Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 55 The rhubarb harvest, the villagers want to plant it one after another

Chapter 55 The rhubarb harvest, the villagers want to plant it one after another
"Aunt Liu, don't worry, they said we'll arrive at 01:30 pm, so it's only [-]:[-]!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"If I can really sell for so much money this time, I will let my second uncle grow it. This rhubarb saves time and effort, and it is much easier to take care of than crops. Xiaohe, you have a bright mind. Take your aunt and aunt Got rich!"

Aunt Chun said with a smile, her face flushed with excitement.

The three of them waited at the head of the field. When it was almost two o'clock, the truck came slowly as soon as the light came on.

After the truck stopped, the two jumped out of the car and headed straight for He Jincheng.

"Hello, you are Doctor He!"

At the head, a fat middle-aged man stretched out his hand towards He Jincheng with a smile.

While shaking hands, they also looked at He Jincheng in surprise.

My dear, this amazing doctor of traditional Chinese medicine passed down in the He family is so young.

"Hi, I'm He Jincheng. These two are the people who grow rhubarb in our village. We are together!"

He Jincheng introduced himself, and then introduced Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun to this person.

"Hello, I'm Liu Hao, the purchasing manager of the County Youth Medicine Store. We are a state-owned Chinese medicine store. Mr. He said hello to us, but before that, we still need to do a test on your rhubarb. After all, this The price is also based on the quality of the medicinal materials!"

Liu Hao explained, and then introduced the people around him, "This is the inspector of our pharmacy, don't worry, the inspection process is very fast, and it won't take too much time for you!"

After all, it was introduced by Mr. He's relationship, and Liu Hao would not deliberately make things difficult for He Jincheng, but this normal test still needs to be carried out.

Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun were both happy and worried.

The good news is that He Jincheng really called people over to buy the rhubarb. The worry is that if the quality of the rhubarb is not good, the price will be very low!

"Okay, then I'll trouble you all. Our rhubarb is definitely of good quality, or even better. I hope Brother Liu can give you a good price!"

While talking, He Jincheng took out a cigarette of unity. The unity cigarettes of this era are considered to be of good grade.

Liu Haoxin said that Dr. He really knows how to be a human being, and because of Mr. He's relationship, even if he puts on a superior posture, he still has to work honestly.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng is not only unassuming, but also very down-to-earth, he is an interesting person.

"Don't worry, I trust Dr. He, our price will never be lower!"

After lighting a cigarette and taking a puff, Liu Hao said with a smile.

The inspectors came to the opposite side of the medicinal materials and began to conduct random inspections.

Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun were not at ease, so they followed the inspectors.

He Jincheng moved a Maza for Liu Hao, and the two sat down and chatted.

"Brother Liu, I don't know if I guessed wrong. I wonder if someone in Brother Liu's family has been sick recently?"

To say that what He Jincheng is best at is naturally medical skills.

Therefore, as a professional habit, He Jincheng likes to judge people by their complexion first.

When I saw Liu Hao for the first time just now, I found that his complexion was not very good.

But Liu Hao's body, apart from being a little overtired, is fine, so there is a high probability that something happened to his family.

As for why it was speculated that someone in his family was sick, it was because he smelled a medicine on Liu Hao's body.

"Ah, Doctor He, how do you know this?"

Liu Hao was greatly surprised.

In the past, I heard that there are Chinese medicine practitioners with excellent medical skills who can diagnose diseases by looking at Qi, and the accuracy rate is extremely high.

He Jincheng is a little too amazing, not only looking at Qi to diagnose diseases, but also diagnosing diseases in his own family members.

"I see Brother Liu, your attention is often distracted, and you are preoccupied, coupled with the smell of medicine on your body, that's why I speculated that someone in your family is sick, Brother Liu!"

He Jincheng explained briefly, but in fact, it is definitely not that simple. Even if ordinary people know the principle, they have never seen what it is, let alone discerned it.

"So, to be honest, my wife has been sick recently, and she always talks to herself, and she walks around like sleepwalking in broad daylight. She has seen several doctors and taken a lot of medicine, but None of it worked."

Liu Hao said quickly.

He suddenly remembered that He Jincheng was the miraculous doctor who cured Mr. He, didn't he just meet him?
My wife's illness is hopefully cured!

"It's hard to say now, so let's go. I'm going to the county seat tomorrow. I'll show my sister-in-law a closer look at that time, but I think it's true from the information I've received from you!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

For a short time recently, I must have been cooperating with Liu Hao. If the relationship is better, it will be easier to do things in the future.

After a while, the test report came out, for the superior.

"Yes, according to the superior's price, I can give you thirty-five cents, which is also the highest price by this standard!"

After Liu Hao calculated, he brought the result in front of He Jincheng.

After He Jincheng read some main content and found that there was no problem, he started the delivery.

Aunt Liu's three mu of land can be sold for 216 yuan per mu, and 648 yuan for three mu of land, which is not too high.

"Thank you so much, I will visit Brother Liu tomorrow!"

He Jincheng smiled and roped off, left contact information with Liu Hao, and agreed to go to the county town for a drink tomorrow.

After paying the bill, Liu Hao packed the goods and returned to the county seat.

Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun couldn't close their mouths when they saw the colorful banknotes.

"Xiao He, you are really capable. From now on, my aunt will grow medicinal materials with you. This is too profitable!"

Aunt Liu kept laughing happily.

"Isn't it? I've earned so much in just one season, and I can plant another season this year! If this continues, my family will be able to build a new house next year!"

Aunt Chun also said with a smile.

When the whole village heard that He Jincheng wanted to plant medicinal materials, they were not optimistic about it. Only the two of them were optimistic.

Now it's finally the harvest season and they have made a lot of money. Both of them are very happy and show off everywhere in the village.

As a result, the next day, many people came to He Jincheng, saying that they also wanted to grow medicinal materials with He Jincheng.

Naturally, He Jincheng would not refuse this situation.

His purpose of planting medicinal materials is to help the villagers get rid of poverty.

It's just that no one believed in him before, but now that the big truck left with the medicinal materials, most people saw it, and everyone finally believed that planting medicinal materials was more profitable, so they came to He Jincheng one after another.

"It's easy to grow medicinal herbs, but I have one condition!"

He Jincheng looked at the dozen or so villagers in front of him and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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