomical figure for her.

"Honey, every time I see you and Tingting huddled together in that hut, my heart aches. Believe me, money matters are nothing. Listen to me and build a house!"

He Jincheng said seriously.


Seeing He Jincheng's sincere expression, Ye Qingmeng had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, if you want to build it, then we will build it. At worst, I will work and pay back the money together!"

This is the biggest decision she has made in her life. After she finished speaking, she still felt a little distressed.

3000 yuan, how much work does it take to earn it.

Aunt Liu has some tailoring work, but I can do some by myself, but because I have Tingting with me, the progress of the work is relatively slow. After a busy day, I only earn a few cents. Compared with 3000 yuan, it is a year of the monkey. Only then can you earn it.

"You, just read the book honestly, and just leave the rest to me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Dad, is my butterfly beautiful?"

Tingting ran around several times with her butterfly hairpin, and now she ran back to find He Jincheng.

"Looks good, my Tingting is the prettiest, as long as Tingting is good, Dad will buy you more butterflies in the future, okay?"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting and said dotingly.

"Okay, okay, Tingting must be very good, Tingting wants a lot of butterflies!"

Tingting shouted happily.

After breakfast the next day, He Jincheng went to Qianwang Village to find Xiao Jingran.

This was his first visit to Xiao Jingran's office in Qianwang Village.

The place where Xiao Jingran lives is a yard built by himself, which is also a brick house, plus a kitchen shed, a total of six rooms, which are not only used for daily life, but also for office.

"Brother Xiao, your house is not bad. I happen to want to build a house too. Would you like to introduce me?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Haha, then you have found the right person. I will cover this matter with me. I guarantee that the cover will look good and strong for you!"

Xiao Jingran laughed loudly, put his arms around He Jincheng's shoulders, and was about to drag him to drink.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Xiao, but I am a little tight and I have almost a thousand dollars. I wonder if Brother Xiao can help me a little bit?"

"You kid, what are you talking about? I'll give you 1000 yuan to use first. If it's not enough, then ask me for it. If you don't pay it back, it doesn't matter!"

Xiao Jingran agreed without hesitation.

For Xiao Jingran, being able to win the Pingyao Winery has opened up a very critical path.

The lotus wine suddenly became a state-owned product. That kid Ye Chunlin really had a hand. He even sold the lotus wine to the only state-run restaurant in Pingyao Town, and it was said that the feedback was very good. The restaurant scared another hundred bottles orders.

So, Xiao Jingran went back to the village these days, and asked this place to specialize in the production of some puree of lotus wine, so as not to supply it later.

"Then there is no problem! But this money, I will pay you back soon!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

I had a meal with Xiao Jingran and talked about the future development direction of Pingyao Distillery. During the period, He Jincheng also put forward some ideas of his own, which got Xiao Jingran's approval.

If all goes well, I believe it won't take long for Pingyao Distillery to generate profits.

In the next few days, He Jincheng contacted workers to build the house.

The old house had to be demolished. He Jincheng sent his wife and children to his mother-in-law's house for a period of time, while he lived in the hospital.

The workers arrived one after another, and He Jincheng drew a blueprint based on the memory of his previous life. Although he was not very professional, there were professionals on the workers' side, and He Jincheng paid 100 yuan to specially invite them.

With the help of this knowledgeable person, new construction drawings will come out soon.

Then the workers began to work one after another, pushing to the old house, drawing lines to lay the foundation, and laying steel bars on the wall...

A process was carried out in an orderly manner, and He Jincheng would come over to check on the progress if he had nothing to do.

During this period, the medicinal materials in the medicine field had finally reached the harvest time. He Jincheng took Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun to collect the medicinal materials together. At the same time, he contacted He Lao's people, and the other party said that he would drive over to buy them tomorrow. .

Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun were very happy when they heard that someone would come to collect them tomorrow.

According to what He Jincheng said, one mu of rhubarb can produce 90 catties, and a catty can be sold for [-] cents, which is [-] yuan.

Aunt Liu planted three acres, and Aunt Chun planted four acres, so they could earn 360 and [-] yuan respectively.

For a poor village like Lianhua Village, this is definitely not a small amount.

To know the current prices, a catty of wheat is only worth four cents, and one mu of land is calculated as 24 catties of wheat, which is only 72 yuan, 96 yuan for three mu, and [-] yuan for four mu, which is pitifully small.

Now that all the rhubarb has been harvested, it is placed on the field, waiting for Mr. He's people to come and buy it.

"Xiao He, why hasn't the person you contacted come here? I'm really anxious. Is it true that you said thirty cents a catty?"

Aunt Liu was quite impatient, and she asked him several times, which made He Jincheng dumbfounded.

It's no wonder Mrs. Liu was anxious, after all, it was the first time for them to do this, and of course they couldn't sit still when they thought of making so much money.

(End of this chapter)

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