Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 56 Disagreement, He Jincheng went to the city to see a doctor

Chapter 56 Disagreement, He Jincheng went to the city to see a doctor
Hearing what He Jincheng said, the villagers showed hesitation on their faces.

"He Jincheng, what's the matter with you? When you took Aunt Liu to plant with Aunt Chun, you never heard of any conditions!"

Someone made an opinion,

He Jincheng took a look and found that it was Wang Ergou, an old bachelor in the village.

This guy is two or three years older than He Jincheng. He idles around all day and doesn't do anything serious, but he hasn't done anything excessive. In short, he is a decent idler.

Seeing that He Jincheng made money growing rhubarb with Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun, he also wanted to make a wave of it.

"Yeah, Jincheng, we are all from the same village, so what are the conditions?"

The villagers also agreed one after another, feeling that He Jincheng was not kind.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing, let's hear what Jincheng's conditions are!"

Village head He Baofu stood up and presided over the situation.

As the village head, this is the time to play a role.

It is a good thing to get the village out of poverty and become rich, but if the people are not in harmony, it will become a bad thing.

"My condition is very simple. If you want to grow medicinal materials, you need to get seeds or seedlings from me. I will provide you with technical guidance and help you grow medicinal materials. If you don't want to, then do it yourself!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

What he did was not just for himself.

Not everyone can grow Chinese herbal medicine. In addition to related technologies, there are many market factors.

The fields in Lianhua Village are about 500 mu, and there is still a lot of wasteland that has not been reclaimed. If all of them are reclaimed, He Jincheng estimates that there will be at least 1000 mu.

If the thousand acres of land were all planted with rhubarb, the amount of rhubarb would be too much, and the price would drop, which would definitely be detrimental to the villagers.

Therefore, what kind of medicinal materials to plant, how to plant them, how to control the quantity, etc., all need to be checked by He Jincheng.

The villagers didn't understand these things, and even if He Jincheng explained them, it would be very troublesome.

So He Jincheng simply controlled it directly from the source. In this case, it was a good thing for himself and the villagers.

"Ah, He Jincheng, you're choking our lifeline. If one day you're unhappy and don't give us seeds and medicines, don't we have to beg you! This is impossible!"

Wang Ergou immediately became unhappy.

"I did this for everyone's benefit. Please rest assured that the price I will give you for seeds and medicine seedlings will never be higher than the normal market price. The village committee can supervise me on this point."

He Jincheng can only give such a guarantee.

With so many people planting together, I can't help in vain.

"That's not okay. You are a typical capitalist. Our country does not develop this. If you dare to do this, I will report you!"

Wang Ergou said coldly.

"That's right, we don't agree either!"

Many villagers echoed Wang Ergou.

"If you don't want to, then don't plant it. Xiao He is also for everyone's benefit, so he is willing to lead everyone to get rich together. You don't even want to pay for the seeds and seedlings. Are you empty-handed white wolves?"

When Aunt Chun saw that everyone besieged He Jincheng, she immediately became unhappy.

She doesn't care about others, but He Jincheng made money with her, so she must be on He Jincheng's side.

"That's right, Jincheng has said that the price will not be higher than the normal market price. Where do you buy it? What's more, they also provide free technical support. You are not willing to do this. Just grow it yourself and see who of you can bear it." Big, grow it yourself and sell it, so that no one will take advantage of your penny!"

Aunt Liu also stood up and supported Jincheng.

"Hmph, isn't it just to grow rhubarb? What's so great about it? We don't know anything else. Farming is the best. Anyone of you who wants to follow He Jincheng can go, anyway, I don't play!"

Wang Ergou snorted coldly and left angrily.

He's not stupid, if he really agrees to take the seeds from He Jincheng's side, he will definitely be restricted everywhere in the future, and this kid will make more than half of the money by then.

In the end, some people chose to work with He Jincheng, some people followed Wang Ergou to prepare to do it alone, and the rest of the villagers felt that the cultivation of medicinal materials was unreliable, so they did not choose to participate.

In the end, there were almost [-] households who were willing to work with He Jincheng. After a simple calculation, it was about [-] mu of land.

He Jincheng applied to the village chief to build a collectively-owned medicinal material planting unit in Lianhua Village. In this way, if the village came forward and made a record with the above, it would have a certain collective component and avoid a lot of trouble.

The village head also felt that He Jincheng's method was good, and decided to follow suit, so the process of this matter progressed very quickly.

The name of this unit is decided to be the Lianhua Village Medicinal Materials Cooperative, which is jointly owned by [-] families participating in the plantation.

As for the seeds and medicine seedlings, He Jincheng was going to buy from Liu Hao, and he happened to go to the county tomorrow to see Liu Hao's wife, which could be considered as a way to stabilize their friendship.

When he got home, He Jincheng told Ye Qingmeng about the medicinal materials association.

For this matter, Ye Qingmeng was very supportive. After all, even the village head participated, so there must be no problem.

The next day, He Jincheng took a bus from the town to the county seat.

When he arrived at the place, he called Liu Hao, and after waiting for about 20 minutes, Liu Hao drove He Jincheng away in a Santana.

"It seems that Brother Liu, your business is doing well, you even got a car!"

He Jincheng joked with a smile.

"Where, this is the company's car, how can I afford it! After all, brother, you are here, so I have to entertain you grandly. Let's go to the restaurant for dinner first. I have prepared two bottles of good wine. Let's have a good drink." A cup!"

Liu Hao said boldly.

"Brother Liu, stop messing around. I have to see my sister-in-law in the afternoon. You made me drunk. If you don't watch me well, I'll be hated to death by you!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, this Liu Hao was too impatient, he was about to drink when he first arrived.

"Uh, that's fine, let's drink again at night, we will definitely not get drunk!"

Liu Hao thought about it, and the most important thing now is his wife's strange disease.

So he turned the car around and drove home.

On the way, He Jincheng mentioned the matter of seeds and seedlings. For Liu Hao, this matter was just a piece of cake, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Don't worry, brother, whatever seeds and seedlings you want, I will prepare the best ones for you at the best price!"

Liu Hao patted his chest and promised.

"Then thank you Brother Liu, we will be able to cooperate for a long time in the future!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The two chatted all the way, and before they knew it, they came to Liu Hao's house.

(End of this chapter)

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