Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 430 Luxurious box, a new way to listen to poker

Chapter 430 Luxurious box, a new way to listen to poker
He Jincheng looked at the bald head and smiled.

"Why, don't you let people win money here, can you only lose money?"

His voice was loud and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In fact, He Jincheng won so much here, almost everyone in the casino noticed this side, and many people bet with He Jincheng and made a lot of money.

It's just that they are not as confident as He Jincheng and know how to restrain themselves, so they don't win a lot, and the casino doesn't bother.

After saying this, He Jincheng glanced around and found that no one stood up and said a few words for him.

After thinking about it for a while, He Jincheng understood that these people were also afraid of getting into trouble, and it was enough to make a small amount of money in a muffled voice. Could it be that they still had to fight against the boss here?
"Yeah, I won more than one hundred thousand, so I can't leave today?"

When everyone was silent, a voice suddenly sounded, and Du Fei came out of the crowd with a smile and took the money, and stood beside He Jincheng with a playful smile on his face.

"Hey, you are still amazing, I only won more than 8, it seems that I have to treat!"

Cheng Lu also came out with a smile, and the three stood together, looking at the bald head at the same time.

"The three of you are together. That's no wonder. They are all unfamiliar faces. It seems that they don't understand the rules of our side. Let's not delay other friends from playing. How about going to the box to chat?"

The bald head narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the three of He Jincheng, Du Feicheng and Lu.

He Jincheng looked at Du Fei and Cheng Lu, and seeing that they looked indifferent, he smiled and nodded towards the bald head.

"Okay, it's indeed a bit noisy here, let's go in and chat slowly!"

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, let's go in! The largest box, the Fugui Hall!"

The bald head clapped his hands and led the way with a smile. At the same time, there were seven or eight people following He Jincheng and the three of them. Obviously, even if He Jincheng and the others refused to agree, it would not be so easy to leave today.

The Fugui Hall in the casino is of course not a box like a restaurant, but a small casino with a large area and good decoration. It is relatively spacious inside, and there is a gambling table in the middle, and in front of the gaming table, a group of people have already sat. A man in his 30s wearing a white shirt.

"This one is the best croupier here. The three of you have won so much, so you probably want to keep winning. As long as you can win this one, you can take all the money you won today, and we don't Pump!"

The bald man pointed at the man in the shirt, with extreme confidence on his face.

"There are still such good things, how many games do we need to play?"

He Jincheng chuckled, if this game continues, it will be endless.

"This point depends on the boss's personal interests, I can do it!"

The man in the shirt answered the question.

He Jincheng thought for a while, then threw the bag full of money on the table.

"How about this, we're just a little hungry after playing so much, and we have to eat supper, so let's just be a little bit neater and win or lose, how about it?"

Du Fei and Cheng Lu didn't talk nonsense, and threw the money they won on the table, obviously agreeing with He Jincheng's statement.

"Have courage. It's been a long time since I met someone as powerful as your Excellency. What shall we play?"

A look of astonishment appeared on the face of the man in the shirt, but he quickly regained his composure and said with interest.

"I'm tired of listening to dice, mahjong, Pai Gow, etc. How about we play some fresh poker, remove the big and small kings, and let's listen to the cards?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Listen? What do you mean?"

The man in the shirt obviously had never heard of this kind of gameplay, and said with a slight frown.

"Listen to the cards. As the name suggests, it is to listen to the cards. Guess what the card is. One person wins and the money is taken away. How about it? Isn't it very simple?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"What if both guesses are wrong?"

The man in the shirt looked pale.

From the dice count, he can say that no one is better than himself, but from poker, he has never done it before, it is all cards, how could he hear it?

Don't talk about him, Du Fei and Cheng Lu are also stunned, what kind of game is this, I have never heard of it!
However, seeing He Jincheng's self-confidence, the two of them had nothing to worry about. Anyway, they would do whatever He Jincheng said, and they would fight at the end. They were the best at it.

"If you guess wrong, then continue until the winner is decided, but with your strength, I think we will have a winner soon!"

He Jincheng said playfully.

The bald man had never heard of this kind of game before, and walked to the man in the shirt with a frown, whispering something.

The complexion of the man in the shirt gradually became better, so he nodded with a smile.

"Okay, such an interesting gameplay, if you don't play it, it's really a pity!"

As soon as the words fell, the bald head immediately asked someone to take ten new decks of playing cards.

"These are new, do they need to be inspected?"

The bald head looked at He Jincheng.

"No need, let's start!"

He Jincheng nodded without doubting their intentions at all.

"Okay, I'll shuffle the cards, and you guess?"

Although the man in the shirt was asking He Jincheng, he had already started shuffling the cards.

It has to be said that this guy shuffles the cards in a very gorgeous way, and he definitely has two brushes.

After a fancy shuffling of the cards, the man in the shirt fanned out the cards on the table, and then pointed out a poker card with his finger, only a little exposed.

"That's it!"

The man in the shirt looked at He Jincheng with a smile and said.

"Okay, let me have a look, um, it's really difficult, it seems like a nine!"

After He Jincheng thought for a while, he said hesitantly.

The expression of the man in the shirt stiffened imperceptibly, but he recovered soon.

"You don't seem to have given the correct answer yet!"

He shuffled the cards himself, and he knew exactly where each card was.

Just as He Jincheng said, the card he clicked was exactly a nine.

However, just saying nine is not the final answer.

"Nine of Diamonds, please open it!"

He Jincheng spread his hands.

The expression of the man in the shirt changed suddenly, and he was shocked.

How is it possible, how did he guess right?
"you sure?"

The man in the shirt said in a deep voice.

"What nonsense, hurry up, are you afraid?"

Du Fei said unhappily.

"Yeah, what are you talking about, hurry up!"

Cheng Lu chuckled.

The bald man's face darkened slightly. Judging from the reaction of the man in the shirt, it was obvious that He Jincheng had guessed it right.

This is indeed a bit of a surprise. They prepared the poker, and even if there were tricks on it, they did it. It is absolutely impossible for He Jincheng to know.

(End of this chapter)

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